A Master Class in FX Intraday Trading by F & Co

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shes coming south now !!!! (y)

With the break under 0708 - yesterdays low down to 0692 this morning - EU being so bearish should drop again - but with US news an hour away it might be all being manipulated now and kept between 0700 and 0730



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GU resells coming .............


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still rollin up from 86 (y)


12 52 pm

I think this last hr the UCad as been nicest mover for us scalpers - ie nice PA and stayed with the bull bias of the morning and making a new high for the day for now

Normally i would be focusing on euro and pound crosses - but also notice some UCad news in next 35 mins or so

Thanks for flagging it N

tight again dammitt...nothing running for me in last 2 trades


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frigging usd and GBP and Euro ALL running north ...........spare me
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