Cashmaster PIE

Well, something has certainly gone askew somewhere.

I personally was thankful to you both for your comments and results about PIE.

It's a shame it's gotten to this stage it appears it may have just been a break down in communication or something. Certainly not taking sides, I don't know what has happened.

But just again saying I appreciate you both taking the time to post about PIE as the information is very welcomed.


Hi everybody, I've just joined the forum and was pleased to see this discussion. I went on the course in Feb of this year and have made just over 16% since then. The two guys who run it were both very helpful.
I'm a very conservative user of the scheme and I can understand Simon's worries about taking positions which are overly risky. I have stood back from that and tried not to be tempted by the talk of 30% and 40% profits p.a.. I have not had to hedge a position yet and I am not keen on getting into the position where I have to do so. Having said that, I am quite prepared to believe that I will be forced to hedge at some stage in my use of the system and I'm prepared to accept that it may well mean sustaining a loss. I'm reasonably confident that I will be able to take it on the chin and recoup the losses over a few months.
Hi Simon

I had hoped that sending you a screenshot of my sent items folder would have convinced you that I did reply in a timely and courteous manner. I have to admit I am running out of ideas on what else I can do.

I have also sent you the email trail where we requested permission to use your testimonials and the replies received from you confirming that it was ok to do so.

Again as requested by you we have removed all your comments and testimonials from our site.

The way the tradersbulletin site works is your 1st post needs to be approved by an administrator. This is necessary so the site isn't plagued with 1000's of spam emails offering designer bags etc.

We 1st received a comment from you on the 27th of July, where you stated we didn't have permission to use your testimonials.

At that time I thought it would be better to contact you directly on this matter, as we always request permission to use testimonials and I believed we had been given permission to use yours.

Kind regards,



You still don't get it do you! which part of the following do you not understand?

"I did give Paul permission to use my postings, testimonies on his website and in respect of marketing, but as I have pointed out already, a bulletin board is not marketing, it's just a BB and a propaganda tool run by you as their publisher and where all posts are censored by you, so you felt that entitled you to copy my trade results and post stupid, naive comments about my trading loss for Feb 13, without knowing a damned thing about me or my trades in question. You even censored my posts in response to those comments, but thankfully you can't do it on here otherwise you wouldn't approve them!

Your comments I found to be an irresponsible and deliberate attempt to deceive the public, which also reflects badly on me."

You took the trust I gave to Paul and Glynn in the use of my material and then you used and abused my postings on your bulletin board and censored my postings.

Now, I suggest you move on learn from your poor judgement.

If you are hanging around on this BB like a bad smell, then I will no longer post on here after today.

Good luck folks
Hi everybody, I've just joined the forum and was pleased to see this discussion. I went on the course in Feb of this year and have made just over 16% since then. The two guys who run it were both very helpful.
I'm a very conservative user of the scheme and I can understand Simon's worries about taking positions which are overly risky. I have stood back from that and tried not to be tempted by the talk of 30% and 40% profits p.a.. I have not had to hedge a position yet and I am not keen on getting into the position where I have to do so. Having said that, I am quite prepared to believe that I will be forced to hedge at some stage in my use of the system and I'm prepared to accept that it may well mean sustaining a loss. I'm reasonably confident that I will be able to take it on the chin and recoup the losses over a few months.

Excellent post Beachbuoy, you've nailed it, keep up the good work
Hi Beachbouy, thanks for your post. So what you are saying is that you are only looking at smaller returns, and following the rules provided is sufficient and not much further input is necessary during the month.

However I notice that you say you have made 16% since you started in just February which is just amazing.

If I could get a return of 15% a year I would be extremely happy as that would be about 700% better than anything I get from the banks.

Can I just confirm with you that what they say about only needing a few minutes a month (for less risky option) is all you are needing to gain such a great return? Or are you following the markets everyday?

Thanks in advance for your answer.

You still don't get it do you! which part of the following do you not understand?

"I did give Paul permission to use my postings, testimonies on his website and in respect of marketing, but as I have pointed out already, a bulletin board is not marketing, it's just a BB and a propaganda tool run by you as their publisher and where all posts are censored by you, so you felt that entitled you to copy my trade results and post stupid, naive comments about my trading loss for Feb 13, without knowing a damned thing about me or my trades in question. You even censored my posts in response to those comments, but thankfully you can't do it on here otherwise you wouldn't approve them!

Your comments I found to be an irresponsible and deliberate attempt to deceive the public, which also reflects badly on me."

You took the trust I gave to Paul and Glynn in the use of my material and then you used and abused my postings on your bulletin board and censored my postings.

Now, I suggest you move on learn from your poor judgement.

If you are hanging around on this BB like a bad smell, then I will no longer post on here after today.

Good luck folks

Hi Simon,

You're right, I don't think I do get it.

On Jan 5th 3.36pm we emailed Paul asking him to contact you and request permission for us to use your testimonial.

On Jan 7th 10.52am Paul emailed you asking if it was ok for his "promoter" (that's us) to use your testimonial.

On Jan 10th 5.10pm you replied that you had no objection to your testimonial being used.

On Jan 11th 10.06am Paul forwarded your email to us to confirm we had permission to use your testimonial.

I think this reflects quite well on us as it shows we take getting permission to use testimonials seriously, that via Paul we had contacted you to request permission and that we believed this permission had been given.

