So this afternoon (Aussie time) I began to do a job I hate... Analysing my recent trades, and after some of the over trading crimes I have committed it took a while. From the last two weeks I finished slightly in the black (better than the red), but also identified some really interesting issues.
These have a lot to do with my attitude to money and some of the biggest pyschological issues in trading,
I am not an expert in fx but have done my time in equities markets, but writing this helps to find the problems and the remedies. MM, these might be similar to your issues when using real coin as opposed to a demo account. That's why I reckon trading with .1 or even.05 of a pip is better than demo trading.
I thought you might also gain from my mistakes. I've found its better to learn from others mistakes than your own.
Split into
(I) in to early (pre signal in anticipation, or buying on the way down and selling on the way down before the market turns) COST ME $250 to 350
(II) out to early (seeing a little profit and getting anxious about losing it) COST ME $400+
(I) not trading to plan... Whether rang bound market, trending market or Fibonacci swing trading. COST ME $150
(II) trading against the trend COST ME $400
(III) not implementing stops COST ME $95
ISSUE 3: ADHD TRADING (or restless nature)
(I) over trading (cost included with other issues)
(II) random trading (get a thought on a whim and try and dictate to the market, you can't tell it where to go) COST ME $80 and down $30 on an oil trade now.
(I) hitting the wrong button... Buy instead of sell and vice versa... COST ME $265
All up that adds to about $2000 in two weeks, it's a wonder I'm still up after paying the exorbitantly high Aussie costs for trading (over a pip per trade)...
Anyways I hope it wasn't too long and some of you find it helpful... It helped me typing it, but also made me cry (the costs of my mistakes is larger than my profits from the last two weeks...