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marvin off line i think? maybe personally going to answer your question racer as you are a client.
MarvinS said:
A stick and brown runny stuff dcarrigan you seem to be able to stir it well........
just want question answered. thought thats what you were here for. seem to be doing good job on your own.

I am one of your clients who has won money with W.S but since then, I have been taken off instant automatic trading and put on referred to dealer, I wait between 15,sec to 40sec the longest time I have waited was 1min & 5sec. furthermore you have reduced my stake down to £1 pound a point for on line trading anything over this amount, I am put on referred to dealer..

It seems to me you don't want my business after being with you only 1 week. I am sorry to post this on here, but I felt It had to be said, I haven't had much luck through conversation over the telephone when asking if you would put me back to normal automatic trading, if I only placed 3 to 5 bets in one day, But one of the dealers at you firm refused he said, if I only want to trade 5 times a day you can phone us, but this is not the point you got an online platform in place but I am not allowed to trade on it as I should.

My name and account, in code, but you can work it out who I am

Name Mr xax xxaxx account 1002xx
And Q....



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laptop1 said:

I am one of your clients who has won money with W.S but since then, I have been taken off instant automatic trading and put on referred to dealer, I wait between 15,sec to 40sec the longest time I have waited was 1min & 5sec. furthermore you have reduced my stake down to £1 pound a point for on line trading anything over this amount, I am put on referred to dealer..

It seems to me you don't want my business after being with you only 1 week. I am sorry to post this on here, but I felt It had to be said, I haven't had much luck through conversation over the telephone when asking if you would put me back to normal automatic trading, if I only placed 3 to 5 bets in one day, But one of the dealers at you firm refused he said, if I only want to trade 5 times a day you can phone us, but this is not the point you got an online platform in place but I am not allowed to trade on it as I should.

My name and account, in code, but you can work it out who I am

Name Mr xax xxaxx account 1002xx

I've been very busy today, looks like a boxing ring here. Laptops testimony is the worst I've heard so far, let this man trade according to his own judgement and sack the guy that has told him to trade with the phone. This customer service is unacceptable. We can discuss about everything here but when I hear such a testimony all the alarm bells start to ring.

Marvin you have done a great job so far and you have listened to our requests, we are just at the beginning and I'm confident that we'll make some progress on most of the issues that concern us if your CEO is willing to listen to it's clients.

I don't care about the market cap of the other SB's that you have mentioned, you said that you've read the bible, so you truly know how these SB's have made their money by breaking the 7th commandment of God that says: DON'T STEAL. Keep away from these evil people and run the WS business according to God's law.

WS wants to grow as a business and that is fine to all of us, what is the margin profit that WS wants to achieve on 1 single trade? Once we know this figure, we can make you some serious offers that will put the last nail in the coffin to this long discussion. Believe me your clients can help WS to grow if your CEO is willing to negotiate directly with it's clients.

We are in the 21st century and I've seen so many honest business growing over the last decade without stealing 1 pence from it's clients. It is not a myth my friend, "for what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?" Meditate my friend, meditate.
Gettin A Left Hookie From Ya Bookie? Or Is It Back In Town.?

"The aim of the WorldSpreads Group is to provide high quality sports and financial betting services to a global audience. The Group had its beginnings in Dublin in 2000 as World Spreads offering sports spread betting and sports fixed odds and on-line gaming services. Extending its service in 2003 to financial markets, the company grew quickly to become the leading provider of spread betting services in Ireland. With much of its business also coming from the UK, in 2004 the Group established a London office, obtaining UK regulatory authorisation from the Financial Services Authority and saw the birth of the WorldSpreads brand and the establishment of the two sides to the Group business structure.

