A Master Class in FX Intraday Trading by F & Co

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usd stil rolling north (as I said)

so technically I need to be relying on the GU trade ..........but its not playing as yet


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ok gotta scoot

GU is selling ..........and I managed to keep AU B/e ..........

thats real quickfire calls off fast analysis ......normally I am taking much longer than this to strategise my positions and trades

later all



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Thursday 12th November - 9 00 am - UK

Good Morning FX Intraday traders

Its just over 3 hrs from when I started trading and maybe over that period i have only been scalping for less than 30 mins and had 6 partial stakes on sells - with 2 already been taken out with only small profits as I moved my stops down to tight.

With the Euro crosses and the Pound crosses all falling - its not just down to dollar strength this morning

OK we have had Draghi speaking and i notice he is back again at 10 30 am and then US red news at 1 30 pm

For now I am wondering how the students of my method have got on ?

Have not posted and LiTs at all - but they would have been great on at least 7 pairs - will post a couple of charts

As already mentioned not covering all day this week - but instead popping in over the course of the day and maybe sharing some trading in the afternoons.

Thank you NVP for your morning take and i hope you did well on EU and GU sells etc

Will try and be around for 10 30 am and 1 30 pm for news releases but cannot be sure atm

All comments etc welcome etc - please feel free to discuss anything on FX trading - my method or not

Most important - Have a good day - thats if you have not had one already ;-))

LiTs Area and than thick Red LR

9 30 am

I have 7 charts with similar sets up - Price clearly under or over the LiTs area - with my longest LR - ( approx 450 -500 setting ) being centre of the Line in the Sand area,

I am going to share two - the EJ and EU

The LiTs for opens gives you main Price structure bias for the morning session.

As already said many times - not really bothered about the monthly or weekly or even daily trend - I am only bothered what my own LiTs tells me

Some days wit will remain the same area - all day.

Most days it will change - might be under 4 hrs - might take 6 or 8 hrs - but mostly you never get same day main bias all day.

I hope these charts assist again in helping any students of the method to work out the Opens on wards bias

EJ - based on 1 min LR chart


EU - based on 1 min LR Chart



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ok gotta scoot

GU is selling ..........and I managed to keep AU B/e ..........

thats real quickfire calls off fast analysis ......normally I am taking much longer than this to strategise my positions and trades

later all


hey all

I see the GU has been offering decent sells since my last comments .........👍

back later


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ok - European are the big sells with most others solid bull now for London session

EU - Thursday 12th November update for Midday UK time


12 00pm

First of all - who noticed all the tricks played so far ?

We are know the FX markets are unregulated and cleverly manipulated - in fact some of it is totally legal - but you just need massive bucks to be able to do it

Ok the tricks so far

Yesterday afternoon we had low just before Draghi's speech of 0708.

No normally the President of the ECB's speeches are bearish for the EU.

Instead price went up - and stayed above the low all afternoon / evening and early this morning made a new daily high above yesterdays high - at approx 0781/2 area

From pre Opens market was bearish - but after catching the bears out yesterday afternoon - it was the bulls turn to be caught out - so before Yellen's speech early morning - the market fell and after 8 30 am even more to a new day low so far of 0692 - ie lower than yesterday's low of 0708.

For old fashioned T/A guys - its an outside bar today - totally manipulated.

So bears trapped yesterday afternoon and bulls trapped early today - great work to catch out maybe 70% of all FX traders.

So whats next

Easy really.

I need over 0740 and 50 to think about going bullish etc and looking for buys to even have a chance of testing 0780 and 0800 +

Under 0740 and 30 its just sells for me

The interim supports are 0715 - 0708 - 0700 - 0690-95

If we do try under all those then maybe 0650-60 is on the cards

If not then we try up again and need back over 0730 - 50 etc etc

Now how are we going to tackle this to maximise your pip counts ??

All suggestions welcome - but I know my way

back for 2 mins

Aussies Yen and USD are the bull plays
CAD , Euro , GBP are sellers

at the moment I am watching UCAD buys and GU Sells ...

that GU sell has offered a couple of decent resells since my earlier calls



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ok - European are the big sells with most others solid bull now for London session


Hi N

Unusual week this week - got a lot of different things going on and also daughters 21st Birthday this weekend- so party time.

Trying to see how the students of the method are getting on with it - as so many all at different stages

Hope all is going well on your other work and pleased you have some time to fit trading in as well

GL and keep at it


back for 2 mins

Aussies Yen and USD are the bull plays
CAD , Euro , GBP are sellers

at the moment I am watching UCAD buys and GU Sells ...

that GU sell has offered a couple of decent resells since my earlier calls


not bad ..........


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Hi N

Unusual week this week - got a lot of different things going on and also daughters 21st Birthday this weekend- so party time.

Trying to see how the students of the method are getting on with it - as so many all at different stages

Hope all is going well on your other work and pleased you have some time to fit trading in as well

GL and keep at it



this morning there was a system crash across the Global networks of my company ..........so been watching market more than normal

have a great party 👍

In fact all Euro crosses woke up at 12 09 pm time as scalp buys in sync

Lets look what's happened in 8 mins

EU - so far rise 8 pips

EJ - so far rise 10 pips

EA - the one i had - 17 pips at it peak
this morning there was a system crash across the Global networks of my company ..........so been watching market more than normal

have a great party 👍


Thanks N ;-)

Wish I was 21 again lol

Hope your companies not been hacked - seems like its the most popular internet work atm

12 32 PM

only made 0725 - still from 12 09 pm a 12 pip rise

0723 was the scalp sell

Need under 0708 for sure to stay with it
back for 2 mins

Aussies Yen and USD are the bull plays
CAD , Euro , GBP are sellers

at the moment I am watching UCAD buys and GU Sells ...

that GU sell has offered a couple of decent resells since my earlier calls


I still hold by these gang .......👍
this has been disappointing so far ..waiting for a decent sell here


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