PG I think the answer to your query is easy to see in the preceeding screenfuls. They are mostly vitriolic, rude and personally insulting. All quite beyond the usual courtesies shown on an enthusiasts forum such as this.
So why should we bother to keep answering sarcastic queries and comments only to be abused in text once again ?
Yes, Mark, Sarnia Cherie, Mike Farrell, Baldeaglebloke, myself and many others are very happy customers, and we are all active on the AFFX site every day making money.
As Dubai wrote - several times - buy it, try it, and remember there is a full refund guarantee. But if you do buy it, then you really must use the trading rooms that Dubai has established and that are key to making his methods work. If you just get the manual, look at the screens and never use this unique facility of instant dialogue with the originator and a lot of enthusiasts (60-70 usually at any one time in the day), then you have missed a big opportunity.
As established in other posts here, no, this is not set and forget. Yes, you can get alerts via text or whatever (Mark is an expert at that), but you have to be able to log-on to your charts to check and then log on to your broker if you decide to place a trade.
The claimed returns are quite achievable but you have to have access to the technology when opportunities arise. Several of us are self-employed and can make the screen time, and in some cases we are making a living from trading.
From past experience no doubt the abuse will start again, so unfortunately I will not respond to anything you might wish to add. But you are welcome to PM me, but better still PM the guru Dubai.