In order to ensure the highest standards of service, and to drive its expansion to an international audience, the Group has assembled a team with an envious track record in the industry. Its international expansion is geared around finding the best business partners in new territories who can ensure that the product offering is adapted for the needs of the local customer bases. "

Take this thread to a higher level it was suggested........ it perhaps needs the 3 wise men with envious track records in the industry etc,, to get back to a level of an infant dribbling spit to see that "The Needs" of the local customer bases will demand a service to be delivered to a basic industry standard, ie Instant fills, instant deals and spreads tighter than a nuns ying yang.

When are these guys starting their jobs ? Services to a global audience? I'm not too sure if that audience wont think that chipperfields is back and they are viewing something seen in The Big Top.


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laptop1 said:

I am one of your clients who has won money with W.S but since then, I have been taken off instant automatic trading and put on referred to dealer, I wait between 15,sec to 40sec the longest time I have waited was 1min & 5sec. furthermore you have reduced my stake down to £1 pound a point for on line trading anything over this amount, I am put on referred to dealer..

It seems to me you don't want my business after being with you only 1 week. I am sorry to post this on here, but I felt It had to be said, I haven't had much luck through conversation over the telephone when asking if you would put me back to normal automatic trading, if I only placed 3 to 5 bets in one day, But one of the dealers at you firm refused he said, if I only want to trade 5 times a day you can phone us, but this is not the point you got an online platform in place but I am not allowed to trade on it as I should.

My name and account, in code, but you can work it out who I am

Name Mr xax xxaxx account 1002xx

this is not a very good advert for W/S
seems they only want losers

I think most of what is really wanted from a SB company by its customers, such as most on here, has already been said & I believe your company would really know this anyway.

I have had bad experience of SB when consistantly winning & now have a belief that they are all pretty much the same ...& it is down to the SB company to prove otherwise if this is what they want , after all we are the customers.

I hope all your plans are true & they work....I guess most here fell the same , all good competition.

dont take anything on this thread personally. re above , I have also had this experience of 'arrogant dealers' ....& I know this is down to the individual & can only go on what is said........but this all counts for the customer experience & will affect business.........after all it is not the 'customers fault ' if your business model will not work without ' moving the goalposts'.

at the end of the day a great business edge & fantastic customer experience will do well, this is common sense ......I guess you can tell from here that the latter has not been great for these type of traders with some other companies. I guess a lot of SB's business is just a numbers game with new customers, it is quite obvious that some just dont want regular winning daytraders.

1 pip spreads great.....but i think what is obvious is this is not much help unless instant & automatic......A daytrader will not feel comfortable if the platform is not consistant.

good luck with it
In regards to your point on clients winning some spread betting companies have different policies. Alot of the time clients are intrigued and ask me do we hedge their bets. I would have to answer that in the most part SB firms do not, and neither do we. Most SB firms have desk limits, for example £250 per point as a limit on the FTSE. So if we had client X buying £200 per point and client Y buying £200 per point we would be required to hedge £150 per point or 15 lots. SB firms pool client positions!
We do not care if clients WIN or LOOSE, why? because most of the time clients will JOB out most of the risk. What i have a problem with is Winners that win because of a system problem.... But i have already made this point, so no further. Hornblower do not be confused by certain people trying to make headline statements.

I think i understand entirely what everyone is saying on here 'AUTOMATIC FAST EXECUTION'...

I am glad to see fxmarkets nitpicking my article, i am glad to see you entertaining the crowds over the weekend. Nice outfit!
Unless it's due to a deficiency in the way the platform works, surely any SB company should welcome customers who consistently 'win', because they will be able to make even more profit on the real markets?
Phil - we have no probnlems with winners but someone that attempts to consistently trade off wrong prices on our system taking 'FREE MONEY' are in my eyes 'NOT WINNING TRADERS'.

Of course this doesn't happen all the time - but i have worked in this industry for 6 years and i was on the Finspreads internet dealing system. You know when someone is not playing fair!
Sounds like sour grapes and that you two do not trade with SB firms.... So why are you writing on an SB thread? I was asked earlier by a member to answer questions regarding WS not to defend the SB industry. Getting back to the main point traders want:
24/5 trading
1/5 of a second pricing
accurate pricing
decent orders system
tight near market spreads
do not want to be read on closing
lower margins

Anything else?


