Cashmaster PIE

Stumbled on this thread by accident. I actually went on the course nearly 2 years ago. Think it was about £2.5k at the time and there was a guarantee that if I used it for 6 months and didn’t make profits I’d get a refund.

It was a risk, but having dealt with Graham at the Cashmaster site who went on the course himself and was using the strategy, I decided it was worth the risk.

It was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. It’s not a get rich quickly scheme, more a get rich steadily. I’m more than pleased with my decision.

Last year was my first full year using the system, which I have slightly adapted and my return on investment in 2013 was just over 16%. Some of you might scoff and laugh at that, but considering most of my capital was earning about 1.5% p.a., I have now cashed in most of my savings to run the P.I.E scheme through Interactive Brokers. I often earn 1.5% or a bit more per month rather than p.a.!

This year, I’m on target for a bit more than 16% and placing up to 10 trades per month. I’ve only had 1 losing trade in about 20 months.

I rest very easily at night without worrying about my investments. If in doubt, speak to Paul at P.I.E or Graham at the Cash-master blog site or even me.

The £30 scheme Porkpie mentions, I can tell is not similar to the P.I.E scheme.

Good luck

Thanks Simon. Sounds very conservative. With the one loss you did have what % of the account did you lose? I was particulalry interested in reading about Graham's results on his higher risk spread betting account using PIE but he seems to have gone quiet on that one.

Do you think if you made more trades your returns will be higher?
Stumbled on this thread by accident. I actually went on the course nearly 2 years ago. Think it was about £2.5k at the time and there was a guarantee that if I used it for 6 months and didn’t make profits I’d get a refund.

It was a risk, but having dealt with Graham at the Cashmaster site who went on the course himself and was using the strategy, I decided it was worth the risk.

It was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. It’s not a get rich quickly scheme, more a get rich steadily. I’m more than pleased with my decision.

Last year was my first full year using the system, which I have slightly adapted and my return on investment in 2013 was just over 16%. Some of you might scoff and laugh at that, but considering most of my capital was earning about 1.5% p.a., I have now cashed in most of my savings to run the P.I.E scheme through Interactive Brokers. I often earn 1.5% or a bit more per month rather than p.a.!

This year, I’m on target for a bit more than 16% and placing up to 10 trades per month. I’ve only had 1 losing trade in about 20 months.

I rest very easily at night without worrying about my investments. If in doubt, speak to Paul at P.I.E or Graham at the Cash-master blog site or even me.

The £30 scheme Porkpie mentions, I can tell is not similar to the P.I.E scheme.

Good luck

Any proofs or just naked words? For example trading forex I can link my hot forex account to Myfxbook or other monitoring system to show my performance. In your case it is just made-up story without an earned cent at the back.
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Any proofs or just naked words? For example trading forex I can link my hot forex account to Myfxbook or other monitoring system to show my performance. In your case it is just made-up story without an earned cent at the back.

Proof? What. For 16% pa 😆 I'm sure Simon has better things to do.
Thanks Simon. Sounds very conservative. With the one loss you did have what % of the account did you lose? I was particulalry interested in reading about Graham's results on his higher risk spread betting account using PIE but he seems to have gone quiet on that one.

Do you think if you made more trades your returns will be higher?

Hi Pork Pie,

It's possible or probable more likely that you could trade more frequently and increase your monthly/annual % return. The 2 people who run the course, Paul and Glynn do things differently. Paul just trades like me once a month and lets the profits kick in, Glynn on the otherhand looks to close out positions and trade again within the same period. That is when you read of the 'up to 25% p.a. returns'.

I have thought in the past that if in 1 month period, my unrealised profit hit the £1k mark (2% return for the month), I should close out all positions and start again. Every few months I get in that position and perhaps I should do that just to see what retruns I get in the following months.

Realistically, doing my normal trading pattern, I'm going be hitting upto 18% p.a. which for a cautious individual like myself, i'm content with that.

