Wallstreet1928 Analysis & live calls on FTSE,DAX,S&P...aimed to help New traders

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Not traded as much today, +6pnts for the day. Gutted yesterday for giving my 46 pnts back and on a back foot today. I have learned alot though and will be improving my sytems and analysis in light of yesterday.
Not much movement today for smash and grab. I did see a couple of trends i should have traded which would have been nice. Hopefully this means my analysis is improving! :)

very well done my friend
Bund Trade:
In: 98
Out: 25
3 contracts; 81 pts

There still could be life in it yet boys so may want to have a look at it.

/Edit: Nice GS chart, do you ever look at UYG? It's what I look at to gauge a bit of financial activity
very well done my friend

Thanks ws. Still smarting from yesterday but learnt a number of things. After 19 trades i was up 46pnts but I was convinced the ftse would end around or above 4300 yesterday which, positioning myself appropriately saw me lose out when the US sell off got underway. And due to being under-prepared for the US markets I did not read the signals correctly.

In hindsight there were plenty of opportunities for me to come out on top but I didnt read the signs, didnt trade what was happening and, due to one bad trade, was trading against the long term chart trend - all day as it happened!

Today 2 trades for +6.

As ever thanks for your encouragment.

All the best:)
sorry to hear about your bad day yesterday kaisen...sounds like you're going to take some lessons away with you, so in that respect, the day may have held more value than you feel it did right now.

easy to say glib things like that i know, but this is the way we've chosen to learn...with hard knocks all the way!

hopefully we can all help each other, god knows i certainly need as much help as i can get :eek:
I suppose to add something to the above posts, My boss always says to walk out of work a better trader every day. So if you learnt a lot this week, it doesn't matter what the P/L is. I'm sure were all looking towards a future where a few pips here and there is nothing to the big sized trades we can execute with experience. I think the markets are finally giving some direction, it's going to be a good few weeks I'd reckon'!
I suppose to add something to the above posts, My boss always says to walk out of work a better trader every day. So if you learnt a lot this week, it doesn't matter what the P/L is. I'm sure were all looking towards a future where a few pips here and there is nothing to the big sized trades we can execute with experience. I think the markets are finally giving some direction, it's going to be a good few weeks I'd reckon'!


Thanks for that Traceyjc!:clover:
I was right about the 900 resistance and its more sideways action.
sp500 is showing absolute zero gain or loss for me. todays move is flashing every tic from green to red like a broken traffic light

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lol,, thats what i could smell for a long time Dentist, this FrancicF guy, from a newbie to a pro in afew weeks., i dont think so.... Like i said he was drumming up business for his sites.

And the funny thing is,, alot of newbies here fell into the trap and pmd him for his BANKER system , what the banks use hahaha..

glad someone agrees with me.the website wa incomprehensible rubbish
glad someone agrees with me.the website wa incomprehensible rubbish
Yes sir,
Looks like he`s drumming up business on other threads...
Funny thing is he was a total newbie afew weeks ago losing money in the markets, and now its funy reading his comments as it seems hes trying to come across as a pro trader lol... HAHAHA
Anyway, I had 6 trades today, was doing good until the last trade which stopped me out.... so total tally for today was a mere +17... nevermind,, another try later..!
Courtesy of inthemoneystocks.com........

Where do the bank profits come from now?

On March 6th the SPX 500 hit a low of 666.79 and fear of the next great depression was beginning to take hold. Financial stocks such as JP Morgan Chase were trading at $15.00 a share, Bank of America at $3.00, and Wells Fargo hit a trading low of $7.80 a share. The technology heavy NASDAQ was holding up much better than the rest of the market as it did not break its 2002 low of 1108. The financial world was in chaos and fear was spreading like wild fire. Could this have been the bottom? After all there was a new administration elected into office and radical changes were in desperate need. This certainly was a complete 180 degree turn from the last administration. The new President was taking the bull by the horns and making changes faster than any prior president had ever done. He even stated in late February that it looked like a good time to buy stocks for the long run. Hats off to this president as he is certainly a shaker and a mover, but who knew he was also a market timer. WOW!

