Cashmaster PIE

Thanks Becky, glad your making some headway with the system.

From all the investigating I've done, it confirms what your saying in that you can certainly make money using it, but it is not nearly as easy as the 10mins a month they say it is.

I have even lost a bit of faith in Grahame from "Cashmaster's" who I actually thought was one of the few system reviewers I could trust. He was the one that first got me onto PIE and has repeatedly said how he has cashed in all investments and put them into PIE account. But I have since heard that he may not be as squeaky clean as I thought.

One of the last communications I has with Glynn was when he told me to by a book (it was about 20 pounds I think, $40 our currency) and it is called "Best Option Strategy Ever". Not sure if you have heard of it, but it basically explains about purchasing a long term stable trade for 2-3 years as your insurance and then other trades to make your monthly totals. Obviously this is a very basic (I have read it and realise how careful you would have to be) explanation, but he said this was an example of how PIE worked. Not sure if you would agree or not.

I was surprised he offered that (probably sick of me and wanted to get rid of me) as it has saved me a lot of money. I can see how it could work, but as you say, it is anything but risk free and would still take considerable work.

Anyway, thanks again for the info, take care and have a great New Year.


Thanks Becky, glad your making some headway with the system.

From all the investigating I've done, it confirms what your saying in that you can certainly make money using it, but it is not nearly as easy as the 10mins a month they say it is.

I have even lost a bit of faith in Grahame from "Cashmaster's" who I actually thought was one of the few system reviewers I could trust. He was the one that first got me onto PIE and has repeatedly said how he has cashed in all investments and put them into PIE account. But I have since heard that he may not be as squeaky clean as I thought.

One of the last communications I has with Glynn was when he told me to by a book (it was about 20 pounds I think, $40 our currency) and it is called "Best Option Strategy Ever"...

I was surprised he offered that (probably sick of me and wanted to get rid of me) as it has saved me a lot of money. I can see how it could work, but as you say, it is anything but risk free and would still take considerable work.

Anyway, thanks again for the info, take care and have a great New Year.



Tim, if you saw my post in this thread (#19), you would see my link to this very book, some time ago.

And I believe a superior strategy compared to PIE and for greater monthly return.
Its probably less attractive because you are having to pay up premium for the insurance first, so you have a few months draw down, until credited premium builds up your account over time but then vastly overtakes risk premium paid, making overall 3 times more than Pie per month.

Not sure where you see the risk Tim, as black swan events are covered.

I urge others to buy this inexpensive ebook so that we could have a full private discussion for buyers to iron out any misunderstandings (which is what you basically buy when paying for PIE -their basic explanations and research. But we can do it together with a better strategy for FREE). PM me. I am not affiliated with David Bunney nor receive any incentives, but I have a passion to not see people ripped off in this industry. I also trade Forex full-time for a living.
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Hi Porkpie

I had at one point read all the post's on this thread. But must have missed or not clicked on your link for the book. Thank you for confirming that this book is in fact similar to the PIE concept. It has certainly saved me the equivalent of about $6000AUD.

I hope others read your post and may not only save themselves a lot of money but also learn what would seem by your comments to be a sound investment.

I personally have never traded, I was only looking for an investment that was better than the 2% pa I am currently getting from my bank. PIE sounded great, but I am thankful I continued to question the owners.

As far as the book goes, it does make sense to me but having never traded before there is a need to read the book over several times to have things penetrate my rather thick scull.

I would appreciate greatly any words of wisdom or explanations to a newbie you may be able to give. I have a limited investment and being a pensioner I will not be making any further contribution to it.

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Porkpie, could you give a bit more info about the method in the ebook - "Best Option Strategy Ever"? Is it selling or buying options? Is on stock options or other instruments? Do you require a large starting capital? How much time/research etc required to find potential trades? Thank you
Porkpie, could you give a bit more info about the method in the ebook - "Best Option Strategy Ever"? Is it selling or buying options? Is on stock options or other instruments? Do you require a large starting capital? How much time/research etc required to find potential trades? Thank you

Its a bit of both danjuma, low volatile stocks, you need at least net liquidated value of $25K due to nyse regulatory requirements otherwise you risk being classed a PDT by your broker. There is no tech analysis so you just act on expiry each month. Rinse and repeat.
Hi Porkpie

I had at one point read all the post's on this thread. But must have missed or not clicked on your link for the book. Thank you for confirming that this book is in fact similar to the PIE concept. It has certainly saved me the equivalent of about $6000AUD.

I hope others read your post and may not only save themselves a lot of money but also learn what would seem by your comments to be a sound investment.

I personally have never traded, I was only looking for an investment that was better than the 2% pa I am currently getting from my bank. PIE sounded great, but I am thankful I continued to question the owners.

As far as the book goes, it does make sense to me but having never traded before there is a need to read the book over several times to have things penetrate my rather thick scull.

I would appreciate greatly any words of wisdom or explanations to a newbie you may be able to give. I have a limited investment and being a pensioner I will not be making any further contribution to it.


Hi Tim, I never said similar. They are strategically different, sort of back to front to each other. Read pages 24-29 over and over and paper trade it to understand it fully over several months. Its all about premium and covering risk.
Hi Porkpie, my apologies for misquoting you. I was going by your comment #20 where you said they sounded similar, but I realise now that this was probably before you had actually purchased PIE.

Thank you for your advice, I will certainly read pages 24-29 until I can recite them verbatim. (And understand what they actually mean)

Thanks again, I do appreciate it.
So Porkpie, do you still stand by your assertion in relation to the 'Best Option Strategy Ever'?