On July 27th 9.11pm I received an email that you had posted a comment on the tradersbulletin site saying we did not have permission to use your testimonials and telling us to remove them.

The 1st post from any new user has to be approved, otherwise the site would be plagued with spam. Reading your comment I thought it was better if i contacted you directly as we did believe we had permission, below is the email I sent you;

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Rose at Thames Publishing [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 27 July 2015 23:28
To: 'xxxxx
Subject: RE: [Traders Bulletin | Free Trading Systems] Please moderate: "PIE Trading Strategy Review"

Hi Simon,

Sorry if we have caused offence.

We did and do ask Paul and Glynn for permission to use the testimonials on their site and they are regularly sending us new ones across for us to use.

If you want us to remove yours then we will of course do so.

The only time I have had to hedge my PIE trades was last October. This was a straight forward enough process at the time though, so it's interesting to hear you know of people who suffered significant losses.

I see you had some pretty good results over this period too, do you know what the PIE members you refer to were doing differently to yourself?

Biggest risk I've encountered was the increased margins and spreads that IG implemented over some of the recent weekends. If I had been challenged whilst these were in place, it would have made rolling the positions difficult.

Kind regards,

Mark Rose

Again, I think this reflect quite well as I responded to you in a little over 2 hours of receiving your comment and after 11pm in the evening. I was then awaiting a response from you as how you wished us to proceed.

On July 30th 8.12pm I had another email that you had posted a comment saying you were still waiting for a response.

On July 31st 8.43am I made another attempt to contact you and sent you the email below including my telephone number if you wanted to speak to me.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Rose at Thames Publishing [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 31 July 2015 08:43
To: xxxxxx
Subject: "PIE Trading Strategy Review"

Hi Simon,

I think we must be having a communication problem, below is the email I sent to you on the 27th.

If you would rather speak to me my telephone number is xxxxxxxxxx


Mark Rose

On July 31st at 8.59am I also sent you the email below;

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Rose at Thames Publishing [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 31 July 2015 08:59
To: 'xxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: [Traders Bulletin | Free Trading Systems] Please moderate: "PIE Trading Strategy Review"

Hi Simon,

I've resent you the reply I sent you on the 27th, I didn't receive a bounce back email so assumed this had been received.

As I said then, we asked permission from Paul to use the testimonials on his site and in particular wanted to use yours as they are by far the most comprehensive, but if using yours has caused offence we will of course remove them.

I'm afraid I can't recall where the comment about human error has come from, I have looked back through my emails to see if I could find it, but to no avail. If this is incorrect then I will remove it.

Kind regards,

Mark Rose

I also forwarded the emails I had sent you to a colleague and asked her to try emailing you as it was apparent my emails weren't being received.

On July 31st 11.23am my colleague emailed Paul and cc'd you asking him to forward my email trail, showing I had been trying to contact you since July 27th.

On July 31st 1.04pm after my colleague had been in email contact with you, you confirmed you still wished us to remove all your comments from our website, this was done by 2pm.

On Aug 3rd 4.04pm after posting on this site and in another attempt to try and convince you I had replied to your earlier comments, I sent you a screenshot of my sent items box that shows the emails as sent, unfortunately this was still not enough evidence for you to be able to accept that this was indeed the case and that i have acted in good faith. I also sent you the email trial showing that via Paul we had requested permission to use your testimonials and that to both Paul and my understanding, this permission had been granted.

It was never our intention to cause you offence and I understood your cynicism when you had not received the emails I had sent you, I had hoped that by sending you all the information listed above, including a screenshot of my sent items box, you might be able to accept we had and continue to act in good faith.

Kind regards,

Hi Simon,

You're right, I don't think I do get it.

On Jan 5th 3.36pm we emailed Paul asking him to contact you and request permission for us to use your testimonial.

On Jan 7th 10.52am Paul emailed you asking if it was ok for his "promoter" (that's us) to use your testimonial.

On Jan 10th 5.10pm you replied that you had no objection to your testimonial being used.

On Jan 11th 10.06am Paul forwarded your email to us to confirm we had permission to use your testimonial.

I think this reflects quite well on us as it shows we take getting permission to use testimonials seriously, that via Paul we had contacted you to request permission and that we believed this permission had been given.

On July 27th 9.11pm I received an email that you had posted a comment on the tradersbulletin site saying we did not have permission to use your testimonials and telling us to remove them.

The 1st post from any new user has to be approved, otherwise the site would be plagued with spam. Reading your comment I thought it was better if i contacted you directly as we did believe we had permission, below is the email I sent you;

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Rose at Thames Publishing [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 27 July 2015 23:28
To: 'xxxxx
Subject: RE: [Traders Bulletin | Free Trading Systems] Please moderate: "PIE Trading Strategy Review"

Hi Simon,

Sorry if we have caused offence.

We did and do ask Paul and Glynn for permission to use the testimonials on their site and they are regularly sending us new ones across for us to use.

If you want us to remove yours then we will of course do so.

The only time I have had to hedge my PIE trades was last October. This was a straight forward enough process at the time though, so it's interesting to hear you know of people who suffered significant losses.

I see you had some pretty good results over this period too, do you know what the PIE members you refer to were doing differently to yourself?

