Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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FYI, I use a 6 point stop when trading the CAC, more than enough, if you have a system that works well.

Just a point , and I'm not looking for an arguement, on my thread, you said your stops are 3 - 7, now your saying their they are 5.

Just where a bit of confusion starts, as it appears inconsistent.

Happy trading

Hi Dinos

I dont count you as a hater

I have respect for you and you are welcome on thread any time- no problem

My stops are 3 to 7 pips on all FX pairs I trade to include the spread

The maximum I would allow is 7 pips

Most scalps are under 3 pips - most 70% trades are from 5 pips

I will after I get used to the changes get as specific and exact as possible etc


Good Trading


2 38 PM

Moving stop in profit on 30% stake down to 65 now

If I get stopped no problem - still 9 pips profit in that part
i honestly think 'they' get under your skin more! Most people don't spend enough time here to care much either way. You're the one who invests all of your time blogging, and thus are likely to get the most wound up! I think they're busy trading and come here for some comedy relief, lol

Well when i just kept blogging notes on my intraday trading - it was so boring

I dont mind providing entertainment and hopefully be of some use to many intermediate level FX traders

I like a laugh - but I love wind ups -so I am as bad as my dissers I suppose

2 46 pm

5140 - 46 is all support area

will it drop that far and line up for a scalp buy next

So far 5150 low - will exit 30% if we go over 56 I reckon - 18 pips on 30% then - not bad
My GU spread is 0 4 pip atm

Price currently 53 and 3 mins to new TW

To me 5150 seems to want to try and be a support now - but- too early to say still
Normally 2 30 pm to say 4 00 pm UK time should be peak FX trading time - with good movements

By this time of the day -though - I have had enough - unless its nice easy trend rallies etc

Going to have 15 min break to review a few other pairs etc

2 56 PM

Price now down at 1761

Under 1781 still a sell - BUT

2 51 pm was a scalp buy at 57 for scalpers


3 32pm

Over 30 mins from comments

Price now at 1777 after making 1783 - 25 pip up move - would have been a great scalp buy If I had caught it had 2 51 pm

Instead I entered in the next TW after 3 23 pm and by 3 31 pm exited

Above 1765/6 on pullbacks should be more scalp buys for now to test over 80 or just do a LH

For me 1755 to 65 is all good supports for now - so would need a test under 1750 and lower to be holding scalp sells on


Out at 4 00 pm - but will pop back later after 5 00 pm
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