Cashmaster PIE

Hi Scaldedcat,

I'll contact you by email in the next few days with further details. I'd be tempted to edit your post and remove your email address as it might attract spammers, scammers and crackpots!

Cheers Simon, look forward to hearing from you.

And yes probably wasn't the smartest thing leaving my email address, not sure if I can delete it now, but used to the above three irritants you mentioned so hopefully most will go straight to my junk folder anyway.
**** Please note that due to time constraints and business commitments, I am no longer able to respond to personal emails or queries on this board. ****

I've answered a lot of emails/queries and provided people with a lot of support over the last year or so, often without even a 'thank you for your help', so if you have any queries I would suggest you contact Paul and Glynn at PIE who I'm sure will be only to happy to answer your questions.

Thank you
Abeer Sabe, your wrote: hi daveyboy22,

i never really heard of it nor did i ever tried it i would recommend you to not waste your money and time for stuff that's already in YouTube .

Good Luck !!

This is the type of rubbish comment that does those interested in this or any other system zero good. You haven't purchased the system, just assumed that it was rubbish and you could buy better on youtube.

Stupid claims, backed up by nothing than your opinion.

This thread was for people who knew something about PIE to let others know. This is what most have done, but you should keep uneducated assumptions to yourself, it does nobody any good.

And to others sitting on the fence like me, I will post a website that also discusses PIE and with a larger number of comments. Again I guess it's who you believe, but it seems unlikely that this many people are just making up stories.

But who knows, I'm still on the bloody fence.
I have visted the tradersbulletin site as posted by scaldecat and it looks like the PIE publisher is ramping the product and I wonder if Mark Rose and his company benefits from this ££££ ???

I gave Paul and Glynn permission to use my postings including my monthly trading results in their marketing material, but that didn't extend to somone called Mark Rose at what appears to be the publisher Thames Publishing copying details of my postings on this board without having the courtesy of asking my permission.

In addition he is blatantly telling lies in his post of 27th January 2015 when he made this comment:

"And for the eagle eyed among you, the small loss in Feb 13 was down to human error, rather than the system not working!"

and the 20th Feb:
"...but I think it was a simple mathematical error when calculating the stake for the hedge trade, which meant it didn’t quite hedge the whole trade."

I have pointed out to Mark Rose that it WAS NOT human error or a 'mis-calculation', but the result of having to hedge the one trade that went badly wrong that month which wiped out my entire profits for that month and took me 2 months to recover the loss.

Posting blatant lies like this is deliberately misleading people for which I do not wish to be associated with. I wonder what the Financial Services Authority would say about the matter?

I made several trades with contracts due to expire in Feb 13 and all but one made a profit. The trade I got wrong I therefore had to close out to prevent a potential bigger loss and naturally I made a loss on that 1 trade which gave me the £-252 loss overall for the month. The resulting 'hedge' is a new, entirely seperate trade to make up for the loss which I duly applied as per the manual, but that trade itself didn't expire until the following month and as such could only be reported in my figures for the month in which it expired.

I am a qualified auditor and if I was a company reporting my trading figures, they would be signed off as 'giving a true and fair view' of the state of my affairs. If I was to deploy some 'createive accounting' techniques in masking the loss until the hedge trade expired, the accounts would not be approved.

I have asked Mark to delete all references to copies of my trades and postings and the lie, but as yet he hasn't bothered to either reply or approve my postings, despite approving one that was made after my first contacting him!

I also pointed out that some other PIE traders who have contacted me via this forum got their fingers badly burnt last year when they had to deploy the hedge to get out of trouble as Mark details, so hedging is not all plain sailing as some people might have you believe. I personally go out of my way to avoid having to hedge my trades

Maybe Mark Rose is on some kind of commission, so it would be in his best interests to gloss over the truth.

P.I.E does work if used sensibly, but as a result of what one idiot has done means I am now asking the P.I.E owners to remove all my postings and endorsements from their website and all their marketing material.

Caveat emptor
and the odd cowboy
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Traders Bulletin would like to apologize for any offence caused to Simon in using his testimonial and for any inaccuracy on our website. We aim to give the most accurate appraisals of any trading products we use, and only use testimonials on our site with permission of the author. In this case, there seems to have been a miscommunication between us as the guys at PIE over whether this permission had been obtained.

We have endeavored to contact Simon directly on several occasions (see my emails to him below) to come to a solution. It seems that he has not received any of these emails – I can only assume they’ve been marked as spam by his email provider. Today, we have finally made direct email contact and have taken down his comments and results from the tradersbulletin website.

