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Alice Major said:
All I can say is Good Grief. I recently joined this site hoping to gain some insight into the way others trade. Yet, all I have seen is petty squabbling from people who I imagine are old enough to have more sense.

I've had a look at the advertised seminar, and I have to say, it sounds pretty damn great. However, I would never dream of being so nosy as to invade someone's privacy by requesting to look at their private accounts. Mr Oldun - you sound like a broken record player. Give it up! These traders are not going to show you their accounts as it is none of your business. But you just keep on going on and on. I do not mean to cause offence but why don't we get back to what this site was originally created for - to learn from others. If anyone does not wish to attend a seminar then don't. But for those of us who do, then please - let us get on with it.

It is quite obvious why people want this thread to be closed. It it because everything that could be said, has been said.

From what I've heard (a friend recommended this site) Naz and Mr. Charts have provided valuable advice free of charge. Those who are sniping away at every little detail have no doubt read Naz and Mr. Chart's postings and presumably have used their tips.

So now these two traders have decided to put together a seminar. Great, now people can benefit from their experience and expertise. Of course, you have to pay. Nothing in this life is free. Come on - get real.

All this back-biting and negative comments - it's worse than a bunch of Tories trying to oust a leader! I don't think I've ever seen anything quite like it actually - and I work in the fashion industry!!!!!

Well said Alice
The seminar is going to go ahead and no doubt it will be fully booked by people who are willing to give it a try.

Let's all wait until we get the feedback from those people that attend before jumping to conclusions as to the quality of the tutors. If the general feedback is bad then T2W should not promote anymore seminars from those involved. If it is good then the seminars should continue in order to help others. At least give them a chance to prove their value in departing information.

I understand your point of view, but just as valid is the following:

Would you pay for a sailmaking course from a bloke who hasn't shown that he can successfully make sails ?

The General.
T2W has, it seems, not sought to verify the claims it makes and is not willing to do so.

Where is the evidence to support this "seeming". I object to inferences and thoughts that cannot possibly be backed up by hard evidence. This was purely conjecture on Oldun's part.

I am not a bully, but I do demand honesty.
I can state quite catagorically that I made efforts to persuade the people in question to consider posting their accounts so that we could put an end to these disputes once and for all.

If you can find somewhere on this BB that" T2W has stated that it has not sought to verify the claims and is not willing to do so", please inform me and I shall unreservedly appologise. Otherwise please reciprocate.
I asked Mr. Charts once to explain his indicators that he uses to predict price movements. I was told that he could not reveal his methods as people had paid to find them out during 1-2-1 tuition. I think the fee was £800 but I could be wrong. That is fair enough but I didn't enjoy his thread that seemed to be one big advert for his training with very little information. If Mr. Charts has provided good information then please point out where it is. At least now TTW make a cut from these fees and that is a big improvement.

I am not sure how much Naz has shared for free as I was turned off by his constant posts about Nasdaq stocks being the only sensible way to trade. I also can't get excited by level 2.

As I have said before, I have nothing against either of these two holding a course and I hope that people attend and they make money out of it. I just wish they could join in the spirit of TTW and share a bit more relevant information without charging so much. But I realise that is a pointless request.

I understand your point of view. Mine is simple :-

Larry Willaims (love 'im or 'ate 'im is irrelevant) has learnt the effectiveness of proof and what it can do for his bottom line on seminars / videos / courses etc...

Undoubtedly, the two lads in question aren't stupid, so they must know that they would make more money if using a similar approach. They haven't, therefore one has to assume that they cant....

Forget all this privacy rubbish, if I made a ggod living out of trading, I would prove it to anyone who asked me to back my assertion up (irrespective of whether or not I was trying to put bums on seats).

The General.
I don't think any proof is required. Being a photoshop expert I could knock up a great set of trading records in a few minutes. If these two were fakes, they would probably do that. I admire the way they haven't given in to the clamor to reveal their records. If they did reveal them and they were excellent, would anyone believe them?

I was turned off by his constant posts about Nasdaq stocks being the only sensible way to trade. I also can't get excited by level 2.

That is not how I saw it and at the time I was not trading US stocks. The way I saw it was portrayed was the benefits of trading Nasdaq stocks over other markets that could be traded and in particular UK stocks. ie markets that move, very low spreads, no stamp duty, instant fills etc.

