F's "Devil in the Detail" Intraday FX Trading Journal 2015

Friday 22nd May 2015 - Comments ( in advance ) of over 400 pips of movement

Friday was a great Intraday trading day - for me - and I hope some members who followed me on the FX Intraday LIVE thread

The "devil is in the detail" - and Friday was a classic example of that on the EU / EJ and GU.

I will concentrate with the comments mentioned on the EU and EJ - because just out of those 2 pairs - there was approx 400 PIPS AVAILABLE OVER A 8 HOUR PERIOD.

Also - and this is KEY - on part stake trades - ie whether 25 -30 - 40 -50% of the initial stake size for the scalp - the RR's available would have been over 70 +

Yes I will repeat that for any "non believers" or even commercial guys who cannot understand how its done ;-))


So if your part stake was just 0 3% of your Capital - then the return would have made over 21+ % - all within 4 trades over approx 8 hours - Amazing.

Did I make over 21% plus during my trading day - unfortunately NO - as I did not leave my part stakes on long enough - but yes - I did have a great day with approx 12% return - on quite a large capital account - all with extremely low DD with maximum risk on at any one time only around 1%.

Lets look what I was saying on Friday - in advance of the movements


6 48 am

Was not at desk to scalp sell it at 6 09 am - (and preferred an initial scalp buy on the GU at 6 21am) the EU is [starting the morning AM session in a bullish PS above 1120 and 1125

High so far 1151/ 2 after a high yesterday morning of 1180 and first supports around 1128 to 35 and price now at 1138 ish

From 6 31 am I have taken a scalp sell at 1142 and then exited my GU scalp buy with just 3.1 pips

I am hoping I can scalp buy it in the support area - but then need to see over 44 and 48 to stay with any scalp buys for higher

7 27 am

Would like to scalp buy all 3 pairs mentioned I have been scalping again from supports areas after 7 30 am or if not by 7 39 am - will look at start of 8 00 am TW

Some how the EU / EJ and GU are not quite in sync - scalp wise

Maybe new crafty manipulation being tested this morning ???

Back for 9 00 am red news on Euro

EU - still in a bullish PS - but will just wait for now

See you in a bit

8 57 am

Draghi and red news stuff in approx 3 mins


For me - in a clear bullish PS for this morning session whilst above 1125 and 1140

Main Rs atm at 1170 / 75

We should just rise - BUT - as we all know normally when Draghi speaks its bad news and the EU drops

Is this therefore a false set up ??

10 38 am

Finally - the BO above Rs on EJ and EU

Will exit 30% stake on EJ to see if i can buy again lower

EU- pullbacks staying above 67/8 are scalp buys again for now with high so far at 1187

This is my Best Call on Friday -


Note the time and the Prices

That was for sells

Approx 4 hours later the EU had dropped approx 200 pip and the EJ approx 160 pips

Don't let anyone tell you it as waste of time trying to find of call Intraday Tops and Bottoms


In fact I do it everyday - with at least a 70% success rate

OK - more to follow later


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    Best Call Friday 22nd MAY 2015 at 11 20 am.png
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The Facts

Hi Fans ( could not resist it)

I am going to be answering some questions here that have been asked in a thread I am not allowed on.

That's one reason I opened this journal - ie to do the same trick others use to stop people having to much freedom or to try and slate them with out them being able to reply.

I have given up working out all the multi nics and who they are - but being clever - I have generally sussed them out - in fact in some cases they are too obvious

I play along with many - maybe they are trying to trick me etc - but the real fact is - they cannot trick me - my methods work and I make money from trading FX

I am not a vendor - I am a very experienced and successful retail intraday FX trader - who is certainly one of the 1 % - 2% or whatever figure you want to use who is constantly profitable - day in day out - who does not leave losing trades on with no stops etc.

I am not unique - in fact there could be 5000 or even 10000 intraday retail FX traders who actually have better results than me - ie that's if the 2% of all consistent traders who are winners are based on a world wide total of somewhere between 1 and 4 million retail traders.

Unfortunately - and I am not been disrespectful - this forum does not seem to have many experienced intraday FX full time traders who are performing at a high level

They may well have been "brainwashed" by all the trade who continually post incorrect or misleading information. So many think making 50% return in a year is like the pinnacle - and i would be the first to say on a 10 or 100 million capital account it is.

However retail trading FX is different.

Over 90% of retail traders do not use live account over 10k. Ok there will be some full time retail traders with 100k+ or even up to half a million - but not many - certainly under 10%

Immediately I attracted attention when I said its possible to make 20 -50% per month return on a retail account ( ideally under 50k) ongoing - but with no compounding

I have been doing it ongoing for years - and no way am I unique. I am not compounding - so forget the silly rubbish that after 2 years or 5 years I should be a billionaire - no I will not - I hit my financial wall at approx $250k and 25 lots a pip - that was it so now I play on accounts under $70k and milk them every month and withdraw profits - not quite like PPNDing - I am continually exiting monies out of accounts - do I trust this industry - do I trust banks etc etc - afraid not.