Biggest risk I've encountered was the increased margins and spreads that IG implemented over some of the recent weekends. If I had been challenged whilst these were in place, it would have made rolling the positions difficult.

Kind regards,

Mark Rose

Again, I think this reflect quite well as I responded to you in a little over 2 hours of receiving your comment and after 11pm in the evening. I was then awaiting a response from you as how you wished us to proceed.

On July 30th 8.12pm I had another email that you had posted a comment saying you were still waiting for a response.

On July 31st 8.43am I made another attempt to contact you and sent you the email below including my telephone number if you wanted to speak to me.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Rose at Thames Publishing [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 31 July 2015 08:43
To: xxxxxx
Subject: "PIE Trading Strategy Review"

Hi Simon,

I think we must be having a communication problem, below is the email I sent to you on the 27th.

If you would rather speak to me my telephone number is xxxxxxxxxx


Mark Rose

On July 31st at 8.59am I also sent you the email below;

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Rose at Thames Publishing [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 31 July 2015 08:59
To: 'xxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: [Traders Bulletin | Free Trading Systems] Please moderate: "PIE Trading Strategy Review"

Hi Simon,

I've resent you the reply I sent you on the 27th, I didn't receive a bounce back email so assumed this had been received.

As I said then, we asked permission from Paul to use the testimonials on his site and in particular wanted to use yours as they are by far the most comprehensive, but if using yours has caused offence we will of course remove them.

I'm afraid I can't recall where the comment about human error has come from, I have looked back through my emails to see if I could find it, but to no avail. If this is incorrect then I will remove it.

Kind regards,

Mark Rose

I also forwarded the emails I had sent you to a colleague and asked her to try emailing you as it was apparent my emails weren't being received.

On July 31st 11.23am my colleague emailed Paul and cc'd you asking him to forward my email trail, showing I had been trying to contact you since July 27th.

On July 31st 1.04pm after my colleague had been in email contact with you, you confirmed you still wished us to remove all your comments from our website, this was done by 2pm.

On Aug 3rd 4.04pm after posting on this site and in another attempt to try and convince you I had replied to your earlier comments, I sent you a screenshot of my sent items box that shows the emails as sent, unfortunately this was still not enough evidence for you to be able to accept that this was indeed the case and that i have acted in good faith. I also sent you the email trial showing that via Paul we had requested permission to use your testimonials and that to both Paul and my understanding, this permission had been granted.

It was never our intention to cause you offence and I understood your cynicism when you had not received the emails I had sent you, I had hoped that by sending you all the information listed above, including a screenshot of my sent items box, you might be able to accept we had and continue to act in good faith.

Kind regards,


Mark you're wrong and yes you still don't get it, so either you are acting very stupid or very, very arrogant, which one is it?

I didn't receive one email from you that you claim to have sent, only when I contacted Paul did anyone from your company bother to do something about it. So now it looks like someone has made up emails and an email trail, which any idiot can do, just to try to make them not appear as if they don't care what one person thinks or says.

You are clearly trying to cover your backside and convince the world what a nice guy you are and what a great publishing company Thames is, but hang on, you’re one and the same.

All this from someone who deliberately lied and deceived the public in his comments about my trading loss in an attempt to gloss over the truth.

I gave Paul permission to use my details on their website and for subsequent marketing purposes i.e. flyers, publishing material but if you think that gave you the divine right to do exactly what you want with those postings and then lie and make up your own crass, inaccurate comments is taking the ****.

As I have said umpteen times before, posting my details on a bulletin board can't be classed as 'marketing purposes'; it's just one big BS and propaganda exercise where free speech is restricted. And this is the very bulletin board that you yourself control and police and you wouldn’t even let me have the right of reply!

This is NOT an example of using my postings for ‘marketing purposes’. More like taking someone's good nature and kindness and abusing that trust.

Making stupid comments and lies, like the one below about a trading loss without letting me have the right to reply, is appalling behaviour in itself and just shows that you can’t be trusted.

From the email you allegedly sent i've just noticed this:
"I'm afraid I can't recall where the comment about human error has come from"

Unbelieveable, that was your very own comment! Just in case you 'forgot' what you said here it is again:

"And for the eagle eyed among you, the small loss in Feb 13 was down to human error, rather than the system not working!"

Why don't you grow up and move on, admit that you've abused the trust given to you and lied in your comments about my trading loss? but alas the arrogance in you won't let you do that.

Incidentally reading the testimonies on your BB, I can see a post from someone who contacted me a few months back – they got hit with losses last year due to having to close out trades with losses and deploy the hedge. Obviously they had given their testimony prior to the losses they incurred!

Every time you post your drivel and lies on here, I will respond.
Last edited:
Beachbuoy,are you trading the spread betting option or direct market to attain your figures?


Hi everybody, I've just joined the forum and was pleased to see this discussion. I went on the course in Feb of this year and have made just over 16% since then. The two guys who run it were both very helpful.
I'm a very conservative user of the scheme and I can understand Simon's worries about taking positions which are overly risky. I have stood back from that and tried not to be tempted by the talk of 30% and 40% profits p.a.. I have not had to hedge a position yet and I am not keen on getting into the position where I have to do so. Having said that, I am quite prepared to believe that I will be forced to hedge at some stage in my use of the system and I'm prepared to accept that it may well mean sustaining a loss. I'm reasonably confident that I will be able to take it on the chin and recoup the losses over a few months.
Hi Ole,
I am using the direct market through Saxo bank.
I'm not comfortable with the spread betting approach.
Although my required "bank" with spreadbetting may be lower and any profits are not taxable, the prices obtainable when selling are lower than in the direct market.
And spreadbetting feels like a much more volatile environment for me!
Mark you're wrong and yes you still don't get it, so either you are acting very stupid or very, very arrogant, which one is it?