And I believe a superior strategy compared to PIE and for greater monthly return.


Hi Porkpie, my apologies for misquoting you. I was going by your comment #20 where you said they sounded similar, but I realise now that this was probably before you had actually purchased PIE.

Thank you for your advice, I will certainly read pages 24-29 until I can recite them verbatim. (And understand what they actually mean)

Thanks again, I do appreciate it.

Hi Scaledcat,

I am here in Sydney and have sent you an email
So Porkpie, do you still stand by your assertion in relation to the 'Best Option Strategy Ever'?


If you are referring to current mkt coinditions, yes, it gains either way. Not the best but certainly a very low maintenance way to trade (and better than PIE hence after covering costs for PIE with that method I went onto this). Even better are gamma scalping techniques (if you have the time), and trading a scenario of options at big news events where you can make large gains with zero risk (and I mean zero risk ...where all bases are covered).
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Thank you for your reply Porkpie, much appreciated. I have read the ebook, just waiting for reply form the author for some clarification before I start paper-trading it.

Even better are gamma scalping techniques (if you have the time), and trading a scenario of options at big news events where you can make large gains with zero risk (and I mean zero risk ...where all bases are covered).

The bit above is not in the ebook, is it?
No they are not, but I thought you said you have read the ebook so you would know? The other techniques are techniques used by an institutional trader I know but who predominantly trades futures and bonds.
Hi, I've been following this thread for some time, like some of you I have been looking at PIE originally to boost my pension pot, trying to research PIE and find information to help me decide if it's the right move. I'm now almost certain I won't be purchasing, but note with interest that you are now looking at the ebook Best Option Strategy Ever. I have read recently that option trading is now not permitted for SIPPs, is this true? Anyway I look forward to more input regarding the ebook, and at £30 think I will have a look myself.
No they are not, but I thought you said you have read the ebook so you would know? The other techniques are techniques used by an institutional trader I know but who predominantly trades futures and bonds.

Hello Porkpie, yes I have read the book and did not come across the other techniques you mentioned, reason why I asked in case I missed something in the book. Anyway, if you do not mind sharing more about the other techniques you mentioned, it would great and be much appreciated. However, if you rather not, all well and good. Thanks

I don't come on here much these days, but I did notice that you say that option trading via a SIPP a/c is now not permitted. I don't know where you got this information from, but it's clearly wrong. It is allowed, but not every broker will offer the service. (I use Interactive Brokers and my SIPP provider is @sipp based in Glasgow).

I've been trading the PIE method with my SIPP a/c since Aug 2014 and quite a number of other people are doing the same as well.

Be careful of the rubbish/spin certain people put out online, especially that Rose runt


Hi, I've been following this thread for some time, like some of you I have been looking at PIE originally to boost my pension pot, trying to research PIE and find information to help me decide if it's the right move. I'm now almost certain I won't be purchasing, but note with interest that you are now looking at the ebook Best Option Strategy Ever. I have read recently that option trading is now not permitted for SIPPs, is this true? Anyway I look forward to more input regarding the ebook, and at £30 think I will have a look myself.
Hi Simon, haven't been around here for a while. Was advised by email someone had made a post on
the PIE thread.

Are you still going well with PIE? I had decided to leave it alone after reading a lot about the
difference between what is advertised regarding the work/knowledge involved in the PIE method.

As it is with most things, and you don't know who are affiliates, some say its great and easy to follow,
others say the opposite, too much money and wish they had never purchased it.

Grahame from Cashmasters who originally got me onto it, has again today sent an email advising
that it has basically allowed him to retire and all for just ten mins a day.

Just when you have made your mind up, you get that email and you start questioning yourself as to whether you have made the right decision.

Anyway, thanks for any info on how you are going, and for all the posts you have made previously.


Hi Simon, haven't been around here for a while. Was advised by email someone had made a post on
the PIE thread.

Are you still going well with PIE? I had decided to leave it alone after reading a lot about the
difference between what is advertised regarding the work/knowledge involved in the PIE method.

As it is with most things, and you don't know who are affiliates, some say its great and easy to follow,
others say the opposite, too much money and wish they had never purchased it.

Grahame from Cashmasters who originally got me onto it, has again today sent an email advising
that it has basically allowed him to retire and all for just ten mins a day.

Just when you have made your mind up, you get that email and you start questioning yourself as to whether you have made the right decision.

Anyway, thanks for any info on how you are going, and for all the posts you have made previously.



When you buy (or sell) any thing, whether it be in the markets or a trading course, you look for one primary objective. Value.

Knowing your product, knowing about the environment of a product, what other products are out there and the quality of those products -whether based on reviews or experience, = how you determine value.

Pie for me is very poor value at its current price. Does not mean it does not work. Brush comments from cashmaster and the other 'runts' aside. Have you looked at other options courses and there reviews Scaldecat? Do you have a thorough understanding of what options are and how they can be traded from the many free resources out there?
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Hello Porkpie, yes I have read the book and did not come across the other techniques you mentioned, reason why I asked in case I missed something in the book. Anyway, if you do not mind sharing more about the other techniques you mentioned, it would great and be much appreciated. However, if you rather not, all well and good. Thanks

Oh ok, yes sorry I am not able to divulge further but you might find some resources on the subject of Gamma scalping and options trading around large news events.
Danjuma did you manage to start paper trading? which platform are you using for paper trading. I have recently read the ebook and was looking to paper trade it myself.