Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Hey F,

If you get some time, is it possible to take a screen shot of your LR screen, and just point out how you use that screen, I found some of your other ten points like time windows and highs or lows in the next hour... But I don't use linear regression and am curious cause you seem to use it so well...

When I get a chance I will put another post up with what I look for, and if you can comment on that, it'd be great thanks...
Hey F,

If you get some time, is it possible to take a screen shot of your LR screen, and just point out how you use that screen, I found some of your other ten points like time windows and highs or lows in the next hour... But I don't use linear regression and am curious cause you seem to use it so well...

When I get a chance I will put another post up with what I look for, and if you can comment on that, it'd be great thanks...

there are many explanations on past pages. when you look at them, do notice support and res lines as well.
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