Forex Day Trader's Thread

Fed budget @ 2:00pm est may drag euro to another low, let's see what happens.
this trade is frustrating.. I'll tell you that much. It dropped down to within 10 of my 1 pip profit stop and is now back at 25
There's support in EJ at 131.25 .. If the fed budget wants to kill my current trade for a tiny profit then I'll just grab it there.. otherwise I have a pretty monstrous t/p on my current trade .. I'd like to see EJ back up near the 50hr SMA..
50hr SMA is too aggressive but I'm trailing my stop now ;)

The guy who said the thread was a joke just had his feelings hurt over my comments about the state of the German economy in early Dec 2008.. at the time the Germans still believed that they were immune to the recession (too much brainwashing from Der Spiegel) ,, Sadly, over the next few months the market let them know what they thought about German feelings of superiority when we shorted their currency back down to 1.28 just like I said we would..
"you would think the germans learnt who was superior a while ago eh? "

MUAHAHAH... Hey, I want a roast beef sandwich with mustard.. What should he make for you?