Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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reducing stake sizes helped me. what did you to to focus your entry practice?

Started to use a hell of a lot more trend lines and really focusing on HH HL, LH LL etc. I also wait to long for confirmation, so now if I'm seeing a move I'm taking it right then and there, pip or 2 negative pulled instead of getting in late, going down -5 or -6 then pulling which I had been doing a lot if the move was wrong or right sometimes. This week I'm in no hesitation and it feels better. Still not on your guys level yet but getting there. I have all day everyday to do it so progress is faster.

As I'm typing now I just bashes two trend lines on the EA to form a triangle, price met, 3 quick lr's just went over price and she's now down 8 pips or so.
Started to use a hell of a lot more trend lines and really focusing on HH HL, LH LL etc. I also wait to long for confirmation, so now if I'm seeing a move I'm taking it right then and there, pip or 2 negative pulled instead of getting in late, going down -5 or -6 then pulling which I had been doing a lot if the move was wrong or right sometimes. This week I'm in no hesitation and it feels better. Still not on your guys level yet but getting there. I have all day everyday to do it so progress is faster.

As I'm typing now I just bashes two trend lines on the EA to form a triangle, price met, 3 quick lr's just went over price and she's now down 8 pips or so.

these are my current tl


  • mine.PNG
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EA trend line


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11 35 am

Quick updates before I leave and pre news items etc

GU - now need above 6315 and 25 to hold scalp buys on for a go over high and try 6350 /60 area

For GU sells need under 6285 and then most importantly under 75/70 area for larger falls

EU and Swissy

Both in up mode really - so something will have to give

EU - above 2941 and 52 favours tries up with R's at 2980 and just under 3000 area

Swissy - up channel above 9330 - so above here we should still have tests higher.

EJ - 138 80 is like my line in the sand - its made up over 40 pips from around there at Opens

Need to stay above 139 00 and test 25 and 30 for more scalp buys now

Under both 138 95 and 80 then price favours lower

AU - under 9080 for me favours lower - above say 77 and 85 take more scalp buys but really under there we just need to see some more lows to confirm more scalp sell

CAD --0990 to 0945 - so 45 pips is like the main range - need over 0990 and 1000 to hold scalp buys on - and under 0955 and 45 to be holding scalp sells on for lower

GL with these - have a good day - might see you after 7 00 pm for dollar news stuff



Hi Guys

Comments from approx 7 hrs ago before I went out

Had 2 crackers myself as left on 30% stakes with stop in profit whilst I have been out

Around for 7 and 7 30 pm news items

EU as just teased all day - tricked more bears in under 50 and 40 before back up to 60 area

Shame about GU as the pullbacks on the rise were manipulated to ensure traders could not get away with trailing stops under 25 pips - cruel - but that's trading when you are against rich devious spivs lol
There are some news items - possibly not top 5 of the month you can risk trading - all others just wait for the clues within the 9 min window
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