Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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From 8 00 am it looks as though yen strength as been reduced with turns up on the EJ/ UJ / GJ pairs

Might be just false for now - but some nice scalp buys - that I missed - ;-((
7 46 am


Ok - will look for a scalp buy from 20 -23 area in next TW

If 20 does not hold and we fall under 18 -will keep 30% sell on - but expect to come out sell in next few mins - price now at 6023

GU - should be able to scalp sell again under 36 /38 -

GU low as held for over 30 mins with no breach

32/3 high off scalp buy above 23

8 23 am

News in just over an hr - but typical tease set up now

Low as held 30 mins with no breach - but unless we break R area from 36 to 42 - then we can sell again

so a range for now for say 26 to say 40 - ie 14 pips

Be careful in this price area - as it can be just a maze for teasing both ways
Time windows

8 21 am - was interim tops on EJ / UJ / GJ - after then scalp sells

Only taken UJ one - as it was a perfect set up - although the GJ is the one dropped the most now

EU low so far - 2638

4 mins to half hr change - be careful in case new low - but then a bigger bounce back up at half hr change

EU at 8 36 am

Yes we got another low on the fall at 26375 - not much - but then the turn after the frame change at 8 31 am

So far bounce up only 8 pips - but they all add up (y)
8 53 am

EU update

We need to see the EU stay above 2610 this morning

atm the markets wants bears in selling

The range is 2610 to 2680 - ie 70 pips for now

New bulls will come in above 55 and 65 +

But players might want to buy at say 15 -20 area after the bears are committed

I am not bothered which way we go - as long as I am in on the rides with green pips
GU at 8 57 am

Last 30 mins or so it been teasing - with another low and then bounce up approx 18 pips

News in just over 30 mins - so will look at it more along with GJ after 9 00 am
9 02 am

I am just seeing pairs in either BTTZ areas or prices just in tight ranges atm

All waiting for next gameplan

That might come before news at 9 30 am - or straight after

For now sitting on hands and watching to see whats next
Yen pairs in a bit of limbo

we could see more rises again after the pullbacks from rises all day yesterday

Ideally we need to see 5 -7 pip breaches above present ( session) highs on EJ / UJ / GJ for more scalp buys

If present highs hold 30 mins with no more breaches - look for scalp sells
9 16 am

GU testing up again with scalp buy at 6032

We need to see above 40 and 45 to hold scalp buys on

Under 28 and 24 - scalp sells again
9 26 am

Trying a turn above 2640 for now

Under 54 though for me still can be sold again - but would then need under low of 35
Immediate barrier on GU rise is 36 to 38

I dont want to be in scalp buy for 9 30 am news in case we have spikes etc and news is bad for another drop

So out already at 34
GJ as remained at scalp sell from really after 8 21 am and then again at 9 00 am - with 30 pip drop

Above 173 10 though - should be able to scalp buy

Will depend on news in 20 secs
Pound bullish - but we had the spike down so pleased did not hold scalp buy from 32

Above 38 on pullbacks - another scalp buy for now
morning all

been watching more today than demo trading as been playing with windows/ timing entries

aside from that - usd buys were prevalent from 7.40 ish .....then gradually faded and I switched to selling it from around 8.50...which is still going nicely

morning all

been watching more today than demo trading as been playing with windows/ timing entries

aside from that - usd buys were prevalent from 7.40 ish .....then gradually faded and I switched to selling it from around 8.50...which is still going nicely


Morning N

Well done

Yen pairs been interesting sells at 8 21 am and 9 00 am times
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