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there seems to be too many requestes to close too many threads these days..... maybe worth perusing those threads to see if it's the same members that do all this.....
Keep it going-this thread is great! I were gonna go out 2nite but ill stay in to watch! Hehe
I agree with MCGF, this thread's almost as good as the last one!!

In fact we should have a competition, "I'm a Celebrity Trader, Get Me Out of Here". :cheesy:
been out for the day and booted up to find this new thread is
really the old one!!

can't understand it - Naz & Mr Charts have given piles of valuable
info and insight on T2W all for FREE and quite enough to make
a good judgement on whether you think it would be worthwhile
to attend their course or not. Who gives a fig about their trading records - I don't.

good trading


I am a relative newbie here, so will try to be objective:

I have (since joining this site) only just come across MC and Naz, and they seem to be fairly upfront with their trade postings and certainly seem to keep out of the slanging matches that go on here. On to more important stuff:

We need to ask ourselves why Naz and MC are holding this event. These are the options:

a) They are lonely and need company, or,
b) They genuinely want to help other traders, or,
c) They want to feel important.
d) Any combination of the above plus make some money.


a) If they are lonely, they should buy a round for everyone at the pub - instant friend maker.

b) If they genuinely want to help other traders, they would charge a TOKEN sum to cover administration / organisation etc.

c) If they want to feel important, they should go up to the top storey of a car park, stand on the edge and shout 'I'm gonna jump' - always gets lots of attention and it's all centered on you !

The moral is this - they want to make money. Bearing this in mind, we must consider the MATERIALITY principle:

Assume 40 people attend @ 600 each, that's 12 grand each. If they make money (any MATERIAL amount) trading, the course fees would not be MATERIAL (effectively) to them.

All the best.

The General. 😕

I think some US traders got upset about something that happened in the last US thread that was pulled.Rather than forget it they had a go (which i understand) and then the crowd just jumped in for the ride.

When that happens all the good things are forgotten.

Naz the chartist
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If they make money (any MATERIAL amount) trading, the course fees would not be MATERIAL (effectively) to them.

I think what has been concerning a number of members is the word 'if' (my emboldening) in the above context. There are those who (understandably I think before parting with money) want to see evidence of the abilities of the trainers in the form of their brokerage accounts for a reasonable period of time, alternatively or additionally the entries from those accounts relating to the trades posted on various threads on this site via which these 2 traders have established their reputations on this board.

This is an operation to persuade members to part with money for the financial gain of others and I think those members are entitled (if they wish) to question the claims made and to be provided with the evidence they seek.

T2W has, it seems, not sought to verify the claims it makes and is not willing to do so.

Personally I know of no other commercial operation that will not support its claims in advertising with hard facts. If traders worked in that way nobody would buy their goods.
Perhaps the TTW moderators should go on the course before advertising it. Then they can give a full review and those considering parting with a large sum of money would have more information to go on. I have nothing against TTW making a profit and I think it is fair to offer a course. There are lots of other ways for traders to part with their money and this course might be a good alternative. But I don't have an interest in Level 2 and I would rather buy some good books that have been reviewed than risk money to find out another traders methods that might not suit my trading style.

T2W has, it seems, not sought to verify the claims it makes and is not willing to do so.

I'm sorry, that is absolutely incorrect. You cannot possibly know what goes on behind the scenes of T2W. Do NOT make claims that you cannot substantiate. You have been warned.
I've been reading these threads with interest.

One thing that struck me is why the sudden problem with Naz and Mr C. After all Naz has advertised on the home page for ages and it's been well known that Mr C has offered one to one coaching for some time, (at a considerably higher cost than the seminar) and that he has had many satisfied customers from this BB.

I've always thought that the best way to check something out is to get a personal opinion from someone who has experienced previous courses/ coaching. I don't remember seeing any negative comments from anyone who fits into this category.

I won't be going to the seminar as I don't trade US stocks or plan to in the near future. However, I have always thought that if I do in the future that these 2 guys would probably be my first port of call for some coaching, purely from positive comments made and seeing some of their posted trades on here.

So, it's been said before but make up your own mind if you want to go, are you willing to take a bit of a chance and part with the cash? If not don't go.

