Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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noticing nearly a similar set up to EU

We need to ideally stay above 6185 /90 to try up again

So this will be another pair to look for a scalp buy in either this next TW or later on

Price currently at 6214 and this pair made just over 6250 but posted 2 LH's in the high 40's and 30's areas on it way down

I have not been in this scalp sell - as only went with the EU scalp sell as my first trade of the morning

The low so far at 2632 is actually outside the tw at 7 13/14

I am out scalp sell at 2636 - simply because that was a scalp buy#

This is earlier than the support area - so I have not taken the scalp buy for now - even though it might be worth 5 to 12 pips

First R's are at 43 to 46 area

Its 7 30 am now and I will be popping out in 15 mins but back next hr

Got to check calender and will update on other key pairs after LO
When we get back scalp buying the EU again - I have just looked at the Swissy and we will be able to scalp sell that pair again ideally under 9570 area

Ok - see you later
Morning F

Nice fall on the GU spotted about 14 possible trades from 6250 down lol . Looking forward to get engaged today.

I see the zoo is out again :LOL:
usd has been a good buy for nearly 90 mins ...........harder work in last 15 mins as my thread shows

for me the usd is still net bull but looks like selling for a while now

taking a break
usd has been a good buy for nearly 90 mins ...........harder work in last 15 mins as my thread shows

for me the usd is still net bull but looks like selling for a while now

taking a break
Anyone. Take a look at EJ today at any point from fmofo's first post on the pair to the last. See any buying opps? No, me neither. But with a short safely in the pocket and a small third riding on regardless, without any indication of what he was doing with this short while recommending scalp buys, I'm not sure too many (any?) would know what the fluck was going on. If EJ had headed North at any point, he would have conveniently forgot the alleged short and claimed a scalp buy at some previous time and level. Perfect.

Mods- is not the posting of misinformation an infraction of site guidelines?

tough crowd ;)
Morning guys

Back now for the fun of the day.

Agree with you N - we have had a few hrs of dollar strength and now pairs are hitting their S or R levels

FXW - Glad you spotted many scalp sells on the EU/GU pairs after 5 or 6 am - otherwise some of the haters must think I am round the bend ( lol)

There as also been 2 nice scalp buy opportunities since the 7 30 am TW on the EU - worth in total over 22 pips for good scalpers - but none scalpers might not even have seen them even

We need to check 30 min rule on interim lows on Gu and Eu next - so that we can add to scalp buys
So we get the first retrospective sell. Sold it just before it dropped. No indication of actual entry price. Right, OK then. No indication of what action to take if it bounces above 24. But with a 7 pip stop it’s obvious, right? You’re stopped out. Or are you? Not necessarily.

So he’s sold 70% of his apparently profitable position taken at an undefined point in time and level undisclosed. Excellent.

Buy!? I thought you were short?!!!???!!! FLUCK IT! What’s happened to the 30% of the alleged short trade left on?

Are we still in, or not? Who knowns?

Nop. We’re buiy again. Uh? Where’s the short. Are we now long? WHEN DID WE GO IN? And at what level? Or are we short still? Were we ever? Short and Long?

BIG GAP IN POSTING to allow memory to fade…..


Morning SD

Have you been using a 1 min chart with my Lr settings on along with time windows??

it nearly answers everyone of your questions

I notice another trader has questioned your focus and boredom threshold along with the lack of due diligence you carry out prior to your fingers typing.

The devil is in the detail - unless you understand my method properly - you may as well be peeeeing in the wind

Trouble is - this part as not sunk home yet

Have a good trading day - I will


8 56am

I notice we have more red news on the UK Pound at 9 30 am

Will focus more on GU next hr - but meanwhile update other pairs of interest

Although we are seeing pullbacks from the 8816 high area - the AU is still session bullish above 8770 for now - and if that breached above 8745/50

so will be taking some scalp buys during the morning and will only be holding scalp sells on if we drop under 70 to 45 - and if we kept falling under 8740

Will get down to the scalp details later - as next hr will be focusing on GU and then EU - and maybe EJ

Now this pair as been and still is session bearish - but we do need under 137 28 and 25 to be holding any scalp sells on longer or taking new ones

For now above 43 and 47 is scalp buy land for a try at 60 to 70 - but that would then be a scalp sell again as we really need above 75/80 to see a turn and more scalp buys

6180 to 85 seems to be the support area for now

Price spiked up to 6209 - but we need over 20 and 25 to hold scalp buys on for a larger turn and rise
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