Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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enough for today!


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F -What made you like that.Was it some big early knocks.I think you mentioned that you trade a lot smaller now.

Yes - going back to 2009 - I lost money on investments abroad including Lehman Brothers and had been compounding and growing my accounts to over $250k and wanted to keep putting on large stake sizes to try and get over half a million dollars

But I had not realised when you use your own funds - you will hit a so called financial wall - similar to the physical and mental wall you hit at 17 to 20 miles if you run a marathon

Mine set me back nearly 6 months and I had to nearly start again on small stake size - is $10 per pip - after getting up to nearly $240 a pip

My mindset could not cope with seeing losses of $5k plus in under 15 mins - but could cope with say up to $1200 dollars etc etc

I on a bad day wiped off a weeks work of trading and I no longer saw logic

I have never tried trading higher than 15 lots now and my comfort zone is under 10 lots

Find your level and unless you are young - say under 40 years old don't keep mentally pushing yourself too far

At my age now - I no longer want the sweats and palpatations - only when I am jogging not when in a trade:)
^Thats really appreciated.Im also pleased to see you run.Im off for my walk at 6.I had 3 sets of tennis earlier.Take care
Yes - going back to 2009 - I lost money on investments abroad including Lehman Brothers and had been compounding and growing my accounts to over $250k and wanted to keep putting on large stake sizes to try and get over half a million dollars

But I had not realised when you use your own funds - you will hit a so called financial wall - similar to the physical and mental wall you hit at 17 to 20 miles if you run a marathon

Mine set me back nearly 6 months and I had to nearly start again on small stake size - is $10 per pip - after getting up to nearly $240 a pip

My mindset could not cope with seeing losses of $5k plus in under 15 mins - but could cope with say up to $1200 dollars etc etc

I on a bad day wiped off a weeks work of trading and I no longer saw logic

I have never tried trading higher than 15 lots now and my comfort zone is under 10 lots

Find your level and unless you are young - say under 40 years old don't keep mentally pushing yourself too far

At my age now - I no longer want the sweats and palpatations - only when I am jogging not when in a trade:)

yep ....figured you had been up there in the clouds of my ex-mentors was on £100 a pip I remember .............he regularly needed a bottle of red wine a night to relax after such adventures ......sadly he is not now with us and I do wonder what the years of really putting himself under such pressure cost him............ (not just trading but other ventures and a lot of long days and international travelling) . :cool:
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hey 35 trade lines, 3 wrong for today! ( this includes partial closures)

I appreciate you are wanting to get really confident again to build up your LMAX live account and from what you have done must show and prove to you how important a good focused mindset with no money baggage can get you trading like a top master trader.

Only you and your mind will know those little things that can make such a massive difference - ie the devil in the detail - the 20 second early or too late entry - the confidence not to be shaken out - reading the structure with a free mind and no pressure etc etc

Analyse today inside out / upside down all ways and then do is bit more to get to the bottom of why you had a cracking day

Was it an extra 2 pips on your stop size?

Was it a slight change to reading the PA or the LR settings ?

Was it some good news you heard or was it no one to disturb you - etc etc

Once you found it - bottle it and keep it in your locker and always bring it out when you need reassurance etc etc


I appreciate you are wanting to get really confident again to build up your LMAX live account and from what you have done must show and prove to you how important a good focused mindset with no money baggage can get you trading like a top master trader.

Only you and your mind will know those little things that can make such a massive difference - ie the devil in the detail - the 20 second early or too late entry - the confidence not to be shaken out - reading the structure with a free mind and no pressure etc etc

Analyse today inside out / upside down all ways and then do is bit more to get to the bottom of why you had a cracking day

Was it an extra 2 pips on your stop size?

Was it a slight change to reading the PA or the LR settings ?

Was it some good news you heard or was it no one to disturb you - etc etc

Once you found it - bottle it and keep it in your locker and always bring it out when you need reassurance etc etc


i will, but my initial gut feel is the lack of financial pressure meant i was no longer doubting my entries when it whips back a few pips etc. i knew gu would go higher cos of structure on h1 chart, there (for me) were two likely buy points for the retail harmonic crowd. On eu the longer lr structure said higher, and there were some clear targets formed on larger timeframes.
so after an hour or so of watching i do seem to change brain pattern and start to" synch in" as it were, but the lack of money involved( unfortunate) was the key here also
Was it a slight change to reading the PA or the LR settings ?
something is evolving for me here but hard to put into words
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