Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Hi Guys

7 24 pm

Did not get back from trip out to well after 5 30 pm - so had tea and checking things out

I will explain how I use my 9 LR settings in more detail and thanks SW for passing on link for Nightflight

TRO was able to code the first 3 quick Lrs - the ones I use purely for scalp trades - that might last just 3 to 10 pips

It got complicated when he tried to code all 9 and for them to take into account the levels of each one - it is complex - it can be done - but I reckon would be very costly and take ages to do - because of the amount of work involved in a basically a complex discretionary system that depends on certain indicators - PA - trendlines - time - etc etc

It a nutshell the more LR's over price - the more price should fall to drop

The more LR's under price - the more price should rise and go up

So when you have all 9 LR's over or under - you are generally in a rally - to the next time window

The stronger time windows will always be on the hour - and extra strong at EO - London Open - US Open etc and also around red news times

For scalps 3 quick LR's under or over price will move price

However when you have say 4 or 5 LR's say under price - and 4 or 5 LR's over price - its a then a stand off - or a BTTZ - ie a tight range

Yes 6 or 7 or more over - more than likely price drops still - but the 3 quick ones can be stronger than the 6 longer setting ones

So imagine quick 3 - ideal for scalps - say 3 -10 pips

3 quick plus 3 medium ranges - then say 10 -30 pip moves

3 quick plus 3 medium and 3 long - then these moves are rallies that could go up 100 + pips - or stop after 10 pips if they hit a strong support or resistance and then see the 3 quick one go in opposite to the other 6

After time- you understand how they work and understand price structure - which is like PA plus time and S & R 's working all together

In reality - you can get say a 10 -20 pip scalp down in a strong bull bias structure with 5 or 6 longer term LR's still under price after it dropped 10 or 20 pips - and then price goes back up again

I know now MM understands LR structure more - and I think one or two other members are sussing it out and its make sense

For a live example lets look at the EU with price structure

For me - whilst we stay above 2396 then we have still HH's and HLs since the low at 5 th November at 2359 /60 area

Think about it last low - which was a HL at 2395 on Friday - last main high - 2578

So if we stay above 2396 and go above 2580+ still in up mode of HH's and HL's

My LR structure shows me this - and so I will favour scalp buys more than scalp sells - but all that would change if we go under 2394 or so

For now we need above 2468 and 75 to try say 2500 again - we might get to 2510 and then drop to 2430 - and then rise to 2550 - or we might drop now to 2420 and then turn and go straight up rest of week over 2600

90% of traders want to sell the EU down to 2200 or 2000 or lower

No problem - but it still might do even 3400 or more before it goes under 2000 - because price structure can change so much to allow it

Hope that explains it a bit more - remember I am only using LR's on 1 min chart for short term intraday

On a 30 min - it a different set up and then it a lot more swing trades etc - but its not so accurate - simply because there are more variable.

Time - and the longer frames give you more variables - meaning more alternatives and the chance top get it more wrong ;-(



I do not trade the way you do, but I am learning a lot from you. Thank you.

Is still ok for you me to post on your thread? Seems we both agree on levels.

How was your day today? Just to have an idea and only if you do not mind. Cheers.
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That's a brilliant recap you wrote, which clarifies many points. I do believe that while the thought of having guiding numbers (LRs) is helpful, no magic tool will help without a deep understanding of PA. Having said that, I would love to be able to follow you when you call the levels for scalping buy or scalping sell, or just stay out (BTTZ). I use a dedicated charting/feed tool (prorealtime, separate from my broker) and while the LR indicator is built-in, I am struggling to find a match between any of your charts and one I am trying to build with all the LRs in the same time-frame. It is safe to say that many thread followers will have different set-ups, so here is a suggestion, if you can be bothered, of course. Would you mind posting your reference chart, say for EU, at a pre-determined time, say 9pm (UK) so that it is after market close, showing the time frame, and showing the current values and the colours of all the LRs you are using? That would allow others to "calibrate" their tool, because, as you mentioned in one of your posts, they are all different anyway.

Hi Guys

No problem Fugazsy please carry on posting any comments on how you see pairs and any trades you take etc etc - hopefully I can pass on more tips still

Nightflight - you are welcome - I will update some charts during the next few days showing the structures on main pairs etc through out the day etc ie early morning and after LC and even after 10 00 pm if I am about

Please feel free to ask any FX related questions etc as well

With regards to today - I easily achieved over my target - with main tradess coming from the 6 30 to 9 30 am time and then after the 2 00 pm Draghi news

I only traded the EU / EJ and GU today no other pairs - although for a Monday those three have been quite busy.

I rarely trade more than 4 pairs from scalps early in the week - although on very busy days yes 5 or 6 pairs with 30% trades left on from early European or US session may happen

Hope that helps and will be teaching more on LRs - structure and copy charts etc this week


Hi Guys

No problem Fugazsy please carry on posting any comments on how you see pairs and any trades you take etc etc - hopefully I can pass on more tips still

Nightflight - you are welcome - I will update some charts during the next few days showing the structures on main pairs etc through out the day etc ie early morning and after LC and even after 10 00 pm if I am about

Please feel free to ask any FX related questions etc as well

With regards to today - I easily achieved over my target - with main tradess coming from the 6 30 to 9 30 am time and then after the 2 00 pm Draghi news

I only traded the EU / EJ and GU today no other pairs - although for a Monday those three have been quite busy.

