Yesterday we increased our price level tolerances across all binaries. The new parameters may still catch some slightly delayed deals, on hourlies in particular (because the hourlies have very high deltas even by binary standards). But hopefully those users who have encountered problems will find the situation improved.
Womble: delays of 20-30 seconds are very very uncommon. In the rare cases where we see latency like that it tends to be because of an IT problem. Have you complained about this to the dealing desk, or asked IG's IT team to investigate?
Yesterday? Someone must be having a laugh here !!!!!
5 trades rejected yesterday in 2 seperate markets.
The most important of which was a buy of 30 binaries at 64. Strangely since my balance has ballooned on Binary my trades take ages to be accepted. In this instance i wait and wait and then get a rejected bet some 20 secs after getting a confo number. So I pull up the bet again and what happens? I can still trade at the same price of 64 so again I try to buy 30 binaries and again I get rejected.
I am glad to have found it is not just me that is having this problem and even more concerned that although I have never had this problem before it coincides with a reasonable winning run, just like other board members.
As for IG calling me back when I asked to speak to the trader that was a forgone conclusion :-(
pdaigb said:Nutter punter
Not knowing your account number I can't really comment on what went wrong for you yesterday.
However, looking at our records, out of well over a thousand clients I can see only one account who had 5 rejections yesterday. This client had 25 other deals accepted without a problem.
If IG is trying to stop profitable clients trading, rejecting 5 out of a total of 30 deals would not be the most efficient way of doing it.
steve34 said:Nutter punter,
I too binary on the ftse-using hourly movements............
have been doing this for a few months with some success.
what bets do you use, have you tried one touch..
your comments would be much appreciated
steve34 said:nutter punter
Do you do this part-time?
if so isnt this a very riskey way as I have been unable to stop loss on the hour because of the volitility of the market.............
Maybe big brother IG is really listening, I also trade for a living and to date find binaries a good way to ride the market........nutter punter said:No I earn my living this way, hence why I get upset by rejected bets.
Strangely though today I have just sold a 100 Binaries and no problems at all 😕
steve34 said:Maybe big brother IG is really listening, I also trade for a living and to date find binaries a good way to ride the market........
Only just recently had probs with rejects etc...
but over last week or so have seen a marked improvement.
having only been at this for 3 months a cheaky question? do you make a good living or am I just waiting for the turn around