I agree with you dev markets looking very bouyant especially the Dax. Thx for keeping this thread afloat - I was about to throw in the towel
No problem Pat, good wheeeze, keeps me from over trading
Quote of the day, arrr who"s the victim today sorry Pat, you can have a go tomorrow
Could be bottoming now imho
Trading S&P daily fut et al ( probably wrongly ) @ 3:26
only just won post above and runner up, sorry FW 99
looks like bit too optimistic entry there
still holding though
If you know nothing of the darkness, how would you describe the light?
right the report, don"t no, was out most of day but looks like our bullish forecast went down in flames,
So trader of the day goes to Lurker , who as remained quiet all day today. so one may conclude he"s watching open PL and wondering where to take profits on ~
Volume gone. Sell 14228. hope you stayed with it, or if not re-entered and put a
😀 back on your posts.
Am FTSE week to start followed by bounce at 10:30 when men in black suits get up and buy futures till 1pm pushing index above last weeks high. after 1pm index on its own.
Board selection for tomorrow ~ Long and Short boards required with a good sticky wax
Stop the Press last 15 min bar looks week / anything could happen .........😕