Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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i have dy res at 28696 which cld help with lower high ( if we go further that is!)
more pips!


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ok i am 700 quid off taking 3k to 30k in a few sessions. just need a litttle more please eu

You need to show Trader 333 in the other thread you daily result as shown on this thread - as he thinks it all hindsight stuff - what a laugh :)

Sorry I am tarnishing your performance MM - still I am pleased you have the proof

All the best

You need to show Trader 333 in the other thread you daily result as shown on this thread - as he thinks it all hindsight stuff - what a laugh :)

Sorry I am tarnishing your performance MM - still I am pleased you have the proof

All the best


mate no tarnishing here. these results are directly from your methodology. ( altho i threw the money management side out the window. )
Thursday 16th October 2014 - Pre Opens

Good morning all FX Intra day traders

A special mention of Major Magnum's latest challenge of taking a 3k demo account up to approx 30k in just a few sessions - mainly to push himself and to get himself more into the zone to improve his live account

Don't worry he does use proper money management on live accounts - but as he says he has proven that the actual intra day method I preach works and the proof is there to do it

Yesterday was a great trading day

I hope all of you made good returns

Today might be slower or even to totally different

I will do some updates and reviews as normal and will around most of the day - but am out for 40 minutes just before 8 00 am

Have a good day - keep focused and if in doubt - don't


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I appreciate you are wanting to get really confident again to build up your LMAX live account and from what you have done must show and prove to you how important a good focused mindset with no money baggage can get you trading like a top master trader.

Only you and your mind will know those little things that can make such a massive difference - ie the devil in the detail - the 20 second early or too late entry - the confidence not to be shaken out - reading the structure with a free mind and no pressure etc etc

Analyse today inside out / upside down all ways and then do is bit more to get to the bottom of why you had a cracking day

Was it an extra 2 pips on your stop size?

Was it a slight change to reading the PA or the LR settings ?

Was it some good news you heard or was it no one to disturb you - etc etc

Once you found it - bottle it and keep it in your locker and always bring it out when you need reassurance etc etc



all inspirational stuff here for aspiring traders .............jesus you guys should charge for this thread

its the real deal I said from the early days of Forexperian hitting the T2win forum.............................its becoming one of the best threads ever across all the forums including FF .............keep it up guys !! (y) :smart:

well money management obviously was changed to get these results, but very high percentage of correct trades allowed it. (on demo)
the apprentice becomes a master ?......;)

I think that could easily become true

He's younger and even more driven than me

Another few thousand live trades and he will be truly the real deal

Keep it up MM

Have a good one N - and stay relaxed and pace yourself etc

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