I hope this resolves the problem and also hope that it doesn’t reflect badly on a trading system that I use myself and have a great deal of faith in. Below are my trading results for 2015 (I have been trading for over a year, but my results for 2014 are mixed in with other trading, so I don’t have exact results to share – I’d estimate a profit of around 40% on the FTSE though).

FTSE 4.02%
Dax 5.35%

FTSE 3.17%
Dax 5.25%

FTSE 2.97%
Dax 5.33

FTSE 2.89%
Dax 6.57%

FTSE 3.31%
Dax 6.07%

FTSE 0.75%
Dax 5.05%

Mark Rose

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Rose at Thames Publishing
Sent: 31 July 2015 08:59
To: [email address removed]
Subject: RE: [Traders Bulletin | Free Trading Systems] Please moderate: "PIE Trading Strategy Review"

Hi Simon,

I've resent you the reply I sent you on the 27th, I didn't receive a bounce back email so assumed this had been received.

As I said then, we asked permission from Paul to use the testimonials on his site and in particular wanted to use yours as they are by far the most comprehensive, but if using yours has caused offence we will of course remove them.

I'm afraid I can't recall where the comment about human error has come from, I have looked back through my emails to see if I could find it, but to no avail. If this is incorrect then I will remove it.

Kind regards,

Mark Rose

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Rose at Thames Publishing
Sent: 31 July 2015 08:43
To: [email address removed]
Subject: "PIE Trading Strategy Review"

Hi Simon,

I think we must be having a communication problem, below is the email I sent to you on the 27th.

If you would rather speak to me my telephone number is xxxxx.


Mark Rose

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Rose at Thames Publishing
Sent: 27 July 2015 23:28
To: [email address removed]
Subject: RE: [Traders Bulletin | Free Trading Systems] Please moderate: "PIE Trading Strategy Review"

Hi Simon,

Sorry if we have caused offence.

We did and do ask Paul and Glynn for permission to use the testimonials on their site and they are regularly sending us new ones across for us to use.

If you want us to remove yours then we will of course do so.

The only time I have had to hedge my PIE trades was last October. This was a straight forward enough process at the time though, so it's interesting to hear you know of people who suffered significant losses.

I see you had some pretty good results over this period too, do you know what the PIE members you refer to were doing differently to yourself?

Biggest risk I've encountered was the increased margins and spreads that IG implemented over some of the recent weekends. If I had been challenged whilst these were in place, it would have made rolling the positions difficult.

Kind regards,

Mark Rose
No I didn't get those emails that you allegedly sent to me and neither did they appear in my junk/spam folder. Funny that. Only after I contacted Paul at PIE does anyone at Thames Publishing do anything about it.

I gave Paul permission to use my posting on the PIE website and in his marketing. Your bulletin board which you police yourself is not marketing it's a propaganda exercise where free speech is censored by you and postings that you don't like, you don't approve or they vanish.

So you not only used my postings on your website without seeking permission, but then you blatantly lied and made things up about the loss I incurred in Feb 13.

"And for the eagle eyed among you, the small loss in Feb 13 was down to human error, rather than the system not working!"

and the 20th Feb:
"...but I think it was a simple mathematical error when calculating the stake for the hedge trade, which meant it didn’t quite hedge the whole trade."

As i pointed out above, it WAS NOT human error or a 'mis-calculation', but the result of having to hedge the one trade that went badly wrong that month which wiped out my entire profits for that month and took me 2 months to recover the loss.

As I mentioned previously I have had emails from people who did follow PIE as per the course/manual, had to take evasive action last year and incurred losses as a result. One person in particular has given up using PIE due to his experiences. I'm presently trying to offer him assistance to get back on track the 'Simon way'.

I personally find your conduct deliberately deceitful and disgraceful and as such I have no wish to have any further dealings with you or your publishing company.
Hi Simon, if you don't wish to reply to this, I understand as you have made it clear you are over making further comments.

But after the comments made from Mark Rose, it seems that people still seem poles apart on how well and just as importantly how easy it is to operate.

Mark over 12 months seemed to return amazing gains with only one time having to do the "trick" of fixing a losing trade and still making a profit.

My goal was not to be greedy and set things up as instructed and only have to use minimal time each month in setting things up again. Many have said this is correct, and that is the basis of the system.

But still interested to see that you don't see this as the case and you do need to monitor your trades more closely during the month, which is a big difference to what is advertised.

Can I ask if you have followed the system they taught you exactly, or have you got involved in changing things as you followed the trades during the month.

Sorry to keep asking but becoming more confused with most still singing PIE"s praises but some like yourself telling a different story.


