* As an example, 5k a day is 1,100,000 per year. Now, if you were taking that out of the markets each year you would a) pay for very good tax advice, b) have trading accounts with several brokers to spread your risk, c) have accounts in different names and corporations, based on the tax advice you had received. *
That really takes it . Anyone was making that sort of money wouldn't be wasting their time on these BB's and certainly would NOT be doing courses for 595 quid a pop .
So don't even suggest that naz and MrC. are the case in point , though I have nothing against their courses.
But hey let's keep the hype within reason yeah ?
ALSO you ignore the most important part of trading : RISK RISK RISK !!!
Yeah , so what if he makes 1M quid a year , HOW MUCH STAKE DOES HE HAVE TO STUMP UP FOR THAT ???
If it is anywhere near 1M as well , work out the reward:risk for yourself , if you are serious.
It is 1:1 , casino odds - easier than trading , get your results faster and with less learning time.
* I actually saw someone post their trading records - and everyone fell about laughing because of how little he was actually making *
Fair enough , so where are these * records * ?
Tell us so we can inspect for ourselves and maybe laugh too or is this person hypothetical as well?