Forex Day Trader's Thread

3X6 FRA trading at 1.2660/1.2860, this is going to shift the long end. Think mite see some flattening next week of the curve. It's going to burn sterling
WOW! Cable just jumped up and filled my order and almost immediately stopped me out.. I'm alive but puzzled as to what is happening..
My dull trade that i've been running overnight has finally come good and i've no idea why, anyone care to enlighten me? I'll hang on a bit longer even though this is getting towards tha back end where I want to be trading.
methinks we should not be trading today.. there's a lot of foolishness going on because of quadruple witching day..
looks like a stop run.. I reshorted Cable at the highs.. I'm hoping it was a stop run because they almost always reverse
Ok.. I got all my money back plus 3 pips and I am officially out of this silliness for the day!