Wells Fargo was the first bank to announce that they were going to have record profits and the month of January 2009 was a very good month. Yes, the mark to market accounting changes took place allowing banks to show huge gains instead of billions of dollars in losses. Yes, all the banks delayed there earnings releases until these new accounting standards were put into place. Since that event banks have rallied to the moon. JP Morgan Chase has rallied from a low of $15/share to a high of $38.94/share, Bank of America has rallied from a low of $2.53/share to a high of $15.07/share , Wells Fargo has rallied from a low of $7.80/share to a high of $28.45/share, Goldman Sachs made a low of $47.41/share to a high of $151.17/share, and Capital One Financial has rallied from a low of $7.80/share to a high of $31.80/share, just to name a few as there are many more. This has been a rally for the ages on most of these big name financial stocks. The big question will be how are they going to make money like they did prior to 2007 to warrant these stock price levels?

In 2003-2007 banks had the housing boom phenomenon taking place all over the globe to give them revenue. Whether the profits came from people buying homes, new business start ups, or construction loans trickling down to the local hot dog vendor who was expanding. Where are the new loans going to come from now? Banks are still not lending especially to each other. Yes, they are borrowing for practically nothing and are making money off of what they are lending but that isn't very much at this time. What company or individual is even qualified to borrow with the government's unemployment levels nearing 10%? No documentation adjustable mortgages are no longer being made as that was one of the most popular financial products being sold. Companies are streamlining and getting leaner by the minute. Yet financial stock share prices are back to 2008 levels.

While we and the world want and hope for a swift and quick recovery, we just wonder where will it come from? Interest rates have been rising, the U.S. Dollar has been falling, foreclosures are rising, commodities have been soaring, companies are downsizing, and unemployment is reaching very high levels. Where are these new profits coming from? Yes, hope is alive and well right now. However, unless something dramatically changes fundamentally hope will run out sometime this year, and the so called green shoots will be nothing more than a mere catch phrase.
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Which is why you don't hear too much from me (n):LOL:

I've tried reading TA books, but after a while, it's like listening to my ex-wife - "Blah, blah, blah":|

i've only read 1 TA book, it didn't make much sense until i started getting stuck into charts with all this SB stuff.

10p SBing is def the way to learn on the cheap :)
Courtesy of inthemoneystocks.com........

Where do the bank profits come from now?

However, unless something dramatically changes fundamentally hope will run out sometime this year, and the so called green shoots will be nothing more than a mere catch phrase.

Good article - and as a commentator noted recently, the 'green shoots' may soon be seen to be nothing more than 'fluorescent moss'
Damn we should have stayed in that EUR trade lapalabra!

Damn those fib extensions, what do they know!

That EUR went to the moon :)
Good article - and as a commentator noted recently, the 'green shoots' may soon be seen to be nothing more than 'fluorescent moss'

nice imagery, but i have no idea what that's supposed to mean lapa...was the commentator smoking a 'funny cigarette'?
good luck everyone for 2moro.

btw, did i mention that i'm developing my own automated 'system' for live calls?

it involves fibs, trend lines, astrology, 2 plastic coat hangers and a vole...i'll be charging for it next week so you can test it out 2moro and let me know how you get on.

send me a stamped addressed envelope and i'll post you the vole. you can use you own hangers.
good luck everyone for 2moro.

btw, did i mention that i'm developing my own automated 'system' for live calls?

it involves fibs, trend lines, astrology, 2 plastic coat hangers and a vole...i'll be charging for it next week so you can test it out 2moro and let me know how you get on.

send me a stamped addressed envelope and i'll post you the vole. you can use you own hangers.

Damn we should have stayed in that EUR trade lapalabra!

Damn those fib extensions, what do they know!

That EUR went to the moon :)

Yes, I know!

I have a major resistance level (june3, yesterday high) of 14109 - we broke it so I am long there now, tight stop :)

GEO: The amount of times I've said that with Forex...'Why didn't I keep something in!!!' I need to work on a scaling out strategy, because moves can last for ages in a single trend - I know you use fibs and wave theory, but do you have any way of showing you to keep something in a trade, or that it still has legs?

Suthi was sayin 14000 was on the cards....
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