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Surely you are not suggesting that tax avoidance is on the menu.

Mr C and Naz have, in any event, been sufficiently 'up front' in posting their trades to put the authorities on notice if there was anything untoward to be put on notice about.
"...entered the quiz for a free entry to the course."

Missed that. Where is it?
If it just means spelling me name right I'll enter.

Let me say this clearly and categorically.
My private accounts are my business and so are Naz's and so are everybody else's. They will not be put on public display however noisy and vociferous and demanding anybody might be.
That's my choice, that's Naz's choice.
We take responsibility for our actions in our own real names.
Naz and I are offering a course completely unlike those offerings by certain individuals who receive widespread criticism. That's obvious.
We have decided to hold the session on a Saturday for reasons already explained. That is our decision just as it is the decision of any person as to whether to attend. We have both had emails in the past asking for a weekend course and we are responding to those requests.
Any member of this site is quite capable of doing their own research and deciding if the course we are doing is suitable for them or not and they are all grown up enough to make up their own minds in the light of available comments as to the honesty of Naz and myself.
What is on offer is there for all to see and will be delivered as described on Nov 15th.
If someone thinks they will benefit, they are quite capable of making up their own minds for themselves and booking the seminar.
I have my choices too, amongst them are to give a little advice:
If you think you are going to come to this seminar to learn how to get rich quick, don't bother.
If you think you are a keen gambler and think the markets are a casino, don't bother.
If you think you can earn a good living from the market with £1000 of capital, don't bother.
If you think after reading the things said by people that Naz or I have coached, that this is a course that would benefit you and is going to prove value for money in the long run in helping with your trading, then consider booking and we will be happy to meet you and help you all we can.
One last thing, I have a choice as to whether to "debate" with certain individuals on this site about the joint seminar.
Well, I choose not to bother. That's my personal choice. If someone doesn't like that, hey that's their choice.

It is interesting to note that you only answer questions that suit you and ignore those that may be controversial or do not add credibility to your money making activities. Of course if this is not the case then please explain why you take this approach as I have also noted your reluctance to answer the comments made by the likes of T333 as well as others on the original but now closed thread?


Yes, I know. Too many glasses of Burgundy (and a very good one at that!)
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It was in my opinion the thread was exhausted. Maybe I'm in the minority. Secondly anyone that takes something at face value by anyone that posts on this BB is either a) naive , or b) very trusting of the person imparting that information.
I have stated quite clearly recently that what I post should not be taken for granted. Prove it for yourself by doing your homework. If one can't be bothered, one will get one one deserves. Just like I did in the early days of trading.

What exercised my mind was the following quote from one of your posts (number 53142) on the 'closed' thread:-

BlairLogie. You are quite right. As T2W is promoting this course, Whatever they say, including myself and other mods, should be taken at face value

Sorry if I have misunderstood.
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i repeat that i did not ask anyone to post their P&L - i dont know if anyone else did - but i did ask if the people who run this site had themselves had verification of the P&L of the training people who they are pushing

and this point was ignored - which is fine - but it does not mean i am wrong to seek the information
As far as I know, no moderators or owners have this knowledge.I can catagorically state that I don't.
I've no idea what all the fuss is about, T2W can't be run without generating revenues and sponser ship in any form is part of that.

People are big enough to make their own decisions.

Most BB's die because of petty and petulant disputes and abuse. At the moment, in large, T2W does not seem to have much of that. Lets keep it that way.

As for posting records, This is clearly a rhetorical request.
* As an example, 5k a day is 1,100,000 per year. Now, if you were taking that out of the markets each year you would a) pay for very good tax advice, b) have trading accounts with several brokers to spread your risk, c) have accounts in different names and corporations, based on the tax advice you had received. *


That really takes it . Anyone was making that sort of money wouldn't be wasting their time on these BB's and certainly would NOT be doing courses for 595 quid a pop .

So don't even suggest that naz and MrC. are the case in point , though I have nothing against their courses.
But hey let's keep the hype within reason yeah ?

ALSO you ignore the most important part of trading : RISK RISK RISK !!!

Yeah , so what if he makes 1M quid a year , HOW MUCH STAKE DOES HE HAVE TO STUMP UP FOR THAT ???

If it is anywhere near 1M as well , work out the reward:risk for yourself , if you are serious.

It is 1:1 , casino odds - easier than trading , get your results faster and with less learning time.

* I actually saw someone post their trading records - and everyone fell about laughing because of how little he was actually making *

Fair enough , so where are these * records * ?

Tell us so we can inspect for ourselves and maybe laugh too or is this person hypothetical as well?
Scripophilist said:

People are big enough to make their own decisions.

Most BB's die because of petty and petulant disputes and abuse. At the moment, in large, T2W does not seem to have much of that. Lets keep it that way.

I dont know what all the fuss is about.You either come or you dont.It would be a lot better if the detractors contributed some positive trading ideas rather than just run things down.

Take heed about the point from Scrip about most bb's dying for the reasons above.

BB's need to grow and expand and part of that will be to generate revenue.
Without wishing to go off topic, I didn't bother reading the previous thread because I had been exposed to Naz's trading style through buying a CD of a Trading Seminar of his from Clickevents. The CD was in three parts. First was a story of how a near death experience made him a better trader. I decided not to try this! Second was a trading methodology which was irrelevant to my personal circumstances, and third was advice that if you wanted to trade pairs, you should go long the strong share and short the weak share. That made me laugh!
I sent the CD back and got a full refund.
I decided to form my own trading style and not to listen to any gurus.
As I`m up early I thought I`d join in.

Trading is all about risk, and makin your own decisions, so people must decide for themselves if they want to risk the money for any seminar/121 training.

If anyone is so worried that they will be wasting their money, then just don`t go.

Over recent months I have seen a large increase in the number of posts bashing and rubbishing anything and anyone on the site. A lot of it has been attempted to be hidden as "Helping Newbies" when it just looks like any excuse to have a go.

Of course this site is hyping this seminar, we all need to make a living, but to go at them like their Stanzione etc is a bit much.

One question that was raised early on , which really should be answered is, Where has the thread giving lots of examples of mr charts and naz`s trades gone?

If it was still here any "Newbies" could easily see that they both know what they are talking about when it comes to Nasdaq stocks.


PS did anyone else notice that Sunseekers, trade the 3rd wave after a fed meeting worked a treat again?
To any Nasdaq traders that know whats what,ie the China stocks.

Pm me if you want to chat about this and the course.

The thread was certainly exhausted of opinions, but not answers.
if u go back to the original thread & can find a direct answer to Level2's Direct original question....let me know because I missed it.

also the question wasn't 'why r u holding it on a Saturday?', it was 'why aren't u holding it in the week & demonstrating the techniques live ?''.........a subtle but distinct different question.

not trying to be funny just to the point.

again if these were answered please direct me to the relevant post & I will accept that I am wrong