I didn't receive one email from you that you claim to have sent, only when I contacted Paul did anyone from your company bother to do something about it. So now it looks like someone has made up emails and an email trail, which any idiot can do, just to try to make them not appear as if they don't care what one person thinks or says.

You are clearly trying to cover your backside and convince the world what a nice guy you are and what a great publishing company Thames is, but hang on, you’re one and the same.

All this from someone who deliberately lied and deceived the public in his comments about my trading loss in an attempt to gloss over the truth.

I gave Paul permission to use my details on their website and for subsequent marketing purposes i.e. flyers, publishing material but if you think that gave you the divine right to do exactly what you want with those postings and then lie and make up your own crass, inaccurate comments is taking the ****.

As I have said umpteen times before, posting my details on a bulletin board can't be classed as 'marketing purposes'; it's just one big BS and propaganda exercise where free speech is restricted. And this is the very bulletin board that you yourself control and police and you wouldn’t even let me have the right of reply!

This is NOT an example of using my postings for ‘marketing purposes’. More like taking someone's good nature and kindness and abusing that trust.

Making stupid comments and lies, like the one below about a trading loss without letting me have the right to reply, is appalling behaviour in itself and just shows that you can’t be trusted.

From the email you allegedly sent i've just noticed this:
"I'm afraid I can't recall where the comment about human error has come from"

Unbelieveable, that was your very own comment! Just in case you 'forgot' what you said here it is again:

"And for the eagle eyed among you, the small loss in Feb 13 was down to human error, rather than the system not working!"

Why don't you grow up and move on, admit that you've abused the trust given to you and lied in your comments about my trading loss? but alas the arrogance in you won't let you do that.

Incidentally reading the testimonies on your BB, I can see a post from someone who contacted me a few months back – they got hit with losses last year due to having to close out trades with losses and deploy the hedge. Obviously they had given their testimony prior to the losses they incurred!

Every time you post your drivel and lies on here, I will respond.

Hi Simon,

I can understand you're suspicion that the emails I forwarded had the date and time edited to suit and this is something I would have been able to do, but falsifying a screenshot of a sent items box is something I would have absolutely no idea how to do.

Would a video of me clicking through to the sent box showing the emails convince you? I'll even go so far as offering for you to come to the office and view the folder for yourself.

I am not trying to cover my backside, but I do want to prove that how I said I acted, is how I acted and is not in anyway made up. All of the email correspondence I have referred to has been sent at the times stated and I am very happy to prove this to you.

We have also proved we have contacted you to request permission to use your testimonials and that this does appear to have been granted and that no caveats on how we used it were specified.

On receiving a complaint from you about how we had used your comments we have, with difficulty, contacted you and removed them from our page as requested.

You have repeatedly called me a lair about asking for permission to use your testimonial, but we have proved we did do this and I have sent you the emails where Paul asks you if his "promoter" can use your testimonial. One thing I have learned is in future we will ask Paul to be clearer about who we are and where we would like to use the testimonials, but we acted in good faith, we made a request to use your testimonials and believed this had been agreed.

You have repeatedly called me a liar about the timing of the emails I have sent you, but again I can prove conclusively that these were sent to you at the times I have said they were.

You have also accused us of censoring your posts on the tradersbulletin site. Again I don't think this is true. You have asked us to remove everything and so this is what we have done.

If I can finally convince you that I did reply to you as I have said I did, then hopefully you will see I was simply waiting to hear back from you. As far as I understood it we did have permission to use your testimonials and I wanted to point this out and see how you wished to proceed.

It has not been my intention at any point to cause offence or aggravation, in my first post on this site I apologised if there had been some miscommunication and your approval hadn't been agreed, even though I was convinced we had acted properly. This was an attempt to diffuse the situation, so that what has since transpired could be avoided.

I have not lied about seeking and getting your permission to use your testimonial.

I have not lied about the emails I have sent to you since the 27th of July in response to your comments.

I have also not lied in my comments in an attempt to gloss over the truth about your losing month.

I am continuing to search my emails to see if I can find where the comment about human error has come from and would love to find this one too. I do not just make things up and believed the reason for your loss was that you had made an error when you hedged your position.

I really hope you can accept that I am not lying to you and that I am no more stupid or arrogant than average.

Kind regards,

Last edited:
Hi Beachbouy, thanks for your post. So what you are saying is that you are only looking at smaller returns, and following the rules provided is sufficient and not much further input is necessary during the month.

However I notice that you say you have made 16% since you started in just February which is just amazing.

If I could get a return of 15% a year I would be extremely happy as that would be about 700% better than anything I get from the banks.

Can I just confirm with you that what they say about only needing a few minutes a month (for less risky option) is all you are needing to gain such a great return? Or are you following the markets everyday?

Thanks in advance for your answer.