After all, even if the records were produced, it still doesn't mean that YOU would actually make any money from what you learn anyway.

From Stevet

i repeat that i did not ask anyone to post their P&L - i dont know if anyone else did - but i did ask if the people who run this site had themselves had verification of the P&L of the training people who they are pushing

and this point was ignored - which is fine - but it does not mean i am wrong to seek the information

From you

As far as I know, no moderators or owners have this knowledge.I can catagorically state that I don't.

If I have misunderstood the position I unreservedly apologise.

Yes, there are moderators that have been tutored by Naz/Mr.Charts.

I sugest you don't ask for their opinion. It will start WW3. Accusations of , "well, they would say that, wouldn't they."
I'll say this much. I was told all about it by a moderator long before all this topic came up. And no, I'm not going to say what was said.
Me giving you all second hand information is just not fair, to either side of the argument.
here's an idea, still no proof but it might help someone considering the course to decide if it may be for them:

Naz & Mr Charts, must I guess, have taught quite a few people who post on T2W & have records of the people who they have taught.

would it not make sense to set up a thread & Naz & Mr Charts request those people to come forward & give a genuine appraisal of their teaching & coaching. If there r holes in this idea please somebody let me know.

but it might give some idea, especially for new people as to whether this may be for them.

especially as it looks as though there isn't going to be any other forms of proof available. seems to me like a fair & simple exercise & a benefit to all parties

From memory, there have been a number of good reports from pupils of both. Also from memory, there has been one complaint that the tutoring was unsuitable for that person's requirements. That cpmplaint was correctly addressed as far as I recall.
Why not just put these testimonials in the 'review' section on the home page under 'coaching' as is done with datafeeds, software....etc.

I apologise in advance for seeming to harp on, but once again I must point out that I would much rather make 12 grand trading than make the same amount or even more by'teaching'.

To my way of thinking, neither of these guys is breaking 50k p.a. trading, hence 12 grand is materially seductive in comparison to their financial situation (see my last post).

But then again, who am I to deny the fact that there will be plenty of punters who accept the offer ? In this respect, I say good luck to the two lads in question, with ONE STIPULATION:

Lads, let's face it, you aren't making any serious money in the markets are you. Please come clean and admit that whilst seemingly posting many trades and explanations on this site you weren't intending to help other traders, rather, you were building a reputation to sell seminars......

After all, during the gold rush, it was the people who sold jeans to the 'speculators' rather than the speculators that made money.

Nuff said ?

The General.
All I can say is Good Grief. I recently joined this site hoping to gain some insight into the way others trade. Yet, all I have seen is petty squabbling from people who I imagine are old enough to have more sense.

I've had a look at the advertised seminar, and I have to say, it sounds pretty damn great. However, I would never dream of being so nosy as to invade someone's privacy by requesting to look at their private accounts. Mr Oldun - you sound like a broken record player. Give it up! These traders are not going to show you their accounts as it is none of your business. But you just keep on going on and on. I do not mean to cause offence but why don't we get back to what this site was originally created for - to learn from others. If anyone does not wish to attend a seminar then don't. But for those of us who do, then please - let us get on with it.

It is quite obvious why people want this thread to be closed. It it because everything that could be said, has been said.

From what I've heard (a friend recommended this site) Naz and Mr. Charts have provided valuable advice free of charge. Those who are sniping away at every little detail have no doubt read Naz and Mr. Chart's postings and presumably have used their tips.

So now these two traders have decided to put together a seminar. Great, now people can benefit from their experience and expertise. Of course, you have to pay. Nothing in this life is free. Come on - get real.

All this back-biting and negative comments - it's worse than a bunch of Tories trying to oust a leader! I don't think I've ever seen anything quite like it actually - and I work in the fashion industry!!!!!

T2W has, it seems, not sought to verify the claims it makes and is not willing to do so.

I'm sorry, that is absolutely incorrect. You cannot possibly know what goes on behind the scenes of T2W. Do NOT make claims that you cannot substantiate. You have been warned."

Chartman, this is a gross overreaction on your part. Oldun used the phrase "it seems". He did not make an assertion.
You should apologise imo.
If you are going to start shouting and chucking your weight about then it all smacks of "the lady doth protest too much".
Are you a moderator or a bully ?