Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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usd index still getting killed .....its approaching last weeks low ...........stand by


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So f...

I have seen this only a handful of times... How do you trade these situations cause my hands are numb from sitting on em for so long...
So f...

I have seen this only a handful of times... How do you trade these situations cause my hands are numb from sitting on em for so long...

The key is practice and experience and locking some profits in a stop early on

Remember before news on EU we mentioned 2651 and 61 and going above 2700 and any pullback above 2683 and then 93 were scalp buys

Well if you had just locked in say stops with 3 or 5 pips profit - - then you cannot lose whilst price rises

Over time I gets easier

But I cannot handle like 25 lots or so - but 3 to 10 lots a pip -I am comfortable and used too it

Plus the fact - I am cautious believe me or not

Overtime with time with correct training etc etc etc - you can get there


Thanks mate... To give you a comparison, I trade .4 to .5 lots and am up 38 pips for the day, and that's a good day for me... But when the markets move that quickly I freeze... Suppose it's time...

Cheers again... I might call it a day cause it's midnight round here and I dont wanna **** my profits up the wall like I did at this time last night...

Thanks again, and MM GO LIVE... even for .1 pip at a time... I got more outta doing that than a demo account... That's where the real money management lessons are...
And today's biggest lesson... STEP OUT FOR NEWS UNLESS YOU ARE GAMBLING (that's my take home from the evening)
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