Yes - going back to 2009 - I lost money on investments abroad including Lehman Brothers and had been compounding and growing my accounts to over $250k and wanted to keep putting on large stake sizes to try and get over half a million dollars
But I had not realised when you use your own funds - you will hit a so called financial wall - similar to the physical and mental wall you hit at 17 to 20 miles if you run a marathon
Mine set me back nearly 6 months and I had to nearly start again on small stake size - is $10 per pip - after getting up to nearly
$240 a pip
My mindset could not cope with seeing losses of $5k plus in under 15 mins - but could cope with say up to $1200 dollars etc etc
I on a bad day wiped off a weeks work of trading and I no longer saw logic
I have never tried trading higher than 15 lots now and my comfort zone is under 10 lots
Find your level and unless you are young - say under 40 years old don't keep mentally pushing yourself too far
At my age now - I no longer want the sweats and palpatations - only when I am jogging not when in a trade