Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Now from say 2595 to 2625 area - approx 30 pips can be used as a BTTZ

ie ok for small scalps but ideally dont get caught out in both way false moves
Red news at 3 00 pm

I just hope it starts some more moves as pretty boring now

I know we have NFP on Friday as so a lot waiting for then and next week

But new month and volumes and movements should increase next 2 months - I hope
I lost my confidence today :(

Dont worry - its normal for all traders to go through

Its a slow period etc - news in 25 mins - so might get better

A tip is stay live but drop stake size and get your mojo back over 10 or 20 trades

Also if you do have 3 bad trades in a row - stop have an hour off or so and then start again etc

2 40pm

A scalp sell just before it dropped to a new low at 138 14/15

we need to stay under 24 on bounces for lower again
Dont worry - its normal for all traders to go through

Its a slow period etc - news in 25 mins - so might get better

A tip is stay live but drop stake size and get your mojo back over 10 or 20 trades

Also if you do have 3 bad trades in a row - stop have an hour off or so and then start again etc

Thanks will do. I've been trading off 1 min charts - need to get to 10 s 2-3 pips difference on the entries

We really need to see above 2630 and 40 for any chance of a larger retrace on this pair now

Back under 2600 and 2580 just favours another low
so dollar weakness from news and a change for now

Going to have an hr or so off next

Will pop back later

Remember stay focused - watch time windows and lock in profits anyway that suits you



gu m1


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