I am going to pop back on to this thread later and then state the answers to all the questions I have been asked time and time again

Believe me or not - do you think I really bother ?

I could show you a picture of my 42ft sailing yacht or of a new Maserati Ghibli I plan to get - ( at less then £600 a month - I was paying over £700 a month 14 yrs ago for a Porsche Carrera 2 - but that was prior to trading ) - or i could show you lots of things that prove wealth - but the fact that i am not selling anything - (other than my vast FX retail experience - Free ) then I WILL NOT BE SHOWING ANYTHING .

Whats really makes me mad is that I train a member here - Major Magnum and then after 1 year plus he starts showing proper statements and even live charts he uses etc etc - and then the idiots say they are false and all rubbish etc.

You just cannot win against jealous losers who think they know it all.

Its a shame - but that's life

As i said over 15 months ago - I will never show my live account statements or deals i have with brokers etc and the charts I use with all the squiggly lines etc etc - are not from the platforms I have my live account with - I have too much information that will remain private and confidential.

Ideally I would like to train 2 or 3 more Major Magnums - who are prepared to show their live capital accounts in their first year or two

I have advised Major Magnum- when he does go full time - and he uses his first larger Capital account of over £50 k - he should not divulge any info to anyone

I hear commercial trader say you need say a quarter of a million + capital account to go full time to earn say over £70K + per annum

That again is RUBBISH

You will do if you are using traditional methods etc - buy my method can make you easily over £100k per annum on a capital account of less than £50K

The main trick is you don't keep compounding and get psyched out the game - its your own money - its not the banks etc - its not like commercial trading

You can compound - but maybe only every year or two to a level you are comfortable with - first 3 yrs stay under a max of 5 lots per pip.

Trouble is 90 or 98% of all retail Forex traders will never get there

Personally I don't believe these figures - maybe 85- 90% continually lose or never make it - remember in this industry nobody really knows all the stats etc just don't have all the true facts - would you believe a Bankster - or an unregulated FX industry ??

More to follow


Helping T2W's so called experienced members

Since I got back off a one week break on Thursday all of I have heard from the normal rabble is total rubbish

I have been accused of taking over the forums threads - so lets look at this

Since Thursday I have counted over 40+ new or existing threads that have had new comments on by different members. I have commented on 4 of them and now this one and two of the threads are actually mine

So I have made comments on 10% of the threads - 90% of the threads I have not made one single comment etc.

So again - my alternative fans can't count and are allowed to spread more dung.

Does it bother me ?

Not really - but what does bother me is if new members joining the forum think the old school rabble are experienced successful trader with lots of trading knowledge.

The facts are - at best they are intermediate level and I dont care if they have 5 yrs of experience or 25 yrs of retail trading experience - they are just not up to much.

I must make sure I get this over and so will use tactics they might use - ie use a journal were other members cannot comment back.

To more normal level headed members - again even if they only have 1 years trading experience or 10 years - retail FX trading is a different ballgame to commercial FX trading - you need a different skill set - but still need to have a brain and to use your eyes.

I am going to answer 2 comments raised by Fugazsy and Tar - with regards to the benefits of multi part stakes and how it was possible to make 1000 pips yesterday out of basically a 160 pip rise on the EU

Tar knows it possible - but does not see the benefits of it compared to just a few single entries - Fugazsy - well he's still not believing what experts can do whilst admitting his focus and attention span is maybe not that good

I will post the chart on this thread and explain more

Again - I maybe giving out too much free important advanced money management information to maybe members who dont really deserve it - but still at least other members who do deserve some more guidance might gain some more tips etc etc

Don't know whether it will be tonight or in the morning - but it will be done along with more information to a lady member from India called Sun 11.

Again many dissers have tried to say she is a "stool" or a set up - suggesting its all a scam.

I just hope the moderators or staff will confirm she is from India - because again more lies and wrong information is being spread by the other fans.

The Forex Industry is full of misinformation and just out right lies

It is true only a small % make consistent monies in retail on a continual ongoing basis - whether it 1% or 5% or more - its still many thousands of traders world wide.

I get the feeling there are so many experienced "failures" on this forum - they are determined to make sure if they cannot make it or get to at least a decent full time level - then they don't want anyone else to make it - its a shame and it a bad feature of human nature.

More to come

Friday's EU - how to get 1000+ pips from basically a 160 pip ATR that day

Hi Guys

This is going to take time - with maybe 3 to 5 charts more to explain

I will start the ball rolling by covering the main 15 hrs - normally you only need 10 -12 hrs but after 8 30 pm on Friday it carried on up another 30 pips in terms of single movements

Here's the main chart we will discuss -


This chart is a 1 minute LR chart - OK laugh at it - but its so blooming accurate in real time and for trading in the "now" its just a fantastic tool when you know how to properly use it.

