frugi said:
Thanks for the encouragement folks, it means a lot.
Was paper trading today as I just don't trust myself at the moment. I feel out of sync in some inexplicable way. Well, actually not inexplicable: I think that big losing day temporarily crushed my self esteem, thus lending weight to the adage that you pay yourself no more and no less than what you think you are worth.
Looking at today's action I was happy I stayed away. A short plunge, an interminable sideways grind and then a sudden late rally. Ideal conditions for me to overtrade and get chopped up.
Here's hoping next week will bring you a fresher, faster, fecund Frugi (and some decent trades) :cheesy:
Good weekend to all.
Frugi, you are not correct by punishing yourself in this way, because it serves to create collateral damage instead of collective reinforcement.
When you have this sort of experience, you have to walk away and cool down completely.
It is only when you are completely cooled that you cannot yet return. This is because there is work to be done. This work has to be done on yourself. I am sorry that it is not pleasant.
You have to sit down and have a conversation with yourself and find out by persistent quesitioning why it is that you are doing what you are doing and reacting in this way.
This is a most unpleasant excercise, You have to do these these things in order to extricate answers. You need to acquire these answers in order to help you progress, otherwise you will get locked in to a cycle of behaviour that repeats itself. This is not your fault. It is as a result of being human.
The more often you allow this behavioural loop to take charge the more difficult you will find it to countermand it, or until the experience becomes so painful, that you are obligated to stop.
When you give yourself the answer, then you will know how to deal with it, because you will have had a realisation, and this empowers you not to repeat this self destructive cycle.
I know it is not easy, but it is the single most important process you need to execute in your present condition for you to evolve as an efficient trader.
That is my advice, and my advice which I offer to you gladly, is the result of my experience, which is considerable.
Kind Regards As Usual.