Cashmaster PIE

Agishos, market conditions at the moment make the method a lot more vulnerable to the scenario you speak of so one cannot follow the original method.

How do you know this?

If you are still looking at this thread, is this correct?

Daveyboy, I have the course. I am not suggesting you cannot trade the main principles of the method at the moment but the original method provides an additional element of safety. I was disappointed with this element of the course as it did not take into consideration all market conditions. So you have to be a little creative to reduce the potential results of 'worst case scenario'.
Daveyboy, I have the course. I am not suggesting you cannot trade the main principles of the method at the moment but the original method provides an additional element of safety. I was disappointed with this element of the course as it did not take into consideration all market conditions. So you have to be a little creative to reduce the potential results of 'worst case scenario'.[/QUOTE

Thanks for this information. Sorry, I was not aware that you had been on the course.
I am still on the fence with this and my wife is still dead against me doing this. So I really appreciate your input.
Would you still recommend this course?
I think it's way over priced and there are better strategies/courses out there for the money. If you have a little more time you would do better investing in a swing trading course or a reputable options trading course imo.

Once you get the basics of options down, its relatively simple. The owners of PIE have done a very good job marketing to a non educated (in options) audience. For example, there is a three day options course attended by the big banks and investment firms on basic options strategies that costs £900 less than PIE (Institutions paying less for information and information delivered by industry professionals!) .

See here:

Not long after I bought the PIE course, an email was sent out asking people to refer Glyn and Paul when they signed up with a broker so that they would get commissions per trade you make, even stating that they should have done this a lot sooner, and that they have lost out on a lot of money!! Their reasoning was that it would pay for any updates to the course (updates in nearly a year that have never been received -go figure!).

There is a reason why the producers of PIE get you to sign a number of disclosure documents. This is typical of such companies selling very basic courses. If the actual details of such a simple strategy were leaked then they would be out of pocket from teaching it.
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I think it's way over priced and there are better strategies/courses out there for the money. If you have a little more time you would do better investing in a swing trading course or a reputable options trading course imo.

Once you get the basics of options down, its relatively simple. The owners of PIE have done a very good job marketing to a non educated (in options) audience. For example, there is a three day options course attended by the big banks and investment firms on basic options strategies that costs £900 less than PIE (Institutions paying less for information and information delivered by industry professionals!) .

See here:

Not long after I bought the PIE course, an email was sent out asking people to refer Glyn and Paul when they signed up with a broker so that they would get commissions per trade you make, even stating that they should have done this a lot sooner, and that they have lost out on a lot of money!! Their reasoning was that it would pay for any updates to the course (updates in nearly a year that have never been received -go figure!).

There is a reason why the producers of PIE get you to sign a number of disclosure documents. This is typical of such companies selling very basic courses. If the actual details of such a simple strategy were leaked then they would be out of pocket from teaching it.

Again, I really appreciate your replies and additional information.
So.....How risky is this now?
Again, I really appreciate your replies and additional information.
So.....How risky is this now?

I too went on the PIE course and agree entirely with Porkpie who has made some excellent points.
I made money with it for several months, only to give it all back and more during sharp market falls in October and December last year. It was great while it lasted, like taking candy from a baby....only trouble is baby wanted its candy back and more.....
I do not know anything about PIE, but I noted the claims about earning 1.5-2% per month with absolutely no risk.

I have been around trading systems since the mid 90's, and in that time have seen groups of people following a futures or horse betting system that make small incremental profits for a long period of time, even years, and then get wiped out when the inevitable worst case scenario happens.

There is no way to make constant profits and always safely hedge. If there was the quants would pour hundreds of millions into it very quickly, causing the market structure to shift and remove the exploitable edge. This is what happens to every successful system. If you have something that works don't sell it, because it will soon stop working.

And PIE is being pushed by Graham Laurie, someone who, I know for a fact, has manipulated (lied by omission) his testing figures to promote a product to his mailing list.
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The 1.5-2% per month is easily obtainable, although when entering the trade the risk is undefined and theoretically virtually unlimited.

And I would think the life of leisure promoted by the system's creators (and as featured on Graham Laurie's site) is funded by the repeated seminars of 6 attendees paying £3000 or so a head, rather than by trading the system!
Hi everyone,

Just caught up with this thread. I am a littl e puzzled by one or two posts on here.

Firstly daveboy22, I'm amazed you're still on this thread. If even the slightest risk concerns you,then you need to forget about it and move on. Your wife is dead against it (still), so unless she has a change of heart, keep your money in the bank.

Fatchance - I'm amazed you lost your previous gains in the down periods. Thankfully I didn't and I wasn't in the slightest bit worried, but then again I am probably more cautious with my trades than a lot of people. Maybe and you probably know this yourself now, you're were being too aggresive with the trades you selected?

