Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Still a scalp buy above 95 - but without making now over O9 and 139 12 then will fall again and test interim supports at 89 - 93 area

I had said last night under 139 00 the EJ was a sell again and first thing this morning that happened with retrace to 138 80

Since then its tested and teased up above 139 00 - but without a proper breach then it will not carry on up higher

Under 89 and 79 be in scalp sells
last half hour or so has seen usd falling again.........nothing to retire on though......a little cad and gbp buying but peanuts out there......

usd still bear so it may wake up a little more soon

last half hour or so has seen usd falling again.........nothing to retire on though......a little cad and gbp buying but peanuts out there......

usd still bear so it may wake up a little more soon


usd STILL falling ...........aussies and cad buys doing ok ..........i'm waiting for the Europeans to respond north ........

Been another scalp buy since 1 00 pm TW - but we need over 139 09 and 13 to hold any scalp buys on longer for a break out up
With news in next 5 mins or so - we need to breach out of all these tight ranges to see any proper moves

Otherwise - its still boring and may need another hour or so to liven up
4 26pm

Well I wish I could oopy my post from early on about Swiss over 9500 and EU under 2710 and 2700 etc - as the answer would be yes we can

Further falls on GU and EJ

Hope its been good for you


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