thread closure 'Master class in hind site trading'

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Experienced member
@Sharky, regarding the closure of the 'Master class in hind site trading' thread, you mentioned that it "flies in the face of our Community Constitution" could you be any more specific as to which items of the constitution it infringed upon on the most?

I thought that being placed in The Foyer it was by default classed as a rather harmless piece of fun yet at the same time not totally unrelated to trading and also not outright impinging or trolling on other persons threads elsewhere?

Thanks in advance for any extra clarification. :|
Sure, so the community constitution should be read as a whole, to get a sense of what it's about. Here we have a thread on the forum, that's purpose is to mock another thread and by association, the people that post to it. It was rightly moved to the Foyer, as it was clearly poking fun but when a thread like that keeps going week after week, and is clearly causing problems on the site, enough is enough. Now we could go back and forth arguing over it's merits but ultimately you need to decide what's in the best interests of the site, and this thread is basically casuing more trouble than it's worth, so it gets closed. End of story.
Obviously I don't agree with the call as I can't see what problems it would cause as no-one is being forced to read it after all.

But clearly I'm in the minority so thanks anyway for your quick response.
Obviously I don't agree with the call as I can't see what problems it would cause as no-one is being forced to read it after all.

Wasn't that the point earlier? If you don't like a thread just put it on ignore. All of a sudden that only applies to certain threads and not others. The only problems it appears are decrease in site views/traffic due to several temporary bans. Notice the thread was closed after the "other" thread got eerily quiet.

Also the thread was not closed by any mods but rather by the King himself (I realize the King owns the forum and as such can do as he pleases) but how often do we get told that mods act independently of admin yet it was admin who closed the thread after the mods saw fit to leave it open.

This is my opinion. Others may disagree.


If the above is not true about site views/traffic then isn't that "other" thread also causing the same problems?? How long before the King gets upset and this thread gets closed??
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Wasn't that the point earlier? If you don't like a thread just put it on ignore. All of a sudden that only applies to certain threads and not others. The only problems it appears are decrease in site views/traffic due to several temporary bans. Notice the thread was closed after the "other" thread got eerily quiet.

Also the thread was not closed by any mods but rather by the King himself (I realize the King owns the forum and as such can do as he pleases) but how often do we get told that mods act independently of admin yet it was admin who closed the thread after the mods saw fit to leave it open.

This is my opinion. Others may disagree.


If the above is not true about site views/traffic then isn't that "other" thread also causing the same problems?? How long before the King gets upset and this thread gets closed??

No the point isn't that if you don't enjoy people mocking and trying to undermine others successful threads that they just have to ignore it. Perhaps the people doing it should have a bit more about them and show some maturity rather than engage in puerile activities in a pack and call it just harmless fun.

How would you expect the thread to be closed by a mod when one of the contributors to the constant stream of funnies was in fact a mod. Now excuse me here but that kind of disqualifies them in having any reasonable or impartial judgement.

The other thread got 'eerily quiet' as you put it because the mod, tasked with being fair and impartial, banned the main posters and thread starter in the other thread. Strange one that too.

For me it is quite simple, you would never behave that way in a pub or somewhere else out from behind your keyboard, so why do it at all. It was childish and pathetic and just got closed too late. Why a group of middle aged men think that this is humorous completely evades me.
No the point isn't that if you don't enjoy people mocking and trying to undermine others successful threads that they just have to ignore it. Perhaps the people doing it should have a bit more about them and show some maturity rather than engage in puerile activities in a pack and call it just harmless fun.

But yet you can't seem to ignore it yourself 🙄
speaking of puerile activities in a pack, calling people who disagree with f's threads "haters" and "dissers" is as bad or worse.

The other thread got 'eerily quiet' as you put it because the mod, tasked with being fair and impartial, banned the main posters and thread starter in the other thread.

There are good reasons for that, I'm sure. You just don't want to hear them.

Why a group of middle aged men think that this is humorous completely evades me.

So why do you care then?
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I and many others were enjoying a thread that seemed to irk others. There was no ridicule going on by the regular posters and it was enjoyable and informative. Why this should cause offence I don't know.

People whose sole purpose to come to a thread everyday and knock it are not called fans are they? If to use your own argument for the 'alternative thread', you could have just all ignored F's successful thread and I guess I would never have heard about you.

It is not about ignoring, if people behave in an unacceptable manner and it involves me or others and I do not see it every time, does it mean that it is ok or I condone it? No for me I don't believe it is proper to behave online in a way that I would not outside.
Many Thanks to the T2W Stuff member Sharky for closing the thread. Finally.

Here here, many thanks Sharky, its about time we realised that posting rubbish is against the constitution of this site
now, who will believe me that i haven't had a losing day in the last 3 years?
Hands up now..
or that if I posted a screenshot, that screenshot could be "hacked" and her majesty's finest could come after me..anyone?

Pete's thread was merely highlighting that F's thread was actually in contravention of the site guidelines done only in a satirical fashion.

If posting rubbish is not allowed..long may F's thread continue is what I say
And a special thanks to the mods who also shared in its satire and very special thanks to the 25000 viewers who also believed this but didn't post for fear of being labelled a hater and disser.

...say no to bullying at T2W...
This is not going to be allowed to turn into yet another "one side verses the other" thread. Sharky has answered the question and so the thread is now closed and any other threads started to try and continue this will be deleted.
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