As I've said before, I'm happy to keep on churning my trades and racking up the profits and I won't sacrifice my strategy by reaching for the stars - I am an ex-auditor by trade anyway, so caution is my middle name. If the prices on offer one month for my trading range are poor, then so be it, but I will always keep one or two back in readiness for a market correction i.e. this week.

I agree that the solution to the problem of a mini-crash isn't totally foolproof, as in my very first few months of trading I was too agreesive with a trade and ended up having to put the plan into operation which meant for that month I lost about £250. It was a harsh lesson and with that in mind I make sure that this type of scenario never happenes again or at the very least probably won't happen.

Good luck all.

Hi Simon
Thanks for your comments - after the losses I did indeed wonder if I'd been too aggressive, but really wasn't. Obviously if I had taken different positions it might not have happened, but at the time I no doubt made the judgement as to what was worth taking, balanced against risk. I kind of took the view that if it hadn't happened when it did, a similar situation would inevitably occur sooner or later.
So, that probably leaves me with daveboy (and Mrs daveboy!) averse to the risk and having moved on to other things.
Anyway, I wish you well going forward with the system Simon, as you've done far better than I have by dodging that bullet which hit me!
Sorry to hear that Fatchance. If you send me a private message with your email address, maybe I can help by showing you the types of trades I take on and my own rules for trading and my strategy?

The offer is there anyway, but I probably won't be able to reply in much detail till the weekend.


Hi Simon
Thanks for your comments - after the losses I did indeed wonder if I'd been too aggressive, but really wasn't. Obviously if I had taken different positions it might not have happened, but at the time I no doubt made the judgement as to what was worth taking, balanced against risk. I kind of took the view that if it hadn't happened when it did, a similar situation would inevitably occur sooner or later.
So, that probably leaves me with daveboy (and Mrs daveboy!) averse to the risk and having moved on to other things.
Anyway, I wish you well going forward with the system Simon, as you've done far better than I have by dodging that bullet which hit me!
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Simon - many thanks for the kind offer, I'll take you up on it. I have left things still convinced I did it "by the book", so I'll be interested to see your types of trades.
Hi everyone,

Just caught up with this thread. I am a littl e puzzled by one or two posts on here.

Firstly daveboy22, I'm amazed you're still on this thread. If even the slightest risk concerns you,then you need to forget about it and move on. Your wife is dead against it (still), so unless she has a change of heart, keep your money in the bank.

Fatchance - I'm amazed you lost your previous gains in the down periods. Thankfully I didn't and I wasn't in the slightest bit worried, but then again I am probably more cautious with my trades than a lot of people. Maybe and you probably know this yourself now, you're were being too aggresive with the trades you selected?

As I've said before, I'm happy to keep on churning my trades and racking up the profits and I won't sacrifice my strategy by reaching for the stars - I am an ex-auditor by trade anyway, so caution is my middle name. If the prices on offer one month for my trading range are poor, then so be it, but I will always keep one or two back in readiness for a market correction i.e. this week.

I agree that the solution to the problem of a mini-crash isn't totally foolproof, as in my very first few months of trading I was too agreesive with a trade and ended up having to put the plan into operation which meant for that month I lost about £250. It was a harsh lesson and with that in mind I make sure that this type of scenario never happenes again or at the very least probably won't happen.

Good luck all.



Yes, I am still about.
I take your point about moving on - maybe I should, but, nevertheless, I am still interested in hearing how people are getting on with this.
As always, thanks very much for your replies - very much appreciated.

I would appreciate if you could post again after having taking advice from Simon.
It would be interesting to hear how you get on.

Thanks again for your input.

hi daveyboy22,

i never really heard of it nor did i ever tried it i would recommend you to not waste your money and time for stuff that's already in YouTube .

Good Luck !!
Hi Simon. I was posted the link to this site by someone I had asked advice about regarding P.I.E. He was dead against it (for no practical reason, just the to good to be true analogy). And if he was trying to dissuade me I'm not sure why he would have sent me this link, as you appear to be the only one to have purchased it and used it as instructed.

I know this is a while ago now so just wondering if you were still on this site and if so maybe you could make a comment, as I would love to pm you as I am seriously looking at purchasing P.I.E in the near future.

I have been a fan of Graham from "Cashmaster" and he has always seemed to have given honest appraisals about numerous systems and strategies, so I don't know why he would risk he's reputation on something like this if it wasn't the truth.

I have been in touch with him several times regarding P.I.E. and as I live in Australia, I would be doing one of their home courses and as he is visiting here this year, he has even offered to meet up. Not the signs of a scammer I wouldn't think.

