belflan's US stock intra day trades

rimm close


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reason for above trade

10min flating out

5min turn

amzn and rimm already gone

because the 10min is at o/s level i will hold for short period only look for exit on 5min & 1min macci
loss on aapl


reason for exit, my market analysis didn't work out

10min macci turn up, 5 min turn up
to late for any more trades tonight, would only go short tonight, and I think the market could spike up to close

I havn't allowed for slippage in this test.

could anyone advise if this is likely to be a problem at these position sizes on aapl rimm or amzn in live trading?

total tonight = $802

total total = $3,989

good trading

I've gone over all of my 53 trades on this thread. In some of the early trades I did not allow for commission etc.

I've ajusted the running total to suit

It's now $3,820
I have now got all trades in a spread sheet so it will be easier to monitor

I'll post the stats on a weekly/monthly bases maybe

So far (and remember very early days) =

days traded = 12

Trades = 54
wins = 30
losses = 18
B/E or small win/loss = 5

win % = 57%
loss % = 34%

Average win = $206
Average loss = $132

total return on account = 12.73%
return per day on account = 1.06%

early days tho
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I have now got all trades in a spread sheet so it will be easier to monitor

I'll post the stats on a weekly/monthly bases maybe

So far (and remember very early days) =

days traded = 12

Trades = 54
wins = 30
losses = 18
B/E or small win/loss = 5

win % = 57%
loss % = 34%

Average win = $206
Average loss = $132

total return on account = 12.73%
return per day on account = 1.06%

early days tho

Hi Glen

Great work so far; nice one :)

Did you happen to record (what I call) 'Max Pain' on each trade? In other words, how many (max) dollars did each trade go against you before finally being closed.

Many Thanks
Hi Glen

Great work so far; nice one :)

Did you happen to record (what I call) 'Max Pain' on each trade? In other words, how many (max) dollars did each trade go against you before finally being closed.

Many Thanks

hi Steve

I didn't in the past, and its imposible for me to now do this looking back (i've tried)

I will be doing this from now on tho, in some way or other within my spread sheet.

taking on board what Frank has been saying, i think i will look at intra trade draw downs for all positions open at any one time (total pain if you like)

I beleive this figure would have been just over $1,000 in the test so far

I think this 'pain' figure will be one of the most important things to come out of this test before going live

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reason for above trade

5min macci turn

10min macci at previous turn levels

aapl weak and spiking up

Hi Belfan-I'm in the office so not in from of the RS- was there a spike up?


hi Raj

aapl was sitting around 145.00 and pop up to 145.80 when i entered

currently down about $550 at the mo on this trade