Hi Tim,

First of all I am still a big fan of PIE, I use it with my normal trading a/c, my SIPP pension and also a spot of spreabetting to see how I get on and if it is for me.

PIE does work if used sensibly and for me that means making trades which are extremely unlikely to get compromised. After my experiences in Feb 13, I will go out of my way to ensure that I don't have to hedge a trade to get out of trouble again as it can prove costly.

When I went on the course 3 years ago it pomoted making 2 types of trades per £10k pot. After a lot of spreadsheet analysis I realised that one of those types of trades offered poor value for money so I started to concentrate on one typee of trade only. I mentioned this to Graham at Cahsmaster and that's what he had noticed as well and was doing the same as me.

PIE now also promotes this alternative trading strategy which can also be refined even further, not with the types of trades executed, but the timing. This is what I am constantly monitoring.

Personally I would say you need to keep an eye on the market once a day, maybe each evening? so that you are aware of the current price of the FTSE, DOW etc. and how this affects your trade positions.

It maybe after a market crash, e.g. the very recent Greece crisis when markets tanked and you realise you need to take corrective action with one of your trades but if you only monitor the markets once a month, how can you react? So in short you need to keep an eye on the market on a daily basis even if it just to confirm that everything is OK. The manual itself does promote this idea.

My only real issue I have with PIE is how the trades are selected in the first place and the examples in the manual. Some people have followed the manual to the letter and as I mentioned previously, got their fingers burnt. Personally I have adapted the method of selecting my trades which is different from PIE. I use a simple formula to determine the types of trades I should be looking at in order to achive my low-risk and relatively safe trades.

The bigger the % gains the more the risk is attached to that and with risk comes the possibility of having to close any losing trades and deploy the hedge to get out of jail. Yes gains of 2%, 3% 4% pm are possible, but there is a risk attached to this and if you are risk adverse, then you would need to make more cautious trades as I and others do.

I wonder how many people on this and the other board have had to do that during the Greece drama but don't admit it? It didn't bother me in the slightest and I even took advantage of it by getting better prices for a couple of trades I made at that time.

Hope that helps.

Hi Simon

Thanks for taking the time to reply it must be getting a bit old by now.

I think now with all the research I've done, and seeing the pro's and con's from people like yourself who actually have purchased the system, that I will give it a go.

I will certainly be following your advice about the level of risk, and as I am risk adverse will be doing everything I can to take the safest approach.

Thanks again Simon, I really appreciate it


Hi Tim,

No problems. I would recommend as the course itself promotes, opening a dummy trading account to get used to making trades, the platform and gaining that all important experience and confidence etc.

Once you've been on the course, if you need any help, tips or advice, send me a private message and I'll be happy to assist.

Good luck.

Hi Tim,

I thought I'd explain a little about my approach.

I attended the course in Jan 2014 and have been posting my results for the method I was taught on the day since.

I too have amended the strategy a little to suit, but I still place live trades following the original strategy I was taught, so as to have accurate performance figures to post on traders bulletin site.

Originally I was just trading the FTSE, but later I started trading the DAX too, which is the instrument I prefer of the two and is the one I am much more invested in.

I am spread betting rather than trading direct market.

After I have placed my trades I set various alarms on my account, so that I am emailed if there is a significant move, so theoretically I don't need to watch the market.

However, I am trading everyday, so in reality have a good understanding of where the FTSE and the DAX are on a day to day basis.

That said, I still maintain that by setting some alerts on your account to notify you if key levels are breached, you could be completely hands off if you wanted to.

Human nature being what it is, I suspect you wouldn't be able to resist taking a peak at the P&L though.

In the 15 months I have been actively trading the PIE strategy I have only been tested once and hedging was a straight forward process.

Kind regards,

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No I didn't get those emails that you allegedly sent to me and neither did they appear in my junk/spam folder. Funny that. Only after I contacted Paul at PIE does anyone at Thames Publishing do anything about it.

I gave Paul permission to use my posting on the PIE website and in his marketing. Your bulletin board which you police yourself is not marketing it's a propaganda exercise where free speech is censored by you and postings that you don't like, you don't approve or they vanish.

So you not only used my postings on your website without seeking permission, but then you blatantly lied and made things up about the loss I incurred in Feb 13.

"And for the eagle eyed among you, the small loss in Feb 13 was down to human error, rather than the system not working!"

and the 20th Feb:
"...but I think it was a simple mathematical error when calculating the stake for the hedge trade, which meant it didn’t quite hedge the whole trade."