Hi Scalded
I'm actually doing a mixture of the two ways that I was taught!
One of the presenters does a very hands off approach to the system. He makes good money doing it and he only looks at it if he gets an email alert saying he needs to do something. He says he has never needed to do anything in the last three years. That method will work quite nicely, I think and requires very little or no day to day attention. I can't say what profit that would produce but I would guess around 20%.
Glynn is a bit more hands-on.
I do a mix of their two attitudes. I look at my trades for about two minutes most days. If there is an obvious chance to close a position at a profit then I take that profit and wait for another trade to present itself in the following days.
This is simply a way of turning my money over more quickly than the purely passive approach.
I am not watching the screen all day every day, I promise you! I am way too busy for that. Two minutes a day for maybe three days a week is all I do. Takes a little bit longer if I decide to execute a trade.
Hope that helps.
P.S. One thing I would say is this: Paul and Glynn say you don't need any knowledge of trading before going on the course. And that is true. However, I would say that it would help if you just went on the internet beforehand and learned a little bit about some of the terms!
ok,thanks Beachboy 🙂

Hi Ole,
I am using the direct market through Saxo bank.
I'm not comfortable with the spread betting approach.
Although my required "bank" with spreadbetting may be lower and any profits are not taxable, the prices obtainable when selling are lower than in the direct market.
And spreadbetting feels like a much more volatile environment for me!
Hi Beachbouy, thanks very much for that excellent reply.

Being a pensioner and just wanting to get a reasonable return, I am more than happy to go the passive route, but I can see why once you get the hang of it you might want to look for larger returns.

I'm happy to have read comments from people who have actually used it, the main reason I have been hesitant is because of comments from those that have never used it saying it is too good to be true. And to be honest it did/does seem that way for someone that has his funds in a term deposit paying 3% per annum. And that is the best I can get!

Thanks again, I'll let you know how I go. Obviously a lot of practice trading before going in for the kill!
Yes, Scalded. I did the course in oct 2014 but didn't trade until feb 2015. I read and read and practised for ages before I had enough confidence!
Hi Simon,

I can understand you're suspicion that the emails I forwarded had the date and time edited to suit and this is something I would have been able to do, but falsifying a screenshot of a sent items box is something I would have absolutely no idea how to do.

Would a video of me clicking through to the sent box showing the emails convince you? I'll even go so far as offering for you to come to the office and view the folder for yourself.

I am not trying to cover my backside, but I do want to prove that how I said I acted, is how I acted and is not in anyway made up. All of the email correspondence I have referred to has been sent at the times stated and I am very happy to prove this to you.

We have also proved we have contacted you to request permission to use your testimonials and that this does appear to have been granted and that no caveats on how we used it were specified.

On receiving a complaint from you about how we had used your comments we have, with difficulty, contacted you and removed them from our page as requested.

You have repeatedly called me a lair about asking for permission to use your testimonial, but we have proved we did do this and I have sent you the emails where Paul asks you if his "promoter" can use your testimonial. One thing I have learned is in future we will ask Paul to be clearer about who we are and where we would like to use the testimonials, but we acted in good faith, we made a request to use your testimonials and believed this had been agreed.

You have repeatedly called me a liar about the timing of the emails I have sent you, but again I can prove conclusively that these were sent to you at the times I have said they were.

You have also accused us of censoring your posts on the tradersbulletin site. Again I don't think this is true. You have asked us to remove everything and so this is what we have done.

If I can finally convince you that I did reply to you as I have said I did, then hopefully you will see I was simply waiting to hear back from you. As far as I understood it we did have permission to use your testimonials and I wanted to point this out and see how you wished to proceed.

It has not been my intention at any point to cause offence or aggravation, in my first post on this site I apologised if there had been some miscommunication and your approval hadn't been agreed, even though I was convinced we had acted properly. This was an attempt to diffuse the situation, so that what has since transpired could be avoided.

I have not lied about seeking and getting your permission to use your testimonial.

I have not lied about the emails I have sent to you since the 27th of July in response to your comments.

I have also not lied in my comments in an attempt to gloss over the truth about your losing month.

I am continuing to search my emails to see if I can find where the comment about human error has come from and would love to find this one too. I do not just make things up and believed the reason for your loss was that you had made an error when you hedged your position.

I really hope you can accept that I am not lying to you and that I am no more stupid or arrogant than average.

Kind regards,



I did NOT receive ONE email from you that you claimed to have sent and nothing you do or say will convince me otherwise. It’s very convenient that only after contacting Paul does anyone at your company do anything about it and then it’s a damage limitation exercise after I started posting details on this board!

As I said anyone can make up an email chain to backup anything they want!

The agreement I had with Paul was that the testimonials would be used for marketing purposes, but as I have said time and time again, using them on a bull s**t bulletin board which YOU police yourself and where free speech is curtailed and I, myself have no right of reply, is NOT classed as ‘marketing purposes’ but a propaganda exercise.

You used my trade results which is bad enough, but then you abused them with your stupid comments as below which you now claim to know nothing about!

I posted two replies in response to your comments about my trading loss for Feb 13 and neither of these got approved. They WERE censored as you didn’t like what I was saying in trying to point out that they were NOT down to poor maths, human error etc.

So now you're saying that I asked for the postings to be taken down and that's why the didn't get approved - really? A rather lame excuse. I asked you to remove the postings ONE week before you actually did so, but even that was only due to Paul's intervention and in the meantime my postings didn't get the royal seal of approval.

