Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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jesus I pop out for about 4 hours and come back to usd mayhem ..........hope you guys filled you boots ?

25 online F...............well done .........ive clocked up 30+ at times but you are kicking butt here.......

Christ you will be having advert breaks soon :LOL:

5 47pm

Hi guys

Sorry I looked quickly at 4 00 pm and thought the main pickings for the day had finished - so went shopping

Looks more dollar strength in the "now" but not planning on taking any more trades

Good to see you MM - let me know if you plan to be around the next 2 days or so

See you in the morning


have a good evening all..........a small handful for me on trades in last hour or so ........ but nothing to retire on ...........


2 40pm

A scalp sell just before it dropped to a new low at 138 14/15

we need to stay under 24 on bounces for lower again
So we get the first retrospective sell. Sold it just before it dropped. No indication of actual entry price. Right, OK then. No indication of what action to take if it bounces above 24. But with a 7 pip stop it’s obvious, right? You’re stopped out. Or are you? Not necessarily.


so far down to 138 05

down to 30% stakes at 08 now will leave on whilst under 16
So he’s sold 70% of his apparently profitable position taken at an undefined point in time and level undisclosed. Excellent.

15:56 Both EU and EJ are back in scalp buy modes again now - but remember news in 3 mins or so - so be careful
Buy!? I thought you were short?!!!???!!! FLUCK IT! What’s happened to the 30% of the alleged short trade left on?

3 01 pm

EU still tries up - whilst EJ drops again and another low for now
Are we still in, or not? Who knowns?

3 04 pm

both still trying and still scalp busy for now with 5 mins left in TW
Nop. We’re buiy again. Uh? Where’s the short. Are we now long? WHEN DID WE GO IN? And at what level? Or are we short still? Were we ever? Short and Long?

BIG GAP IN POSTING to allow memory to fade…..

5 47pm

Hi guys

Sorry I looked quickly at 4 00 pm and thought the main pickings for the day had finished - so went shopping

Looks more dollar strength in the "now" but not planning on taking any more trades

Good to see you MM - let me know if you plan to be around the next 2 days or so

See you in the morning


Anyone. Take a look at EJ today at any point from fmofo's first post on the pair to the last. See any buying opps? No, me neither. But with a short safely in the pocket and a small third riding on regardless, without any indication of what he was doing with this short while recommending scalp buys, I'm not sure too many (any?) would know what the fluck was going on. If EJ had headed North at any point, he would have conveniently forgot the alleged short and claimed a scalp buy at some previous time and level. Perfect.

Mods- is not the posting of misinformation an infraction of site guidelines?
Anyone. Take a look at EJ today at any point from fmofo's first post on the pair to the last. See any buying opps? No, me neither. But with a short safely in the pocket and a small third riding on regardless, without any indication of what he was doing with this short while recommending scalp buys, I'm not sure too many (any?) would know what the fluck was going on. If EJ had headed North at any point, he would have conveniently forgot the alleged short and claimed a scalp buy at some previous time and level. Perfect.

Mods- is not the posting of misinformation an infraction of site guidelines?

Morning SD

Well if you want to pick out some good excellent LIVE calls - I will find you an easy 10 for this week

See you have not got a clue - and I think you have already admitted it

Its always best to teach your main "hater" how you operate - and I have offered to do this for a month totally free of charge like I do to anyone who wants to learn with no strings attached etc

But you have not said yes to it - simply because you will be embarrassed into having to apologise when you realise YOU are totally wrong

Your call on here the other day was a big joke

Maybe thats why you have it in to me more lol

I even said - did I not on Nzd / Cad - scalp buy at 65 - approx 2 hr prior to the pair rising over 60 pips

Please check it out - its in black and white on the day

That is just one of 10 -20 I call every day and normally over 70% will be winners

And remember I work off 3 -7 pip stops

So soo soo annoying for you - and here I am wanting to help you

Now be a man and say YES and lets get you earning money from FX trading and improving your reading of PA on an Intraday basisi

You know it will make sense

Best Regards

Have a good trading day - I will (y)

Last edited:
Thursday 2nd October 2014 - Approx 7 10 am UK time

Good Morning all FX Intraday traders

Normal stuff - winding up all haters lol

Will do a quick update on main pairs I plan to intraday trade today

See if you can make sense of Sigma D's poll he has posted for me

Looks like I cannot win from how he's made it - what a laugh he is - but very entertaining to say the least

OK lets get trading and have a good day



7 11 am

Its in a scalp sell atm - does it really matter when I entered SD - but if you want to know - ask my followers using my chart and they will say F would have entered at either the 6 or 7 am time window between 51 and 57

Its now down at 35 - so does it matter if I have made somewhere between 14 and 21 pips really?

Now - I will be looking tp scalp buy soon at supports

Supports are from 2621 to 2630

So I will be looking for a scalp buy in a tw

If one does not line up and we drop under 2620 - then I will still hold part stake of sell on and scalp buy at a lower price - but above 2610
Over night the EU went up to 2676 and now we need to really stay above the 2610 -20 area to have another try up

Whether we test above 2670 then - or post another LH say at 65-70 or even lower - I dont know yet - that would be guessing or fortune telling - and I cannot do that - I need high probability
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