I know Graham is running an account with GFT in parallel, as is Paul. It is something I will be looking into over the next few months, but I don't know a great deal about spread betting - I tend to shy away from risky adventures, but running the P.I.E system with stop losses should be safe evn for me.

I'm in the middle of cashing in my pensions and transferring them to a SIPP account to run the P.I.E system with my funds, that's how confident I am of retruning 15% approx every year on my capital.

Nearly forgot the 1 losing trade resulted in me losing £252 that month or -0.84% of my bank, rather than earning approx 1.4%. It was my 6th month of trading and I took too much of a risk, something I won't do anymore. That was in Feb 13 and in the April I made just over 2% as I slightly changed the strategy, which I know both Paul and Graham have done as well.

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Any proofs or just naked words? For example trading forex I can link my hot forex account to Myfxbook or other monitoring system to show my performance. In your case it is just made-up story without an earned cent at the back.
Believe me or believe me not, I really don't care.

Yes, I have detailed spredsheets of every trade I have made, monthly and yearly stats, but why should I share them with you? as it would only give away the strategy, which as I'm sure even you can understand, I shouldn't do.

Even if I did provide a snapshot of my profits, I'm sure you would only turn round and say 'anyone could make those numbers up'!
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Hi Pork Pie,

It's possible or probable more likely that you could trade more frequently and increase your monthly/annual % return. The 2 people who run the course, Paul and Glynn do things differently. Paul just trades like me once a month and lets the profits kick in, Glynn on the otherhand looks to close out positions and trade again within the same period. That is when you read of the 'up to 25% p.a. returns'.

I have thought in the past that if in 1 month period, my unrealised profit hit the £1k mark (2% return for the month), I should close out all positions and start again. Every few months I get in that position and perhaps I should do that just to see what retruns I get in the following months.

Realistically, doing my normal trading pattern, I'm going be hitting upto 18% p.a. which for a cautious individual like myself, i'm content with that.

I know Graham is running an account with GFT in parallel, as is Paul. It is something I will be looking into over the next few months, but I don't know a great deal about spread betting - I tend to shy away from risky adventures, but running the P.I.E system with stop losses should be safe evn for me.

I'm in the middle of cashing in my pensions and transferring them to a SIPP account to run the P.I.E system with my funds, that's how confident I am of retruning 15% approx every year on my capital.

Nearly forgot the 1 losing trade resulted in me losing £252 that month or -0.84% of my bank, rather than earning approx 1.4%. It was my 6th month of trading and I took too much of a risk, something I won't do anymore. That was in Feb 13 and in the April I made just over 2% as I slightly changed the strategy, which I know both Paul and Graham have done as well.


Interesting. Thanks Simon.
Believe me or believe me not, I really don't care.

Yes, I have detailed spredsheets of every trade I have made, monthly and yearly stats, but why should I share them with you? as it would only give away the strategy, which as I'm sure even you can understand, I shouldn't do.

Even if I did provide a snapshot of my profits, I'm sure you would only turn round and say 'anyone could make those numbers up'!

Working strategy will be never on sale. 100%. Nature of survival says.
Working strategy will be never on sale. 100%. Nature of survival says.
what a stupid comment!

You are talking utter rubbish 100% , there are without doubt a lot of strategies out there that do work, not just P.I.E, it's a case of doing some research and finding the ones that suits you. If you seriously expect to pick one up on ebay that will earn you 5%+ per week for £10, then you really are living in dreamland.

You sound very naive and bitter, so good luck managing your losses - I know I won't have any and I even know how much I'll make in June and the % (1.49) :clap:
what a stupid comment!

You are talking utter rubbish 100% , there are without doubt a lot of strategies out there that do work, not just P.I.E, it's a case of doing some research and finding the ones that suits you. If you seriously expect to pick one up on ebay that will earn you 5%+ per week for £10, then you really are living in dreamland.

You sound very naive and bitter, so good luck managing your losses - I know I won't have any and I even know how much I'll make in June and the % (1.49) :clap:


I was the originator of this enquiry.