In your last post above you seem to have developed a convenient dose of amnesia as well: “I am continuing to search my emails to see if I can find where the comment about human error has come from and would love to find this one too. “

They are not emails but postings YOU yourself made on YOUR bulletin board in response to my trading loss:

Your post of 27th January 2015 you copied my trade results and made this stupid comment:

"And for the eagle eyed among you, the small loss in Feb 13 was down to human error, rather than the system not working!"

and again on the 20th Feb:
"...but I think it was a simple mathematical error when calculating the stake for the hedge trade, which meant it didn’t quite hedge the whole trade."

Blatant lies and now you claim to know nothing about those posts! They were posted AND approved by YOU, under your name. No doubt you’ll now try to blame a member of staff, the cleaner, the dog, hacking, anyone but yourself.

Lies and clear attempts by you to gloss over the loss as ‘human error’ and deceive the public and now more damage limitation in that you calim to know nothing about them.

You’re not even a very good liar, just a persistent one and judging by the emails I’ve received I don’t think people believe you either

What a joke you are.
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I did NOT receive ONE email from you that you claimed to have sent and nothing you do or say will convince me otherwise. It’s very convenient that only after contacting Paul does anyone at your company do anything about it and then it’s a damage limitation exercise after I started posting details on this board!

As I said anyone can make up an email chain to backup anything they want!

The agreement I had with Paul was that the testimonials would be used for marketing purposes, but as I have said time and time again, using them on a bull s**t bulletin board which YOU police yourself and where free speech is curtailed and I, myself have no right of reply, is NOT classed as ‘marketing purposes’ but a propaganda exercise.

You used my trade results which is bad enough, but then you abused them with your stupid comments as below which you now claim to know nothing about!

I posted two replies in response to your comments about my trading loss for Feb 13 and neither of these got approved. They WERE censored as you didn’t like what I was saying in trying to point out that they were NOT down to poor maths, human error etc.

So now you're saying that I asked for the postings to be taken down and that's why the didn't get approved - really? A rather lame excuse. I asked you to remove the postings ONE week before you actually did so, but even that was only due to Paul's intervention and in the meantime my postings didn't get the royal seal of approval.

In your last post above you seem to have developed a convenient dose of amnesia as well: “I am continuing to search my emails to see if I can find where the comment about human error has come from and would love to find this one too. “

They are not emails but postings YOU yourself made on YOUR bulletin board in response to my trading loss:

Your post of 27th January 2015 you copied my trade results and made this stupid comment:

"And for the eagle eyed among you, the small loss in Feb 13 was down to human error, rather than the system not working!"

and again on the 20th Feb:
"...but I think it was a simple mathematical error when calculating the stake for the hedge trade, which meant it didn’t quite hedge the whole trade."

Blatant lies and now you claim to know nothing about those posts! They were posted AND approved by YOU, under your name. No doubt you’ll now try to blame a member of staff, the cleaner, the dog, hacking, anyone but yourself.

Lies and clear attempts by you to gloss over the loss as ‘human error’ and deceive the public and now more damage limitation in that you calim to know nothing about them.

You’re not even a very good liar, just a persistent one and judging by the emails I’ve received I don’t think people believe you either

What a joke you are.

Hi Simon,

I've sent you a couple of emails as they disprove another of your incorrect assumptions.

I have also made a video showing my email account as further proof that I have replied to you at the times I have stated I have.

I will get this posted somewhere so that you can see it. It isn't possible to falsify an email account with thousands of emails in it as you have suggested, you just don't want to except the fact that I did respond to you as I have said I have.

I realise you want to believe I am somehow falsifying all this correspondence, but the probability of all this evidence stacking up as it does, makes it much more likely that rather than being a web of lies that perfectly fit the facts, they are just in fact true.

You have repeatedly stated that you think the only reason I have replied to you at all, is because I received an email from Paul on the 31st and that I have made up the idea that we were having communication problems as a cover after receiving Paul’s email.

I have said that I contacted you on the 27th and became aware we were having communication problems on the morning of the 31st after receiving your email of the 30th complaining that I still hadn’t responded to you.

The email I have forwarded to you was sent to a 3rd party at 8.36am on Friday the 31st, (which you know you can independently verify) where I state that I was having communication issues with you.

This email was sent 2 hours before I received an email in from Paul (you can check with Paul the time he sent his 1st email to me). This is proof that I haven't made up my correspondence with you after receiving an email from Paul at all.

After arriving at my desk on the morning of the 31st and seeing the email with your comments from the night before, I realised my email of the 27th hadn’t been received, which is why I was able to send an email stating this fact 2 hours before being contacted by Paul. There is no cover up, the email was sent to you on the 27th.

You initially said I didn’t request your permission to use your testimonials, but I have proven that I did.

You have said that I didn’t respond to your comment on the 27th, but I have sent you the email proof that I did.

When this wasn’t enough evidence to convince you, I sent you a screenshot on my sent items folder.

As this was still not enough evidence to convince I have now made a video of the folder to further prove that I have responded to you exactly as I have said I have.

I have also offered for you to come to the office and view my email account for yourself. It is blatantly obvious that I have contacted you at the times I have said I have and that these fact are not made up.

