reversed to daily up
i am out for a walk in the woods
kept my shorts without fear
god bless the lord again
major trends now
*** stock markets DOWN
*** treasury bonds UP
*** Copper DOWN
check ya later
wher de ell do you live ? in Transilvania ?
alright fellers .. so ends a great week.. I'm going to this all you can eat Brazilian churrasscaria tonight..
Welcome to Guridosul - Brazilian Steakhouse In Woodlands Texas
just keep it coming!
boys, if you had to pick one song your country has produced and really fits your country .. which song would you pick? Something which really embodies the best of your people. I would say I'm extremely proud of this song.
For America, I'd pick.. "I Can't Help Myself (Sugar Pie Honey Bunch)" by The Four Tops
YouTube - The Four Tops - Sugar Pie Honey Bunch