For me, the items highlighted are important. Trade fills, requotes and trade confirmations within 1 second (although if the technology is there for 1/5 second fills, thenso much the better) are my main issue.

Even if the EUR/USD spread became 2-pips, as long as the trade fills, requotes and trade confirmations were ALWAYS very quick, this would be an improvement on what I have at present.

If WS concentrates on making these a reality, I am sure that they will attract MANY MANY more spread-bet clients.

I appreciate that WS is a new company and that your service will undoubtebly improve. However, i do not really agree with you MarvinS when you suggested that these improvements will be made as and when the number of customers grows. This could lead to many customers signing up based on the premise that WS "were going to make this and that improvement". In reality, such improvements may never materialise.

Cut throat financial markets do not really work like that. There is no room for customer loyalty.
WS is either a serious professional entry into the trading arena, or it is not.

Any comapany in my view, should be offering the type of service that it wants to - from its launch. Really Marvin, shouldn't you have been doing all this research prior to launch, whenever that was?

The QUICKER that WS can make these improvements the better - as I will definately sign up.
How quickly can these improvements be made?

DMA futures spread-bets are good, but i for example would rather trade spot forex.

It's good to see that WS have an interest in traders wishes though............

MarvinS - Phil - we have no probnlems with winners but someone that attempts to consistently trade off wrong prices on our system taking 'FREE MONEY' are in my eyes 'NOT WINNING TRADERS'.

What do you mean by trading off wrong prices?

If this is a result of a client waiting until the WS platform prices become corrupt, and then engaging in some sort of arbitrage, what is wrong with this? Wouldn't it be WS' fault for having corrupt prices in the first place?

Knowing that a spread-bet comapny has corrupt prices regularly enough for clients to solely trade off them, in the first place, doesn't fill me with any confidence.....
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Marvin you are right , that is what people want i believe.

re : winners & losers, yes I agree with you on this about taking advantage of system errors why would you want this..............but for the benefit of those who are probably reading this & are not sure what i & prob some others mean, here are eg of my experience....

twice in fast moving market on Dax fut I had winning completed trades wiped from my account.....when I rang them up I ended up in a bit of a bargy with the 'head dealer' who claimed my winning was due to 'their' system generating incorrect quotes......only when I proved that I had a valid 'data feed' with timestamped proof that the market actually traded there, did they re-instate my trade (money).......I wonder how many others they did this 2 that did not have a live tick chart !

eventually after cosistantly winning ( overall , not every trade) they started to route me thro dealer who also ''changed my stop tolerance'' so the closest stop I could get form market was 25 pips when It was aleady stated that stop tolerance was 2x the spread +1 pip........& even this was taking a long time to be given........mostly until the market had moved & the dealer could reject it saying' to close to market !! 25 pips !!!

I have never taken advantage of any system , just ran my averages to be consistant.....& this is just 2 experiences

I am not making judgement on you company at all as I have never had an account with is just for the benefit of those without this experience to balance things up

these are things I know I do not want

Bring The Noise.........

MarvinS said:
I think i understand entirely what everyone is saying on here 'AUTOMATIC FAST EXECUTION'...

A reminder for Worldspreads..... its clearly written but has not landed home, so it seems.
"Instant execution
You do not have to wait for your broker to get back to you before entering or closing any trade. Whenever you feel like betting, WorldSpreads offer instant execution by the telephone or via our fully interactive online dealing system, assuming appropriate liquidity in the markets.

Again the record plays on, now we have FAST execution thrown into the pot ,whats worldspreads definition of FAST.. ? seriously the corporate mantra is advertising or giving clients the impression that whenever a client FEELS like betting they can do so INSTANTLY . assuming appropriate liquidity in the markets......