Many thanks for your report on how well you are doing with PIE.

As you have discovered, a lot of people just assume that this is a scam - too good to be true.

I had given up on getting a response from someone who had actually had experience with PIE - thanks for taking the time to put up your own experience.

Can I ask if the 16% profits are taxed and, if so, what % is payable?

I really want to give this a go but I am having great difficulty in persuading my wife that it is a genuine system and as risk free you can get with this sort of trading. Can't say that I blame her as I have lost a lot of money in the past on 'too good to be true' ventures.


Hi Daveyboy,
I can understand yours and your wife's concern that it's not just another dodgy scheme.

Profits are subject to capital gains tax, but only on profits above £10,900 p.a. for an individual. So in theory if you started getting above those profit levels, you could mitigate your tax burden by opening 1 account in your name and another in your wife's name so that would be nearly £22k tax free p.a.! This would equate to having approx £130k invested in the scheme.

Once the threshold is reached tax becomes payable at a rate of either 18% or 28% depending upon current salary. Basic band is £32k ish, so with personal of allowances of £10k approx, your 18% rate is about £42. If your salary is £30k and profits £15k, you would pay 18% on £12k and 28% on £3k. Hope that makes sense!

I expect to make a profit (tax free!) of about £8-£8.5k this year and I now trade with a bank of £50k. I will explore at some point the option of running the scheme with the spreadbetting firm and try to build up my bank with them and as there are no capital gains tax to pay with this method as you never actually own the assets you are trading on.

It's not going to make you rich overnight, but if your are a naturally cautious person as I am, you will be well satisfied with your returns. If you are someone who always wants a little bit more, then your risk will need to be greater in order to return the 20%+. Personally with interest rates being under 2%, anything above 10% and I would be very happy with, but I’m comfortable with the level of my risk, meaning I can aim for the 14-17% range.

As i mentioned before I have had 1 losing trade which made me a loss for the month of £252, with other trades offsetting the loss.

If you would like to discuss all this via email/phone, feel free to get in touch directly.

And before anyone says, I won't earn any commission whatsoever, I'm just more than happy to help mentor someone and help them achieve financial independence and maybe they or someone else might have a good idea for improving the strategy which I hadn’t seen.

I'm assuming you've seen the P.I.E scheme being promoted on the Cash-master blog and watched the videos? and without knowing the individuals concerned, I have no doubt whatsover that they are the real deal.

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Hi Daveyboy,
I can understand yours and your wife's concern that it's not just another dodgy scheme.

Profits are subject to capital gains tax, but only on profits above £10,900 p.a. for an individual. So in theory if you started getting above those profit levels, you could mitigate your tax burden by opening 1 account in your name and another in your wife's name so that would be nearly £22k tax free p.a.! This would equate to having approx £130k invested in the scheme.

Once the threshold is reached tax becomes payable at a rate of either 18% or 28% depending upon current salary. Basic band is £32k ish, so with personal of allowances of £10k approx, your 18% rate is about £42. If your salary is £30k and profits £15k, you would pay 18% on £12k and 28% on £3k. Hope that makes sense!

I expect to make a profit (tax free!) of about £8-£8.5k this year and I now trade with a bank of £50k. I will explore at some point the option of running the scheme with the spreadbetting firm and try to build up my bank with them and as there are no capital gains tax to pay with this method as you never actually own the assets you are trading on.

It's not going to make you rich overnight, but if your are a naturally cautious person as I am, you will be well satisfied with your returns. If you are someone who always wants a little bit more, then your risk will need to be greater in order to return the 20%+. Personally with interest rates being under 2%, anything above 10% and I would be very happy with, but I’m comfortable with the level of my risk, meaning I can aim for the 14-17% range.

As i mentioned before I have had 1 losing trade which made me a loss for the month of £252, with other trades offsetting the loss.

If you would like to discuss all this via email/phone, feel free to get in touch directly.

