a realistic and probable thought m8......after all the Fed is not a government entity but an independant bank with shareholders.These shareholders consist of the biggest US banking names....Goldman..Merill Lynch...JPMorgan etc....There is no way the Fed are going to let these institutions go down the pan and the lowering of discount rates today emphasizes this.This only benefits the banks borrowing from the Fed...it doesn't help mortgages,consuners etc....They are all members of the same club...the big but in all this though is that they'd be quite prepared to see the other financial corporations...the mortgage lenders like American Homes,Countrywide join the others like NFI,New Cap etc in going bust...the smaller banks and finance houses also....the non members of the club....
Once the dust settles on this credit crunch those small guys in the mortgage and banking services will either be bust or have crippled balance sheets....then the big fish(members) will swallow them up,take their market share and customers...all on the dirt cheap.....
A brilliant wheeze created by the Fed for their mates(shareholders)...Goldmans,JPMorgan etc will end up with more market share,no competition,fatter profits...and it will cost them next to nowt...Brilliant scam...😆
Interestingly Countrywide Financial today announced they want to move all their mortgage book under the umbrella of their banking arm...this will then allow them to take advantage of the reduction in the discount rate,which as I said earlier only applies to banks...Thus they may be able to still offer competitive credit,without jepordizing their existing mortgage business...of course this depends on whether the Members Club allows the move...no doubt they'd rather feed on the carcass of a bust Countrywide....
Thats my conspirecy theory anyway......😆 😆