Forex Day Trader's Thread

EUR/USD is not rallying because of buying of USD/JPY .. I think Euro will catch up later..
long Eur/Usd . support at 1.32 may hold. DJI turning. Risk to reward ratio quite good I feel
That was some volatility In US. That market is definitely going to crash. Maybe Monday's stress stress tests will give the impetus. I'm disapointed, was expecting to ride a market rally on EUR/USD. I'm always reluctant to put on euro. and so it proved left with my money back. Dollar is going to get really strong just a question of when over next few days.
stopped i re-shorted @13126....s/l 13156

mate u gota know wen ur wrong, uve just been stopped out on 2 terrible trades. EUR/JPY is on a bullish run and if there is resistance anywhere it will be the 200day moving average which is at 1.3330
yes, I have no positions.. banked 60 on my USD/JPY trade and ended up getting about 20 on EUR/USD.. really nice week to follow two bad ones.. Thin liquidity fridays usually aren't worth trading..