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Jay common,

We could have had it on any day but picked Sat because it would be easier for more people to attend at reasonably short notice.I've offered any attendees to come around en masse and look at my strategy live if they want.This has all been said .

As someone privately said to me if i stood on my head and gave away £10 notes someone would find fault with it.

Naz the chartist 😛
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i absolutly agree that this or any other business endeavour should be profitable and i am sure the instigators of this forum worked long and hard to get it to be as efficient as it is - and most would just use it and not appreciate what goes on in the background

but at the same time credibility is an imperative - and every publishing medium considers its advertising and sponsorship from that angle

you are not going to see a porno advert in the FT and you are not going to see an ad for Harrods in the Sunday Sport

the trading industry is actually real small - there are not that many companies to start with and not that many spending money - so any negativity soon gets around

it seems that it has been confirmed that this forum has not had verification of the trading record of the trainers it is promoting - and from what i have seen - all their posts are just marketing for their services and i have not seen anything in their posts to indicate any more knowledge than reading a few books - and it is absolutly pointless to suggest that people can make up their own minds as to wether they should go on the course

this is the whole point of my original message - by this site openly promoting these trainers - people would go on the course since it would be assumed that the forum had checked and verified their credibilty - but it now seems that Chartman is stating that this is not the case and the forum does not have proof of their validity( and i really do appreciate his directness)

no one should have to prove their credibility if they dont want to - and no one should have to show their trading record if they dont want to - but if you are seeking training work on the basis that you are a skilled and successful trader - and you are not prepared to prove it - that says it all

trainers are out for your money - they take it and put it in their bank account and then they enjoy spending it - and its a one way bet for them - they are not gambling with their time and the trainee ends up losing their money regardless of the success of the course - even when money back guarantees are offered - those offering the guantees know that hardly anyone ever wants to complain and ask for their money back -most people are not comfortable in confrontational situations

trainers are not doing anyone any favours and if they are not prepared to prove their credibility to the people running the forum - i really dont think the forum should support them, find some trainers who dont give excuses for not showing trading record proof and do a deal with them, but of course it is up to the forum to do as they want
Nice one bigbusiness.

Do you like my new name.

Naz the chartist

This is because my latest stratergy is on the charts.Just to save all those questions i'm receiving about it with pm's
If I was a newbie I would certainly pay to go to NAZ's course...

Those who trade for living and I donot mean those who have £1000 quid or guys who want to be Bill gate with tiny capital must have enough capital in the market to make this game worth while,, Consequently they are exposing themselves to the market risk to an extend which is much more than £500/year...

Market does not like inefficient players..Do yourself a favour and learn L2 as PART of your strategy ( Not sure if MR Chart can help you a lot .. ),,

I am now taking a few days off to enjoy life, and come back when you have all finished letting air out on this thread..

are you aware that not all level 2 data is transmitted by data suppliers - or that they will put it through funnels to delay it in order to prioritise latest price data and that they will cut parts of level 2 data at the drop of a hat in order to open up bandwidth
Did we ever get any complaints about TBS's courses? I don't recall anyone asking to see proof of his trading ability....
Yes it is up to the forum. That's why we're promoting it. To make us shed loads of Money for all the hard work that the owner has put in over the last 3 years or so. It's called being in business to make a profit. Such a nasty word, that it always leaves a bad taste in one's mouth. Unless your'e a trader, then profit = nice taste in the mouth. It's a shame I can't be rude when I want to because I really feel I want to. For those that wish to rock a boat, please ensure that you wear a life jacket. It may come in handy.

Yes I know u gave that answer before & I thanked u for it, not quite the answer I was looking for but as u say u r prepared to demonstrate your faith in the techniques u r charging for after the course.........& fair play to u for that.

but it is not only u that r charging , so just posing it again.

I am just trying to make the point that any coach charging that amount should demonstrate live. but it is yours & the students choice at the end of the day!

p.s forgive me as that one is over my head.......what do u mean by 'Jay Common' ??


Exactly how do the Level II quotes get filtered ? I ask because I tend to buy on the bid and sell on the ask and I see my order actually appear on the Level II screen and I know its my order because I do a couple of things that make it stand out a little.


I will be holding a ''How to Skydive'' session in in my kitchen next week.......10 am till 4pm, £600 a ticket & sandwiches will be included.

all tuition fees r fully guaranteed & will be refunded if u fail on your first Jump!

& I will be giving a live demonstration off my shed roof!

''Fly & be free''

anyone interested?

p.s only jesting 🙂 to lighten the atmosphere........before anyone gets heavy

I'm interested, but you'll need to prove how high your kitchen ceiling is :cheesy:
....perhaps this thread should be closed because the argument is going from boring to benile...

...quite frankly if I want to attend the seminar then I will....no one is forcing the issue...Decision is mine and mine only...

I think it is quite OK for Sharky and team to generate few revenues to keep this board running....running this board costs money and someone has to pay it...Will anyone using this board pay £10 per month..????..I am sure most of you complaining will vanish if the issue was forced...

If you are enjoying a quality board FOR FREE then be grateful and support the boards endeavours to generate some income by these seminars and creating the SHOP thread...

So call it a day and lets get on with the real discussion...I feel like Grey1...perhaps it is best not to visit this board until the hot air has subsided...I thought I will never have to say that about this board..!!!
Yes we've all had our say.Perhaps we should wrap it up.

Naz the chartist

the inside bid and ask are always going to be correct - but its outside the inside bid and ask where stuff gets dropped - level 2 is a major major nightmare for data suppliers - some use special data compression techniques - but it is still a real problem
steve : Where did you get this information about L2 from? Any pointers/links to this information anywhere would be appreciated.


Naz ,

I don't mind you and your course , you have a right to it . On the same token you must accept that others will also have a RIGHT to question and ask for records if they so wish .

What I do mind is the the reckless abandon of some people in their attempts to reason why records are shown or not .

That in itself reveals credibility or a lack of it . SAD .

you wont find any of this stuff documented but when you are trading size you are constantly checking the robustness of the data you trade off and use different data feeds to fill in weaknesses in other data feeds
I agree with Zambuck...close this thread and leave everyone to it. I think there is enough info here for everyone to make up their own minds.
maybe i just dont get how these threads work - but why do people read a thread and then their major input is to suggest to close it

would they rather they had nothing to read or do they assume that if it dont interest them - it dont interest anyone

and of course if a thread is closed - no one then gets to decide if the issues involved interest them and view the different sides since the thread is not live
agree with you there stevet.

Just as you were getting to a very interesting point about trading with size.

Something I'd like to learn a lot more about, what is considered as trading with size, how does it work?