I rarely trade more than 4 pairs from scalps early in the week - although on very busy days yes 5 or 6 pairs with 30% trades left on from early European or US session may happen

Hope that helps and will be teaching more on LRs - structure and copy charts etc this week





Price Structure of EU over Friday and today on a 2 min chart

Price structure on EU - had to use a 2 min chart to show Friday and today

Friday pm - was bullish new high

Monday after 7 00 am mainly bearish - still some scalp buys - but no new low yet

You could say an "inside day " now

WE need really above 2580 + next - OR - under 2390



  • LR Price Structure on a 2 min chart of EU for 2 days.jpg
    LR Price Structure on a 2 min chart of EU for 2 days.jpg
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Example of a Scalp Buy on EJ from 9 00 pm UK time tonight

On a 1 min LR chart with change at 9 00 pm tonight on EJ



  • Example of a scalp buy on EJ from 9 00 pm tonight.jpg
    Example of a scalp buy on EJ from 9 00 pm tonight.jpg
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Thank you very much F for finding the time to provide those charts.

I have tried to match the first one of EU, on the 2min time frame, as close as possible to yours. The chart is showing the values I have used to match yours as closely as possible. I don't think all are spot on but hopefully it will help anybody who is using prorealtime.

See you tomorrow.



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Tuesday 18th November 2014 - Pre Opens

Good Morning to all FX Intraday Traders

Slight technical problem with my chart platform and other computer

Going to re boot - second time - hope to be with you in next 5 mins or so

Meanwhile - as normal - with updates - quick reviews and my planned intraday trades etc etc

Have a good day


Thank you very much F for finding the time to provide those charts.

I have tried to match the first one of EU, on the 2min time frame, as close as possible to yours. The chart is showing the values I have used to match yours as closely as possible. I don't think all are spot on but hopefully it will help anybody who is using prorealtime.

See you tomorrow.



Yes that does not look to bad

Dont worry about the delay of the longer term LR's painting. Once on the charts they should then stay on OK as long as you run the chart

I will do some one min ones today with the 3 quick Lrs for scalping

I used to have these 3 LRs with a white theme - but that was on a black chart background - now I use black with the white background - just in case you have seen any of my other charts of last year

Have a good day


trouble is on the EU now - its in a BTTZ area for me

I really need to see either over 75+ or under 40

For me - between say 50 and 65 - i would leave alone - or scalp for 1 to 5 pips only

4 20 pm

Out i n 10 mins and not back to 5 30pm

This is the problem with BTTZ areas - they can last anything from 30 mins to even 3 hrs or so

EU still in one and then AU and GU trying up - but not making a lot more progress

WE might know more after 4 30 pm - but for now just boring - too much teasing going on

Can EU at least make over 65 or 68 for a start or not ??


7 00 AM

Comments from yesterday on EU

I needed above ideally 2468 and 75 to breach for another try up - and yesterday afternoon after 3 30 pm - it just did not want to happen

Well overnight - price as now done both with a high of 2476/7 and with supports again from 2455 to 62

A scalp sell after 6 00 and 6 39 am - but hope to be scalp buying again above 55 or 62
7 07 am

The UCad and UChf - 2 good dollar pairs have seen pullbacks lower over night - showing dollar weakness and of course that lead to rises again on the EU / GU / AU pairs

With it being EO atm and London less than an hour ago - we need to see if this will change again in the early part of the session - or if the dollar carries on longer being weak .

We need to check every 30 and 60 mins etc
7 09 am

EU low on pullback so far - 2469

2471 after 7 00 am became a scalp buy again - but we can only hold above 78 and 82 for now - otherwise it will be false
Good morning all.

Morning Fugazsy

A few computer and platform breaches this morning

Dont worry if I am not about for 5 -10 mins - would be just rebooting

Also got a school run at 7 45 am - but back for 8 30 am and then around for a few hours

Have a good day


On a 1 min LR chart with change at 9 00 pm tonight on EJ



Comment from last night on EJ - ie scalp buy from 9 00 pm

Well that stayed going overnight and EJ price rose approx 55 pips

Will post this one min chart from 9 00 pm last night this morning - so to compare and update for Fugazsy

EJ is in a pullback scalp sell from high last 40 mins or so - but still bullish atm
Morning Fugazsy

A few computer and platform breaches this morning

Dont worry if I am not about for 5 -10 mins - would be just rebooting

Also got a school run at 7 45 am - but back for 8 30 am and then around for a few hours

Have a good day




Thank you, have a great day too, take your time, I will post my thoughts if they come up.
Update of 1 min LR chart on EJ from 9 00 pm last night

Check this chart with the one posted last night about 10 posts or so back



  • EJ - One Min LR scalp buy from 9 pm 17th November 2014.jpg
    EJ - One Min LR scalp buy from 9 pm 17th November 2014.jpg
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