Anyway Simon if you do happen to read this I would love to know how you are getting on and to speak with you further if you were ok with that.

I do not know anything about PIE, but I noted the claims about earning 1.5-2% per month with absolutely no risk.

I have been around trading systems since the mid 90's, and in that time have seen groups of people following a futures or horse betting system that make small incremental profits for a long period of time, even years, and then get wiped out when the inevitable worst case scenario happens.

There is no way to make constant profits and always safely hedge. If there was the quants would pour hundreds of millions into it very quickly, causing the market structure to shift and remove the exploitable edge. This is what happens to every successful system. If you have something that works don't sell it, because it will soon stop working.

And PIE is being pushed by Graham Laurie, someone who, I know for a fact, has manipulated (lied by omission) his testing figures to promote a product to his mailing list.

Totaly AGREE with YOU, nothing is guaranteed in this GAME:-0

Just look what happened to...Long-Term Capital Management

I do NOT believe these sellers are making constant GUARANTEED cash from this system, If they were why on earth would you spill the beans by doing cough...nought to to with making 3K per punter😱:whistling

BTW...GREAT Posts from: Porkpie👍
Hi scaldedcat.

I've just got back from holiday, so if you reply with your email address, I can reply directly. Needless to say I'm still running PIE, but fine-tuned to my exact liking and constantly racking up the profits.

Been running this for just under 3 years now and will shortly have reached the £20k profit margin. It's more if I include my SIPP pension.

I'm averaging just under 1.4% per month and I'm more than happy with that. My pension is more conservative at 1.3% pm, but again more than the so called experts who woud normally run my pension fund and charge me a fortune for poor performance.

PIE does work as I'm sure people who have been on the course know already. If you want/expect 2% pm then look elsewhere, you're dreaming. If you want consistant, regular profits every month like I achieve then maybe this is for you.

Having dealt with Graham at Cashmaster site before and having read his review, I knew I had to give this ago. I've not been disappointed and it's been one of the best decisions I've ever made.

Some people on these sites expect the earth 2-3% pm with no risk, and need to get a grip on reality. In the Uk the best you can expect to achieve is about 1.5% pa on your savings! The odd time I acheive that in one month.

Others are happy to slate something they know nothing about and yet they're on these boards searching for the holy grail and expect 3%+ pm with no risk. People like that are born losers and will never be satisfied.

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Hi scaldedcat.

I've just got back from holiday, so if you reply with your email address, I can reply directly. Needless to say I'm still running PIE, but fine-tuned to my exact liking and constantly racking up the profits.

Been running this for just under 3 years now and will shortly have reached the £20k profit margin. It's more if I include my SIPP pension.

I'm averaging just under 1.4% per month and I'm more than happy with that. My pension is more conservative at 1.3% pm, but again more than the so called experts who woud normally run my pension fund and charge me a fortune for poor performance.

PIE does work as I'm sure people who have been on the course know already. If you want/expect 2% pm then look elsewhere, you're dreaming. If you want consistant, regular profits every month like I achieve then maybe this is for you.

Having dealt with Graham at Cashmaster site before and having read his review, I knew I had to give this ago. I've not been disappointed and it's been one of the best decisions I've ever made.

Some people on these sites expect the earth 2-3% pm with no risk, and need to get a grip on reality. In the Uk the best you can expect to achieve is about 1.5% pa on your savings! The odd time I acheive that in one month.

Others are happy to slate something they know nothing about and yet they're on these boards searching for the holy grail and expect 3%+ pm with no risk. People like that are born losers and will never be satisfied.


Hi Simon

Sorry for late reply but my post was returned to my email.

Thank you for replying to my post.

I'm pleased to see you are still have success with PIE, and you are averaging 1.4% a month is a return, most fund managers could only dream of those returns.

One other thing, as advertised by the guys at PIE, they say that there is only a small amount of work required every month to make sure everything is in order. Would you agree with this? I'm not afraid of putting in extra time, but my experience with shares is limited so the idea that not a lot is needed to keep the investment flowing sounded good to me.

And you went on one of the courses, but living in Australia I will be doing the online training. Do you think that it would be more difficult doing it this way without having the guys there in front of you? I have emailed them about this and they believe that it shouldn't be a problem, just thought I'd ask your opinion.

I have recently received a small but very important amount of money, and I don't won't it to go to waste in the banks offering what you're making a month for a years investment.

And the fact that you can paper trade until you are comfortable that it is working is also a major plus.

So thank you very much for your review of PIE, I must say with extensive research, I have not really found anyone who has followed the programme to have any complaints. Only those who haven't, but just think that it sounds to good to be true so it must be.

Thanks again


[email protected]