You have also suggested I am making up the whole issue of us having communication problems as a cover after receiving an email from Paul on the 31st, but once again I have proven this to be wrong as I had already expressed the fact that I thought this was the case 2 hours before being contacted by Paul.

I have also never claimed to know nothing about my posts as you are suggesting?

I posted your results and stated you losing month was due to you not hedging your trade properly, because this is what I believed to be true. What I've been searching for is an email that collaborates this.

There is absolutely no point in me going to the lengths of getting permission to use your testimonial and then making up details about your trading history and running the risk of being caught out.

If I was acting in the way you have been suggesting I have, it would be much much easier to simply make up a contributor and post completely fictitious winning results. What would be the point in falsifying yours?

It makes no sense.

I posted the comment about your losing month being down to human error as I believed this was the case and for no other reason.

You did give us permission to use your testimonials and you didn't apply any caveats to this. What else are we supposed to think when Paul emailed you asking if his promoter can use your results and you said this was ok?

I have emailed you on the 27th and so didn't approve your comment of the 27th as as I knew you were wrong and that you had given us permission to use your testimonials. I wanted to point this out first and see how you wanted to proceed.

You didn't contact me again until late on the 30th. On the morning of the 31st I replied to you again and also forwarded the emails to my colleague so she could try.

My colleague finally made contact with you around lunchtime on the 31st and all your comments were removed as you had requested by 2pm.

You sent your first comment late on the 27th and were sent a reply on the 27th.

You sent your second comment late on the 30th which I and a colleague replied to on the 31st.

All of your comments were removed as you requested on the 31st, which was 3 1/2 days after the first and about 18 hours after the second.

It's a shame that nothing I can do will prove to you I have responded to you as I have said I have. I feel the evidence is overwhelming.

I continue to send you more and more proof that what I say I did is what I did and that your assumptions are wrong.

I continue to be open with you and have given you my contact number and invited you to the office to see the evidence for yourself. If you are really so confident that everything I have said is made up, why not call my bluff and come and see it for yourself?

It isn't possible to fake an email account with thousands of emails in it as you have suggested and I suspect you realise this, but you don't want to have to accept the reality that I did respond to you as I said I have from the beginning.

Kind regards,

Mark Rose
Hi Simon,

I've sent you a couple of emails as they disprove another of your incorrect assumptions.

I have also made a video showing my email account as further proof that I have replied to you at the times I have stated I have.

I will get this posted somewhere so that you can see it. It isn't possible to falsify an email account with thousands of emails in it as you have suggested, you just don't want to except the fact that I did respond to you as I have said I have.

I realise you want to believe I am somehow falsifying all this correspondence, but the probability of all this evidence stacking up as it does, makes it much more likely that rather than being a web of lies that perfectly fit the facts, they are just in fact true.

You have repeatedly stated that you think the only reason I have replied to you at all, is because I received an email from Paul on the 31st and that I have made up the idea that we were having communication problems as a cover after receiving Paul’s email.

I have said that I contacted you on the 27th and became aware we were having communication problems on the morning of the 31st after receiving your email of the 30th complaining that I still hadn’t responded to you.

The email I have forwarded to you was sent to a 3rd party at 8.36am on Friday the 31st, (which you know you can independently verify) where I state that I was having communication issues with you.

This email was sent 2 hours before I received an email in from Paul (you can check with Paul the time he sent his 1st email to me). This is proof that I haven't made up my correspondence with you after receiving an email from Paul at all.

After arriving at my desk on the morning of the 31st and seeing the email with your comments from the night before, I realised my email of the 27th hadn’t been received, which is why I was able to send an email stating this fact 2 hours before being contacted by Paul. There is no cover up, the email was sent to you on the 27th.

You initially said I didn’t request your permission to use your testimonials, but I have proven that I did.

You have said that I didn’t respond to your comment on the 27th, but I have sent you the email proof that I did.

When this wasn’t enough evidence to convince you, I sent you a screenshot on my sent items folder.

As this was still not enough evidence to convince I have now made a video of the folder to further prove that I have responded to you exactly as I have said I have.

I have also offered for you to come to the office and view my email account for yourself. It is blatantly obvious that I have contacted you at the times I have said I have and that these fact are not made up.

You have also suggested I am making up the whole issue of us having communication problems as a cover after receiving an email from Paul on the 31st, but once again I have proven this to be wrong as I had already expressed the fact that I thought this was the case 2 hours before being contacted by Paul.

I have also never claimed to know nothing about my posts as you are suggesting?

I posted your results and stated you losing month was due to you not hedging your trade properly, because this is what I believed to be true. What I've been searching for is an email that collaborates this.

There is absolutely no point in me going to the lengths of getting permission to use your testimonial and then making up details about your trading history and running the risk of being caught out.

If I was acting in the way you have been suggesting I have, it would be much much easier to simply make up a contributor and post completely fictitious winning results. What would be the point in falsifying yours?

It makes no sense.

I posted the comment about your losing month being down to human error as I believed this was the case and for no other reason.

You did give us permission to use your testimonials and you didn't apply any caveats to this. What else are we supposed to think when Paul emailed you asking if his promoter can use your results and you said this was ok?

I have emailed you on the 27th and so didn't approve your comment of the 27th as as I knew you were wrong and that you had given us permission to use your testimonials. I wanted to point this out first and see how you wanted to proceed.

