Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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2 56 pm

17 low for now - still held 30% buy stake and scalped on 100 % a sell for 8 pips

Complicated - but nice ;-)

Dont know whats next - but nearly 30 min with no breach of 145 03 - so that favours another try up - unless we have a BTTZ
EU now down at 2452

In theory if we still have a HL above 2395 - then we still could be in a HL and HH mode.

We have supports above 2400 at 2434 - 25 - 18/20 ish
3 07 pm

EJ low of 145 03 not breached in 30 mins now

Price at 145 10 - does not look bullish atm - but that could all be false manipulation

By rights we need another 20+ mins to go under say 145 00 - if we are going to do that
3 18 pm

Both EU and EJ still falling - with EJ now testing 145 00 and EU at 2447

3 mins to next TW - need big bounces for any turns - so most will be scalp sells again
3 30 pm

EJ needs above 18 and 22 to hold any scalp buy on longer

EU needs over 67 and 76 for the same

Under there - both can be scalp sold again - - but we might not have new lows if 30 min no breach happens
I think ive called the bottom of the USD sells at present .......can someone tell the EU to fall !!
usdcad saw it ............c'mon EU..........fall dammit ...........2456 now .....
I think ive called the bottom of the USD sells at present .......can someone tell the EU to fall !!


For me - i expect EU to fall under 75 - but for now only can scalp sell under really 55 and 52

Above 64 and 68 still a scalp buy on my set up

Will check out UCad and UChf now
usdcad saw it ............c'mon EU..........fall dammit ...........2456 now .....

I did call the recent bottom of the USD .......but eu was not the most responsive pair responding date anyway
i'm experimenting with F's excellent LR's.............on my pairs and on the usd index ......fascinating !!

I did call the recent bottom of the USD .......but eu was not the most responsive pair responding date anyway

come out of EU..........usd is under sell pressure again ...........I need to incorporate the time windows into my plays ............i've nearly finished downloading all of F's comments on his threads to 1 word document ..........then i'll sit down and read it

have to say the LR's react so differently to MA's .............more than I ever thought

I think the UCad and UChf might top and have a rest for 30 mins or an hour or two - if the EU stays above low and goes over 68 and 75
i'm experimenting with F's excellent LR's.............on my pairs and on the usd index ......fascinating !!


I will have to explain how I use them more to you

You need ideally 7 to 10 - I use 9 - looks a mess - but every one gives a structure
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