As i pointed out above, it WAS NOT human error or a 'mis-calculation', but the result of having to hedge the one trade that went badly wrong that month which wiped out my entire profits for that month and took me 2 months to recover the loss.

As I mentioned previously I have had emails from people who did follow PIE as per the course/manual, had to take evasive action last year and incurred losses as a result. One person in particular has given up using PIE due to his experiences. I'm presently trying to offer him assistance to get back on track the 'Simon way'.

I personally find your conduct deliberately deceitful and disgraceful and as such I have no wish to have any further dealings with you or your publishing company.

Hi Simon,

I'll send you across a screenshot of my sent items box. This will show you that I have responded to you as I have said I did, in a timely and courteous manner.

Kind regards,

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Hi Mark

Thanks for the information in how you are successfully using PIE.

I think you can see how difficult it can be with different perspectives given on the same system. You and Simon appear to have clear differences in some aspects of the system, and how much you can actually make per month without too much intervention.

But I thank you both for your reply's, my worry is that I know nothing about trading so using the hedging to get you out of trouble seems a bit scary to me.

However, you do pay for the course materials which I assume goes through things like this, so the only way to really know if it for you is to take the plunge which I am aiming to do. (He says while still sitting on the fence)

Thanks again guys


Hi Mark,
Regarding your hedge trade,did you manage to hedge it in the same month,or further down the line?

Hi Simon,

I'll send you across a screenshot of my sent items box. This will show you that I have responded to you as I have said I did, in a timely and courteous manner.

Kind regards,



yeah right, strange how I didn't receive them!! very convenient indeed.

I did give Paul permission to use my postings, testimonies on his website and in respect of marketing, but as I have pointed out already, a bulletin board is not marketing, it's just a BB and a propaganda tool run by you as their publisher and where all posts are censored by you, so you felt that entitled you to copy my trade results and post stupid, naive comments about my trading loss for Feb 13, without knowing a damned thing about me or my trades in question. You even censored my posts in response to those comments, but thankfully you can't do it on here otherwise you wouldn't approve them!

Your comments I found to be an irresponsible and deliberate attempt to deceive the public, which also reflects badly on me.

If you had not taken them down, I would have complained non-stop to the FSA until they did something about it.

I've told Paul, that your actions means I am no longer prepared to endorse their product. They need to be careful who they get into bed with.

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Hi Mark

Thanks for the information in how you are successfully using PIE.

I think you can see how difficult it can be with different perspectives given on the same system. You and Simon appear to have clear differences in some aspects of the system, and how much you can actually make per month without too much intervention.

But I thank you both for your reply's, my worry is that I know nothing about trading so using the hedging to get you out of trouble seems a bit scary to me.

However, you do pay for the course materials which I assume goes through things like this, so the only way to really know if it for you is to take the plunge which I am aiming to do. (He says while still sitting on the fence)

Thanks again guys



Hi Tim,

I think the main difference in performance will be due to the fact i am spread betting and Simon is trading direct.

It may also be that Simon is being more conservative than I am, which as he is investing as part of a SIPP would seem a very sensible approach.

Kind regards,

Mark Rose
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yeah right, strange how I didn't receive them!! very convenient indeed.

I did give Paul permission to use my postings, testimonies on his website and in respect of marketing, but as I have pointed out already, a bulletin board is not marketing, it's just a BB and a propaganda tool run by you as their publisher and where all posts are censored by you, so you felt that entitled you to copy my trade results and post stupid, naive comments about my trading loss for Feb 13, without knowing a damned thing about me or my trades in question. You even censored my posts in response to those comments, but thankfully you can't do it on here otherwise you wouldn't approve them!

Your comments I found to be an irresponsible and deliberate attempt to deceive the public, which also reflects badly on me.

If you had not taken them down, I would have complained non-stop to the FSA until they did something about it.

I've told Paul, that your actions means I am no longer prepared to endorse their product. They need to be careful who they get into bed with.


Hi Simon

I had hoped that sending you a screenshot of my sent items folder would have convinced you that I did reply in a timely and courteous manner. I have to admit I am running out of ideas on what else I can do.

I have also sent you the email trail where we requested permission to use your testimonials and the replies received from you confirming that it was ok to do so.

Again as requested by you we have removed all your comments and testimonials from our site.

The way the tradersbulletin site works is your 1st post needs to be approved by an administrator. This is necessary so the site isn't plagued with 1000's of spam emails offering designer bags etc.

We 1st received a comment from you on the 27th of July, where you stated we didn't have permission to use your testimonials.

At that time I thought it would be better to contact you directly on this matter, as we always request permission to use testimonials and I believed we had been given permission to use yours.

Kind regards,

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