You didn't contact me again until late on the 30th. On the morning of the 31st I replied to you again and also forwarded the emails to my colleague so she could try.

My colleague finally made contact with you around lunchtime on the 31st and all your comments were removed as you had requested by 2pm.

You sent your first comment late on the 27th and were sent a reply on the 27th.

You sent your second comment late on the 30th which I and a colleague replied to on the 31st.

All of your comments were removed as you requested on the 31st, which was 3 1/2 days after the first and about 18 hours after the second.

It's a shame that nothing I can do will prove to you I have responded to you as I have said I have. I feel the evidence is overwhelming.

I continue to send you more and more proof that what I say I did is what I did and that your assumptions are wrong.

I continue to be open with you and have given you my contact number and invited you to the office to see the evidence for yourself. If you are really so confident that everything I have said is made up, why not call my bluff and come and see it for yourself?

It isn't possible to fake an email account with thousands of emails in it as you have suggested and I suspect you realise this, but you don't want to have to accept the reality that I did respond to you as I said I have from the beginning.

Kind regards,

Mark Rose

Look Mark,

1. I did NOT recveive one email from you that you allegedly sent and NOTHING you do will convince me otherwise. I simply don't believe a word you say.

2. You either didn't send them as I believe, or you sent them to the wrong address or they sat in your draft folder and then you made up the trail and now a video to accompany it which DOES NOT prove anything. Correction it does prove the desperate lengths you will go to in an attempt to cover your tracks.

3. As I've said befioe IT IS easy to makeup an email trail as I'm sure you know. All very convenient, but alas the cat is out of the bag.

3. Sending an email to a 3rd party claiming you had communications issues with me proves what exactly? it certainly doesn't prove you sent an email or that I received it.

4. The agreement for my testimonials was for marketing purposes. Your bulletin board, hosted and policed by you is NOT marketing.

5. You then made up total bull s**t about my trading loss in an attempt to deflect away from the truth. And now justify your stupid comments because you thought they were true! At least you now admit that you made those comments even though they ARE LIES so why did you make these comments without knowing the truth if it wasn't to gloss over the truth???

Your post of 27th January 2015 you copied my trade results and made this stupid comment:

"And for the eagle eyed among you, the small loss in Feb 13 was down to human error, rather than the system not working!"

and again on the 20th Feb:
"...but I think it was a simple mathematical error when calculating the stake for the hedge trade, which meant it didn’t quite hedge the whole trade."

6. I could make a video up saying I've sent en email to the Queen, doesn't mean to say I sent it or she got it, it would prove nothing, in fact any idiot could do that it they wanted to.

7. You post on your BB testimoinals sent by Paul and I'm sure he would know if you started making the figures up, otherwise who knows what you'd post on there!

8. "It isn't possible to fake an email account with thousands of emails in it as you have suggested and I suspect you realise this, but you don't want to have to accept the reality that I did respond to you as I said I have from the beginning.!

Now you really are making youself look stupid. As you well know it's not rocket science to doctor emails allegedly sent and makeup a trail just a simple case of editing addresses, dates and times etc. Not difficult at all and completely amazing that ONLY after contacting Paul does your company bother to do anything about the matter.

If you had been open and honest about matters why didn't you removed the comments and my trade results after my first post like I asked you to do?

9. You had TWO oppurtunites to delete my trade results and those lies you posted after the post that you didn't approve on the Monday and Thursday and ONLY after Paul intervened, ONE week after I first posted them did you finally remove them. Now you're hiding behind the ruse that you were waiting for me to reply to your 'emails'.

If you had any decency about you at all, you would have removed them straight away rather than waiting for Paul to tell you to remove them.

10. You ARE trying to save face, covering your tracks and trying to prevent yourself from looking stupid and this is the very company that publishes the P.I.E. material.

I don't trust you and I don't believe a word you say.

Some people are just born liars.
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I think this discussion if it can be called that has gone on about as far as it can and not become a bit overdone.

I am not taking sides as both of you have helped me with information.

The one thing I would wonder if I were you Simon, it that if Mark is a liar as you certainly believe, and I don't know one way or the other, why wouldn't he just use fake positive comments on his site about PIE. Even I know how easy that is to do, and if Mark is in fact a liar, some of or all of the posts on his sites could be just rubbish.

Now Mark I am not saying any of that is true, I am just trying to make a point.

Simon, Mark has used your post to start this and it has turned into this huge slanging match, if he were so inclined, why bother with fighting with someone that is going to hang him out to dry? Why not just post fictitious posts and know that they will not be complained about?

From the information that has been presented, I have no reason to believe that either of you are anything but what you purport to be (for what that's worth)

But I don't believe whatever happens now is going to clear the air between the two of you, maybe bring in Paul as it seems you have both discussed this issue with him. Possibly a third party could help out.

Anyway, that's just my opinion, probably not worth much, but as I said you both sent helpful emails to myself and for that I am grateful.
August 2015 Market Crash

How did everyone do this week since the market crash? Are you still in profit for this year using the PIE system? Are you happy with the risk/reward ratio per trade?
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Not too good for me. Still in profit by about 5% over the nine months but a hairy day today. With hindsight, I think I was more aggressive with the system than I should have been. I won't make the same mistake again. Expensive lesson learned.