Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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8 00 pm

checked at 7 00 pm and left some 30% trades on with stops in profit

Glad I did - normally by 5 -6 pm I am finished - but today the pairs have had legs - with dollar weakness showing well

Might not see you until after 8 30 am in morning - unless I get a quick update in before 6 30 am- as out to drop friend off at B'ham Airport

Certainly - a Monday with a difference - Typical of how the market plays to catch traders out ;-)
well done.Time for the mundane now .tv with wife lol.

That reminds me - itspossible - will have to update abbreviations and explain many of my comments etc - so that you can follow and understand a bit more

Will do that tomorrow

I think I will not be around to after 8 30 am in morning - due to early trip to Bham airport for approx 7 00 am

Noticed on calender -

China as a Bank Holiday - Aussie red news late in Asian session - also Jpy news and then more UK Pound news at 9 30 am

So maybe worth looking at AU and EA early on then UJ and EJ followed by GU - as well as normal EU

Good Trading guys


Thursday 7th October 2014 - Approx 7 30 am UK time

Good Morning All

Will not be back in my office to 8 30 am ish and out this morning

Just been looking on tablet at early morning

From after 3 30 am to now as seen some great movements on many pairs

For example after a pull back on GU - its now risen approx 90 pips and over 50 of those pips were from after 7 00 am - and GU as news on it at 9 30 am

AU and EA also good movers after news very early on this morning - EA dropped over 70 pips - AU up 40+ pips

EU - fairly quiet - 2620 -30 area for now - but still session bullish whilst price stays above 2600 ish

See you later on for proper levels and intraday trades - feel lost without at least 3 monitors

Have a good day


Just a quick one on GU before I start journey back home at 7 40 am ish

Its peaked so far at 6116 at 7 23 am - 2 mins in new TW and then under 14 was a scalp sell

You will be able to scalp buy this pair again above 6065 -75 area as that is both dynamic and static support area

You would need to see GU carry on under 64 and 60 to hold any sells on longer for lower

Whether we than try a LH from above 6070+ area or make over 6120+ - too early to say - as news at 9 30 am and then next main R at 6150 -70 areas

Just a quick one on GU before I start journey back home at 7 40 am ish

Its peaked so far at 6116 at 7 23 am - 2 mins in new TW and then under 14 was a scalp sell

You will be able to scalp buy this pair again above 6065 -75 area as that is both dynamic and static support area

You would need to see GU carry on under 64 and 60 to hold any sells on longer for lower

Whether we than try a LH from above 6070+ area or make over 6120+ - too early to say - as news at 9 30 am and then next main R at 6150 -70 areas


Thanks P
8 55 am

Back now - unusual morning for me this morning - as over next 3 hrs - might be out twice again - but only for 15 -20 mins each time

GU - still a scalp sell under 6114 for me - but will be looking at scalp buying it later on

Dont forget the Pound news as well in just over 30 mins

Ok - will cover and update some other pairs now

still session bullish for me above 2625 - 30 area

Peaked so far this morning at 2665 area and currently been a scalp sell under 62

Now either this TW - or one at 9 30 am - I hope to scalp buy again

Its been bullish after news in Asian session - but I see strong R's at 8810 to 30 area

So will be looking for scalp sells in that area - would need over 8835 and 40 to be holding scalp buys on longer for higher

still session bullish for me above 2625 - 30 area

Peaked so far this morning at 2665 area and currently been a scalp sell under 62

Now either this TW - or one at 9 30 am - I hope to scalp buy again

The short level you get from a lower high off 10s chart correct?

still session bullish for me above 2625 - 30 area

Peaked so far this morning at 2665 area and currently been a scalp sell under 62

Now either this TW - or one at 9 30 am - I hope to scalp buy again


9 08 am - now at 27 /28

Lock in some profits off sell under 62 and then maybe see if we test under 25 to say 20 /22 - then look for scalp buy before 9 30 am

Dont forget GU news - so you may want to wait

I can only see staying with sells under 2617 - 09 and under 2600
GU at 9 15 am

For now 6080 is supplying support

Under 6114 its been a sell - as we know and for me - I wanted to scalp buy in 6065 -75 area or above

I need for now to see over 6087 and 92 to think a turn is being tried and to look at holding scalp buys on

Under 6084 and 80 - still under dynamic R as so should test under 80 - if it will break

I can scalp up to 3-5 mins before news - but dont normally leave a trade on for red news
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