Now Id say instant is quicker than both quick and fast.... lets try to resolve it, if worldspreads definition of Instant = upto= 2 mins, quick= upto 2 hours, slowly = hmm check for a clients pulse we can perhaps read fast as being a nudge outside of quick (it doesnt suggest as much urgency compared to quick to me when reading the word.) Fast therefore =2 hours plus.

righty now just need timely,maybe swift execution to be expressed next and i'll try to resolve that for the readers...

Stop, carry on.

hmm given me an idea "Carry On Trading" er'e no, stop muckin about...... matron..........

timely and swift next please.....
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I think what MarvinS is describing as a "system problem" is where a trader who has direct access with fast quotes can compare his live market prices to the SB prices - when the market makes a quick move and the SB price doesnt reflect this, its a guaranteed free arb as you can trade the SB and close it for a riskless profit when the SB price catches up with the market price.

Any market that is prone to be gappy and volatile can be gamed in this way - bonds and oil are prime candidates over news.

Its commonly practiced if an SB has noticably slow quotes - I did some infrastructure installation work a number of years back up at IG and a bunch of the guys up there had and were still making a killing from other SB firms just because they had capitalized on their slow data dissemination problems compared to their own in house feeds.
fxmarkets said:
"Instant execution
You do not have to wait for your broker to get back to you before entering or closing any trade. Whenever you feel like betting, WorldSpreads offer instant execution by the telephone or via our fully interactive online dealing system, assuming appropriate liquidity in the markets."

Again the record plays on, now we have FAST execution thrown into the pot ,whats worldspreads definition of FAST.. ? seriously the corporate mantra is advertising or giving clients the impression that whenever a client FEELS like betting they can do so INSTANTLY . assuming appropriate liquidity in the markets......

Now Id say instant is quicker than both quick and fast.... lets try to resolve it, if worldspreads definition of Instant = upto= 2 mins, quick= upto 2 hours, slowly = hmm check for a clients pulse we can perhaps read fast as being a nudge outside of quick (it doesnt suggest as much urgency compared to quick to me when reading the word.) quick therefore =2 hours plus.

righty now just need timely,maybe swift execution to be expressed next and i'll try to resolve that for the readers...

Stop, carry on.

hmm given me an idea "Carry On Trading" er'e no, stop muckin about...... matron..........

timely and swift next please.....
😆 😆 😆
Most companies have clients that constantly try to take advantage of systems. Whether they are arbitrageurs or not! Fine arbitrageurs exist in all brokerages and trading firms. But what i am talking about is clients that go out of their way to never trade a real and fair price.
Are The Nations Fingers About To Swell ? .I should coccoa.

MarvinS said:
Most companies have clients that constantly try to take advantage of systems. Whether they are arbitrageurs or not! Fine arbitrageurs exist in all brokerages and trading firms. But what i am talking about is clients that go out of their way to never trade a real and fair price.

Hmm who,s supplying your clients with your prices then ? before we all rush off to are you saying that your prices offered for instant dealing have to judged by a client who's attempting to deal if the price your company is quoting is a real price and go even further beyond that to then attain well its real as a SB price can be cos its there, but now is this price they are supplying me fair ?

Good grief, what do you recommend clients do ? phone a friend? ask the global audience? I thought SB prices get away with that with the T and C and state prices may not accurately reflect the underlying anyway.....

However I saw that as the nail in the coffin.. or so I thought.....

A possible solution, we have an extra Instant fair and valid price verification button that we click before we click the instant dealing option maybe.......

Your 2 click solution in todays markets. Instant of course.. nudge,nudge ,wink ,wink, say no more... maybe is the headliner on that one. 2 instant deals for the potentially fair and valid price of 1. bargain. I like it....

has to be better than blowing clients off anyways, at least I suppose they can deal at a price that is ermmm cushtie shall we say, only if people are trading2win there may be a conflict that needs to be addressed ,hmmm .

Stop, Carry On.