john piper's trading course 4th April 08
28th March was the date (apparently there is a new date - 4th April). Did anyone go? - did you last the day and make money - or did you ask for your money back by 11.00. It would be good to hear whether the sceptics should be silenced or not.
Incidently there is a "Masterclass" supplement to his week's Investors Chronicle devoted to fixed odds financial betting in which John Piper has an article. The supplement looks suspiciously like an "advertorial" for Betonmarkets.
👍 yes, I arrived at 9.30am and found it very interesting ( having heard of lots of crap over the internet about this will make you that, million quid in one year etc)
The guy was quite refreshing, and, I believe, honest! He did not, as a lot of the sceptics have already commented, put on a gimmicky show that looked cheap or gave illusion of a 'double glazing salesman', and yes, he did refund a elderly spanish gentleman at around 11am, and didn't argue the fact, he just gave him his refund, and the guy left the room, no questions asked!
The rest of the day was filled with info I could personally use in real time trading, and so, came away with a lot more than I went in with.
He also told everybody in the room, that you should expect to win no more than 50% of the time, but sometimes less than that, and that trading was mostly 90% your psychology, and good money management, stops, trailing stops etc (which we all know is the foundation of all good trading). He showed methods of back testing and forward testing, minus development and not believing in too many lagging indicators!
The binary betting side of things was another tool I will use in my trading, providing it is used with good timing.
By the way, I am self taught, having started back in 1998, and this last year have had great results with my trading (from home) and I am like the majority of guys in this game, a real junkie for improving my performance.
What I am flabbergasted at is the amount of people on this sight who slag traders off, without gathering facts first, and all I can say is if that's the best they can do, then they should try some other profession, as it is surely doing no good for any positive, enthusiastic traders who come here to learn, not MOAN!!!
It is easy to poke fun at others expense, and yes, I know they charge money for their seminars, I would, as it just the same as in trading, you are taking somebody else's money, so what the hell's the difference?
Good luck to all you guys out there, in one of the hardest, toughest businesses in the world, trying to do it right and successfully.