I accept that you and many others dont like Level II and that is fair enough. For me, having changed from trading futures to Nasdaq stocks exclusively, it has given me exactly what I want and I wouldnt have become aware of this if it had not been for Naz.

Each to their own I think


Yes indeed. But do you agree is the point ?

They want to make money from this seminar. Every person who wants to make money wants to make as much as possible. If they wanted to make as much as possible, they know that showing their skill / deft is one way of not only charging more, but also of putting more bums on seats...

The General.

Was it made apparent by T2W that they had made every effort to substantiate the NAZ/MC course?
JayGe Are you now officially of Scottish and Japanese descent?

Naz/Mr Charts Versus DW/VS.

Enough has been said on these boards about all 4 people.
Out of near 5000 members, very very few people have admitted to going on the DW/VS courses. Of those that have attended very few of these had a good word to say about them.

Naz/Mr Charts. Out of these 5000 members a lot of people have admitted to going on their courses. Most of these people have given very positive feedback on here as to how they rated the course. Very very few if any, had anything negative to say. That includes beginners and more seasoned people.
Their material is kept up to date. Well, you can't get more up to date then live can you. Does the same apply to the other pair?

With trading records. How many people have asked to see a detailed p/l of DW/VS before they parted with their money?

If the course doesn't suit, or it's on the wrong day, then don't go. It's as simple as that. Or what you would pay to see either DW or VS would get you 121 with both Naz and Mr Charts. There you go; It's nearly a bogof.

The saying goes. "Those that can, trade. Those that can't teach."
If that were true. No one would be any good at trading, and for the self taught? Well you would certainly pay through your self training with poor balance sheets to show for your early efforts.

'nuff said I think.
Perhaps a compromise to end the speculation and make everyone happy ? :-

I have no interest in courses, being self taught. (and not all self-taught people have early poor balance sheets Options)
If I wanted to provide a course (which I don't), then I would try to attract attendees by posting regular set-ups for people to watch, without necessarily giving my 'secrets' away.

Example: Ticker X. If price falls below 30, go short and exit at 20. Stop at 32. If the price stays above 30, do nothing.

Such a set-up could be posted well in advance, e.g. pre-market after overnight scanning; and people could observe the outcome over time.

I daresay this may not lend itself to some techniques employed by trainers, but given the comments made by Naz and Mr Charts about their use of TA, it would seem that at least some of their techniques might allow such an approach. And all without publishing accounts or giving the game away.

Just my two penneth.
Options, my god u r right & the more I say the more apparent it is 😀

the truth behind the name change is , as the Wife was reading me a bedtime story last night from my 'classic' 1978 edition of the 'Beano' ........she commented on my resemblance to that 'rootin-tootin' outlaw ''baby-face Finlayson'' & being a hero of mine I couldn't resist !


If you were a successful trader, what possible reasons would you have for training / teaching ?

I refer to my earlier post -

If it were to (in a charitable way) educate others, the cost would be minimal to cover overheads etc...

That is not the case, it is a money making exercise and as such, how much this pair make trading is a VERY legitimate question.

The General.
Sailing.....just sailing..(I'll hum the rest)

The General said:

I understand your point of view, but just as valid is the following:

Would you pay for a sailmaking course from a bloke who hasn't shown that he can successfully make sails ?

The General.

True - but I would at least ask past clients or take their comments into account, and note any complaints or lack of same.

( Pouring with rain here in Cornwall and it's easier to get about now the emmets /grockles have gone home leaving several coastal villages like ghost towns with their many empty cottages - don't tell the burglars or local activists/arsonists )


As I also trade US and specifically Nasdaq stocks, I can tell you that it is almost impossible to post charts in advance of trades that are then taken during the trading day. The reason for this is that you just dont know which setups are going to happen until they do and I dont even know which stocks are going to have potential setups until around 3.00pm

Yesterday I traded BSTE which I went Long on at around 3.30pm for a profit of 55 points. Even 10 minutes before this there was no indication that this was going to become a tradeable stock.

So in my view it just isnt possible until the opportunity presents itself


must life be that simple that you can only have one interest/career? Surely there's any number of people who make money in different business - that's all that's happening here. Why are you getting so worked up about it?

As for their success as traders being a legitimate question - yes, of course it is, but they feel that they have demonstrated their success on these boards, and aren't prepared to offer their personal financial records. Like it or lump it - go on the course or don't. I'm sure if it's worthwhile then people will say so & they'll do another one (and no doubt we'll have to go thru all this again!)