That can take anything for a average intermediate level FX trader from 4 to 8 months

It complex - its not easy or simple - thank goodness its not - otherwise anybody could end up being a skilled FX trader - there are so many other rules and tips you need to know - that are not shown simply on the chart - ie time rules etc

Fridays EU needed to be split into 6 sessions - all present UK time

ie From Midnight to 6 30 am -

6 30 am to 9 09 am

9 09 am to approx 3 00 - 3 21pm

3 21pm to 5 51 pm

6 00 pm to 8 30 - 39 pm

8 30 pm to 9 51 pm

Its an upday - but still with a few hundred pips to be made off multi stakes on sell - never mind over 800 pips on buys

More to follow over the course of a lazy Sunday - hopefully sitting in the sun and watching Belgium F1 grand Prix and footie




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Reactions: NVP
Hi Guys

This is going to take time - with maybe 3 to 5 charts more to explain

I will start the ball rolling by covering the main 15 hrs - normally you only need 10 -12 hrs but after 8 30 pm on Friday it carried on up another 30 pips in terms of single movements

Here's the main chart we will discuss -


This chart is a 1 minute LR chart - OK laugh at it - but its so blooming accurate in real time and for trading in the "now" its just a fantastic tool when you know how to properly use it.

That can take anything for a average intermediate level FX trader from 4 to 8 months

It complex - its not easy or simple - thank goodness its not - otherwise anybody could end up being a skilled FX trader - there are so many other rules and tips you need to know - that are not shown simply on the chart - ie time rules etc

Fridays EU needed to be split into 6 sessions - all present UK time

ie From Midnight to 6 30 am -

6 30 am to 9 09 am

9 09 am to approx 3 00 - 3 21pm

3 21pm to 5 51 pm

6 00 pm to 8 30 - 39 pm

8 30 pm to 9 51 pm

Its an upday - but still with a few hundred pips to be made off multi stakes on sell - never mind over 800 pips on buys

More to follow over the course of a lazy Sunday - hopefully sitting in the sun and watching Belgium F1 grand Prix and footie



OK - Friday as a day was split into 6 sessions

Here are 3 charts showing 2 sessions in each chart




In the last 2 sessions - notice that beautiful blue dotted LR giving me the top and then were to buy again

Spot on in real time - absolute minimal lag - not like moving averages

In the 6 sessions with maximum of 4 multi entries and then 30% stakes left on with just 2 pips in profit there are over 1400 pips

Session I - 55 + 52 + 48 and 2 left on at 30% stakes with stops in 2 pips of profit

Session 2 - 4 scalp sells - 48 + 44 + 40 + 37 and 2 left on at 30% with stops in profit

Session 3 - 4 scalp buys - 48 + 44 + 39 + 36 with 2 again left on with 30% part stakes in profit

Session 4 - 4 scalp buys - 77 + 73 + 69 + 66 with 2 again left on with 30% part stakes in profit

Session 5 - 2 sells - 18 + 13 - with both left on with 30% stakes with stops in 2 pips of profit

Session 6 - 2 scalp buys 26 + 23 + 4 part stakes at 30% left on in earlier sessions

140 + 138 + 114 + 113

All stopped out early30% stakes make just 2 pip profits

1361 pips approx

The advantages of multi part stakes and stops in profit

You cut down risk exposure and also part bank all through the day

If you are up 200 pips - you might want to risk 100 of those pips on additional trades above your normal risk exposure whether 0 5 % per scalp or even 2% per scalp

You always trade in both directions

Friday was bull bias and therefore you should take more buys than sells - but in sells there was over 200 pips still available on 6 scalps of which 3 are multi stakes

Is this possible for intermediate and even advanced traders - maybe just 5% of advanced master traders can do it - 2 examples of them being Sir Gissachance and a trader called Nu Nix on another thread - although I don't recommend his way as he takes more risk by staying with stops not even in profit


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What F is saying, is right about multiple entry. I remember back in 2014 when I was a swing trader, On EURGBP, out of 70 pips movement, I made once 160 pips. Cause it was uptrend, It was correcting on each resistance as support. I was just simply buying on the way, pyramiding. Unfortunately I couldn't share the screen, cause I lost it in my archive.

If a swing trader can do it, then scalper will obviously make more pips out of a small moves.

Pyramiding & peeling is very advance MM system for experience trader. Those people who are reluctant to believe it, either they are not real trader or they just don't want to admit it in here or could be they want to get info from him for free. 🙂

Even if Moderator didn't confirm. Let me confirm it myself about my IP.


Sorry Couldn't share more info, because I hate hackers & stalkers.

I know what is others problem, If Mr. F open site with his methodology & sell courses or keep it classified like other Mentors or commercial people, then these people have nothing to say...

Thank you Sun - for confirming you are from India

I believed you and knew you was not a multi nic

I think you might have seen I am this week going to be helping NVP on a scalp set up as well as yourself

Please carry on as normal next couple of days - and feel free to tweak your 3 LR settings if it can help you with your timing and entries

N is trying 9 - 13 and 37 settings - let see how he finds them in time windows and key times

Have a good week

