Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Under 2926/27 I have still go with it being a scalp sell - can only go back to scalp buys - or hold any on over 29 and 30+

Well i missed first scalp buy after bounce at 44

I was looking more 38 -42 to start scalp buying

For now - under 57 favours lower and more scalp sells - and 44 as been scalp buys

We need to see under 44 to teat lower for another scalp buy - and then need over 57 to hold scalp busy on

Under 57 - 44 and say 37 all still sell areas - if that make sense

So far bounce at 35

I need really over 42 and 44 to hold scalp buys on from 36 /37 - and under33 and 31 back to scalp selling

GU - made over 42 and 44 and now testing 51 /52

Next test - can we print another high over 55 now ??

If not look for scalp sells - maybe still look for them after 8 30 am half hr change


Check out from 8 09am and bounce at 35 - what a lovely scalp buy from there

54 now - I am down to 30% stake and will exit maybe after 8 30 am ?

Still being a bar steward in its 10 pip range - ie 28 to 18

Need either one to break - but for me under 27 is a scalp sell

Will only be holding scalp buys on over 28 and 31 now
8 32 am#

Still in GU scalp buy on 30% stake size - with it testing 54 still

Above 46/7 still a scalp buy - would only scalp sell under say 45 and 43

Teased - should have stayed under 59 for another scalp sell - but tested 60

Now range 61 to 44 - ie 17 pips - a mini BTTZ for now

Under 44 look for scalp buys at 38 /40 - and over 61 hold scalp buys

Under 44 and 38 hold scalp sells on
8 47 am

EU - down to 30% stake on scalp buy at 27

Its made 275 but needs above 2928 and 31 really to hold all stake on now

Would drop scalp buy under 22/3 and then back under 20 and 17 is scalp sells

As bounced as another scalp buy from 50 now

Missed it - but you can only hold or take more scalp buys if we make over 61 and 64 now - with 50 areas holding
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now down at 56 - did not scalp sell under 64/5 - but would like to scalp buy again - maybe now above 51 /52 area

Under 49 AND 45 - hold scalp sells still
9 13 am

AU falling and EA rising for now

Need under 9050 to hold sells on AU and over 4275+ for holding scalp buys on EA

If we dont get either - then take any profits and look for reversals etc
9 21 am


I am still kicking myself I did not scalp sell under 6260 area - as my preference had been to scalp buy lower again - after exiting last 30% stake on scalp buy at 64

Price lower than I thought now at 6245

Next scalp buy area 40 /42 area

made 31 and then FROM 9 09 am - end of hr TW - was a scalp sell - but needs under 17 to hold on for a larger fall

maybe the real intraday session range is now from 2935 to 2915. - 20 pips

Under 2915 hold scalp sells for 10 or 2900 area

Above 35 + be in scalp buys and hold for try on 50+
9 13 am

AU falling and EA rising for now

Need under 9050 to hold sells on AU and over 4275+ for holding scalp buys on EA

If we dont get either - then take any profits and look for reversals etc

Make sure you have profits locked in - or drop to 3o% stakes now - as hitting possible reversal areas
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