Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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I never bother about candles or bars or even lines

I enter from time - LR's and PA - so whether its a middle of a candle or new one - as long as I see a move even half a pip or one pip on the direction I want then as long as i have all my other clues - then I will enter

I am so none traditional or not a text book trader - I use all the methods I discovered basically myself with the guidance of many others etc

I see....But if you do not look at the formations of candle what do you mean by PA?
GU Tick chart for scalp buys from start of 10 00 am UK Time Window

GU Tick chart with a buy for 12 pips



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    GU - 101214 - Tick chart scalps.png
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Price action from price - not from candles or bars or lines -ie 03 then 05 then 06 - then 04 then 07 - ie PA says higher

well.....if I had only a 5 pips SL on my 2 losing trades today I would have both 1:2 RR

I am thinking...can you smell the smoke?

well.....if I had only a 5 pips SL on my 2 losing trades today I would have both 1:2 RR

I am thinking...can you smell the smoke?


Remember I have well over 10k hours of watching live tick and one min charts and over 16 k of live trades behind me

Major Magnum who as followed my method as not done 2000 live trades and maybe not 2k hrs watching live charts.

When he gets another year under his belt - he will be better and when he gets another 3 yrs under his belt - he will be really good

Its all time and experience - 6 months or 2 years is just not enough experience in this game to see all the info you can gleam from a chart

In another 1 year you will be better than today - and then improve every 500 trades

The trick is getting there - most traders blow up or lose their will and account way before they are half way there

First priority - stay in the game - then every year - you should start to see the improvements and gains etc

Remember I have well over 10k hours of watching live tick and one min charts and over 16 k of live trades behind me

Major Magnum who as followed my method as not done 2000 live trades and maybe not 2k hrs watching live charts.

When he gets another year under his belt - he will be better and when he gets another 3 yrs under his belt - he will be really good

Its all time and experience - 6 months or 2 years is just not enough experience in this game to see all the info you can gleam from a chart

In another 1 year you will be better than today - and then improve every 500 trades

The trick is getting there - most traders blow up or lose their will and account way before they are half way there

First priority - stay in the game - then every year - you should start to see the improvements and gains etc


But MM is also very important....I was right 4 times but lost twice

From 9 51 am and 10 00 am it was a scalp buy and then dropped

Look on previous chart on where I put my down arrow - as that was a sell - and now from 10 51 am and 11 00 am - same again - GU became a scalp buy and as risen from 5650 area to 5681 for the half hr

Even in random ups and downs - there is an order ;-)
10 01 am


After a lovely manipulated move down - and then back up - the pair just cannot make over 2400 again for now

2395 -98 seems the interim R

Above there and 2405 - back to more scalp buys for another try up

Under 84 - 77 and 70 scalp sells for lower again

EU comment from over 90 mins ago

Under 84 was a sell and 77 - but we stopped at 71 - so no 70 sell for lower

11 00 am TW was the buy again - but so far move up only approx 14 pips - and back in middle of range at 2383
Just heard on news one of HSBC head of currency trading as been sacked - involved in rigging and manipulations - 1 down - about another 100 to get rid off I reckon lol
GU - 1 MIN LR Chart for AM session so far


Left vertical time bars in from 2 scalps on a tick chart


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    GU - 101214 - 1 MIN.png
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From 9 51 am and 10 00 am it was a scalp buy and then dropped

Look on previous chart on where I put my down arrow - as that was a sell - and now from 10 51 am and 11 00 am - same again - GU became a scalp buy and as risen from 5650 area to 5681 for the half hr

Even in random ups and downs - there is an order ;-)

Approx 30 mins from last comment on GU and in between posted a chart

Price carried on up above 80 and 81 - and I stayed in on 30% stakes and now we have made 5695 - and above 85 - still scalp bullish

Aas I type I exit stake at 86 as it looks as though its a scalp sell under 91 for now

12 09pm

Testing under 2375 and 70 now

this is the line in the sand area for the European session

Above 75 and 85 etc - favours a trip up into 2400 land

Under 70 and lower with 55 - 65 all supports

So really 50 pip range and we either need above 2400 - or under 2350 to really break out present area

well.....if I had only a 5 pips SL on my 2 losing trades today I would have both 1:2 RR

I am thinking...can you smell the smoke?

10 pips for 5...much easier..... Thanks F.......I think I can do this, I can have 60% winning trades a day with a 1:2 RR.

Over 10 pips per TP is not easy....made money today on this very difficult day....from tomorrow I will only trade EU....maybe after a while I will add another.....Done for the day. Ta


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10 pips for 5...much easier..... Thanks F.......I think I can do this, I can have 60% winning trades with a 1:2 RR.

Over 10 pips per TP is not easy....made money today on this very difficult day....from tomorrow I will only trade EU....maybe after a while I will add another.....Done for the day. Ta

Yes agree - not been an easy day with nice 2 -4 hr single rally moves etc etc

But some nice quick 10 -20 min moves after many TW's - especially the hour ones

It will be step by step and remember some days - any pair can be easy - then next day - the same pair can really be a mare - whilst ones you ignore - move nicely

I suggest you on watch 2 or 3 pairs max - and then chose the one that fits in with your set up the best for a trade etc

For me today first hour EJ was great

Last 2 hrs - not even traded it - as now not nice - whereas the GU as been good

See you tomorrow


Yes agree - not been an easy day with nice 2 -4 hr single rally moves etc etc

But some nice quick 10 -20 min moves after many TW's - especially the hour ones

It will be step by step and remember some days - any pair can be easy - then next day - the same pair can really be a mare - whilst ones you ignore - move nicely

I suggest you on watch 2 or 3 pairs max - and then chose the one that fits in with your set up the best for a trade etc

For me today first hour EJ was great

Last 2 hrs - not even traded it - as now not nice - whereas the GU as been good

See you tomorrow



The trades I lost all made 10 pips and 5 pips SL were all save protective stop, in a market like this 20 pips TP will just make you lose money, at least the way I trade, because I need to see a move before I move, and that will also make me enter a bit late.........

From tomorrow I will also monitor your TW and key times to see what happens.

I noticed most of the winning trades do fit into the TW but not in the key times, normally a couple minutes both side, the hour seem to work much better, I also had a few 14-15m pass.

Anyway we see...

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