And before anyone says, I won't earn any commission whatsoever, I'm just more than happy to help mentor someone and help them achieve financial independence and maybe they or someone else might have a good idea for improving the strategy which I hadn’t seen.

I'm assuming you've seen the P.I.E scheme being promoted on the Cash-master blog and watched the videos? and without knowing the individuals concerned, I have no doubt whatsover that they are the real deal.


Great info again, thanks Simon.
Hi Daveyboy,
I can understand yours and your wife's concern that it's not just another dodgy scheme.

Profits are subject to capital gains tax, but only on profits above £10,900 p.a. for an individual. So in theory if you started getting above those profit levels, you could mitigate your tax burden by opening 1 account in your name and another in your wife's name so that would be nearly £22k tax free p.a.! This would equate to having approx £130k invested in the scheme.

Once the threshold is reached tax becomes payable at a rate of either 18% or 28% depending upon current salary. Basic band is £32k ish, so with personal of allowances of £10k approx, your 18% rate is about £42. If your salary is £30k and profits £15k, you would pay 18% on £12k and 28% on £3k. Hope that makes sense!

I expect to make a profit (tax free!) of about £8-£8.5k this year and I now trade with a bank of £50k. I will explore at some point the option of running the scheme with the spreadbetting firm and try to build up my bank with them and as there are no capital gains tax to pay with this method as you never actually own the assets you are trading on.

It's not going to make you rich overnight, but if your are a naturally cautious person as I am, you will be well satisfied with your returns. If you are someone who always wants a little bit more, then your risk will need to be greater in order to return the 20%+. Personally with interest rates being under 2%, anything above 10% and I would be very happy with, but I’m comfortable with the level of my risk, meaning I can aim for the 14-17% range.

As i mentioned before I have had 1 losing trade which made me a loss for the month of £252, with other trades offsetting the loss.

If you would like to discuss all this via email/phone, feel free to get in touch directly.

And before anyone says, I won't earn any commission whatsoever, I'm just more than happy to help mentor someone and help them achieve financial independence and maybe they or someone else might have a good idea for improving the strategy which I hadn’t seen.

I'm assuming you've seen the P.I.E scheme being promoted on the Cash-master blog and watched the videos? and without knowing the individuals concerned, I have no doubt whatsover that they are the real deal.


Thanks SO much for your reply.
I have sent you a private message - I hope that you can reply.
Many thanks.
Daveyboy, have you signed up yet?

Simon, how's it been these last couple of months and what is your current annualised return for this year?
Daveyboy, have you signed up yet?

Simon, how's it been these last couple of months and what is your current annualised return for this year?


No I have not yet - still deciding - complicated by the fact that I may have to use my Pension Fund - in fact very complicated!!
Hi PP,

It's going very well, for me. It's not a get rich scheme, just something nice and steady which I'm more than pleased with.

I've just finished trading for August prior to my hols. Last few months results:

May 14 - 1.68%
Jun 14 - 1.49%
Jul 14 - 1.16%
Aug 14 - 1.31%

Currently averaging 1.45% pm which equates to 17.5% annually 🙂

Not bad at all Simon. There are several strategies. I think PIE is not dissimilar to trading Iron Condors by the sounds of it. You can profit from the market regardless of direction it goes but you make the most money when price is range bound and close to the price at which you entered. The further out price expires the less money you make and you lose money beyond the strike price. Presumably this is when PIE puts in its hedge strategy so you don't lose any money and even make money once price continues in a trend direction.
Simon if you are still listening...

What will happen if we have another GFC, and the market moves up or down multiple deviations from normal. In those cases will the option trades still be hedged? Or is there a chance a loss can occur?

I have seen these types of trading systems before, that make many small incremental profits, but when a parabolic movement comes you get wiped out.

In parabolic movements, you cannot get a fill for your stop, so the normal safety net is thrown out. Or is the hedge purchased beforehand?
Agishos, market conditions at the moment make the method a lot more vulnerable to the scenario you speak of so one cannot follow the original method.