3 Dow Futures


Active member
I see CBOT are launching another electronic Dow future in March.

A $25 per contract electronically traded future to go along with their existing $5 electronic and $10 pit ( electronic out of hours) contracts.

Arbitrage possibilities if ya name is Lightning Jack or is liquidity going to dry up on the mini Dow i wonder.... 🙄
DanielLambert said:
or is liquidity going to dry up on the mini Dow i wonder.... 🙄
I'm wondering the same. There's some discussion about it on ET, but no speculation of what affect it'll have on YM. It concerns me as I've been slowly preparing to trade and early on chose YM. One concern is liquidity but another is how the new contract will affect price behaviour on YM and what implications that has for systems/setups that are backtested, observed, learned etc. on YM charts up to the present time.