Forex Day Trader's Thread

Get a life kid.. post a trade recommendation or shut up . .and not a generic Euro will be here(ish) in 2-5 weeks.. an actual trade setup.. let's see you do that and then maybe you can get dozens of traders per day to read your thread.. until then your comments are purely pathetic..

Your comments are completely out of order. All I showed was a chart that clearly pointed the way up. If you have issues with deviating opinions or if that's too confronting for you, or if that confuses you about your shorts, that's not my problem.

Don't act your psychological issues with the market out on fellow traders. No one was attacking you personally, don't get too upset about it. It's not as if we ran over your cat!

Just ignore the pathetic trolls.. Look at the flags underneath their names and it makes more sense. Sad, politically motivated garbage from two kids.

Last night I called out two trades in advance and they were both right.. I'd like to see the little trolls do the same. Then they would understand how you can stretch a post into 7289 posts.. 95% of the posts have nothing to do with shorting Euros, but I guess I have to go back and change the title of the thread in order to avoid hurting the feelings of sensitive, Socialist, adult babies.

Politically motivated?
Adult babies?

:rolleyes: I bet you see a conspiracy theory in your own shadow :LOL:
firewalker you called the thread a joke, something i take offence to aswell

That's odd, you just said yourself it's not about trading:

N Rothschild said:
[...] this thread is more about having a laugh between a few friendly members than it is trading.

Oh well, there I do it again, hurting people's feelings. I'm such an inglorious basterd at times ;)

PS: don't worry, my intervention was short lived... I don't plan on extending my stay!
You guys took a comment about shorting Euros from NINE MONTHS AGO and it applied to the market today and made trollish comments about the participants of the thread as if we are a bunch of fools shorting Euros and only shorting Euros.. We are well aware that Euro is in an uptrend now, but even in an uptrend spot will pullback JUST LIKE I SAID IT WOULD!

I told the forum what I was doing NINE MONTHS AGO, I was right by the way and yet you EUROPEANS get upset when a guy from TEXAS says something bad about the Euro because you think it's BUSH saying you are "the old Europe" .. You didn't bother reading the thread beyond the first page and yes, for that you are trolls.

Yes, I did short Euros 3 times in the last 24 hours and I was right each time.. where I said the move would stop, it did .. 3 times.. Now, if you want to sit there and watch your long profits waste away then be my guest, but I like to try to give new traders better strategies than tedious buy and hold trades that take forever.
There are about 10 regular participants and dozens of other silent lurkers who come to the thread everyday and we help each other and we have lots of fun! We don't need uninvited smart asses to come and ruin things for us..
We don't need uninvited smart asses to come and ruin things for us..

Last time I checked this was a public forum and discussion. If you want an invite-only forum, I'm sure there are places to start that up.

You can waffle all about Bush said this and Europeans think that blah blah, if you feel the need to sell your country instead of your trading recommendations, perhaps you should become a politician.

If you, otoh, want to tell something truly interesting, you could start by explaining and illustrating to the rest of the "silent lurkers" WHY the EUR turned and stopped where it did.

And btw, I'm not from Germany, only BSD is. And yes, for example their cars are superior than those of the US... and I can think of a couple more things. But if you'll now excuse me, I have better things to do on a Friday evening :cheers:
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I know where you're from Waffleboy! :LOL:

My shorts are already banked chief ;) and you're worse off than you were yesterday sooooooo... I guess your chart didn't really help.
If you, otoh, want to tell something truly interesting, you could start by explaining and illustrating to the rest of the "silent lurkers" WHY the EUR turned and stopped where it did.

Didn't I said this early in the morning to short euro and why? Go back and read again.
Well, I seen me that there little Euro feller comin' up so I jumped on him and rode him like a bull then I slapped a big Texas shaped belt buckle on him and that weighed the little guy down.. Then I took profit, gave him a nickname "thanks Eury" and went about my bidness..
I own a German car.. only a fool would buy an American car. You're not hurting my feelings with that comment.. Our aircraft and spacecraft are the best in the world though.. plus we have really nice teeth ;)
peace... I'm going out. Nice weekend guys.

btw, what's up with the teeth :cheesy:
orthodontics and Crest white strips :cheesy:

I'm done for the week too.. positive week but not great due to the utter blowout of the USD on Tuesday. We'll probably see 1.471 next week and I'll sell and hold for a few hundred pips there.. if it gets stopped I guess it'll head to 1.49, but I don't know if there's really enough market sentiment to get it there by next Friday .. We shall see!

I still love Euro long at 1.45 too and I might try a ninja long at 90.1 .. really good psych support there imo
By the way FW.. I think the answer you're looking for is 61.8 on the weeklies .. Genics aka N. Rothschild already pointed that out many days ago.

Yes, that had a little to do with it, but mostly it was just painfully obvious watching the price action that Euro was done intraday.. There was no follow through whatsoever after the NY highs were taken out in Asia and I knew that Euro would run stops and then pullback.. the market wasn't feeling it.. It would have taken headlines or monstrous equity strength to break 1.463 and I thought the likelihood of that happening was low..
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Been a lot of **** talking today.. so let's have a little contest.. The first trader who can make actual trade recommendations including precise entry, stop and targets AND be 5 for 5 (or best out of 5) will be crowned king trader for one week and will be given the title Sir Pimpin' for 6 months.. Target must be at least 60 pips with a maximum 30 pip stop.. limit orders only.

Dante and Wasp are excluded because the boys are too damn good :LOL: but every other trader is welcome.. I'm talking about my beloved limeys, Seamus McMother****ers, friendly Canucks, Dutchfolk, our cool new allied Croatians, Funny talkin' Spaniards, Thai sex freaks, big booty Brazilians and I suppose we will accept emasculated Germans and/or waffle-eaters (I can't find either country on a map) and of course my fellow Americans.. However, we will not accept Mancunians because the last Happy Mondays album sucked and they still owe me $12.95 collectively..

Call out your trades on this thread and I will keep track of the winner..
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Well, I just honked at an old lady on the road so I'm not exactly feeling mellow.. no, I just basically want to see who's a trader and who's a **** talker.. I really don't want to go into boring political commentary or any other nonsense.. Just want to see if these boys can beat old Pippy fair and square ;)