I see they are busy with the delete button today.
yes, just let him get on with it. He'll stand or fall on the trades he makes in the thread.
yes, just let him get on with it. He'll stand or fall on the trades he makes in the thread.
yes, just let him get on with it. He'll stand or fall on the trades he makes in the thread.
By all means let him make calls, but at the very least, remove his pitch for managed accounts, remove all mention of points, pips etc (unless entry and exit are clearly callled), and remove his attempts to redirect punters to other marketing threads under his control, and remove his signature.
He's already in violation of the conditions that you seam to believe that he agreed too. Inevitably that's going to lead to complaints.
This is a good example of the hypocrisy that I was referring too earlier. A vendor is allowed to make unsubstantiated claims of their performance, and pitch for managed accounts, despite not being regulated, and on a site with a history of problems casued by this kind of thing.
Its even worse as a recent short term independant audit of this particular vendor, left most people in no doubt that he doesnt actually trade !
When these issues are raised, and discussed, posts are deleted (presumably because they show T2W in a bad light). However, the vendors unsubstantiated claims remain, his pitch for managed accounts remains, and his blatent marketing campaing continues unabated.
By all means let him make calls, but at the very least, remove his pitch for managed accounts, remove all mention of points, pips etc (unless entry and exit are clearly callled), and remove his attempts to redirect punters to other marketing threads under his control, and remove his signature.
Jesus wept. Just let him get on with posting the calls and stop spamming this thread with whinging and whining. Newbies can then make their own mind up about whether to pay £50 or not for my analyses.
Just let him get on with posting the calls and stop spamming this thread with whinging and whining. Newbies can then make their own mind up about whether to pay £50 or not for my analyses.
The detractors are not capable of letting him 'get on with it' . Their on a
crusade to eradicate him from this forum. The strange thing is their posts
seem like they are talking for the majority which is not the case as 65% of
people who voted didn't want the last thread closed.
This thread should be edited by the mods as per the agreement and the only
person that should be able post is WS, thats the only way it won't spiral out of
control like the last one.
That's what they said about Jacko on forexfactory, right before he disappeared with the money people had given him to 'manage'
So to clarify you think he shouldn't be allowed to open a thread giving live swing
trades and analysis just in case he starts managing other peoples money and
runs off with it or loses it? Jees, PB I think you may be taking this scam finding
thing a little to far.
He's already said he's going to manage money, show me one instance on an internet forum when such a thing did not turn out to be a scam?
So that's a yes then. What do you mean 'such a thing'?
A free service making vague calls that turns into a paid service which subsequently turns into a 'fund' or 'managed account'. And no he shouldn't be allowed to do it, primarily because he's not permitted to by law. But then you probably think he's going to make you rich so you don't want to hear all this inconvenient negativity, you just want to hear the good news.
I didn't say he should be allowed to 'manage money' read my post, I said just because
YOU THINK this is going to happen is no justification for your constant stalking
and insistance that his threads should not be allowed. I'm not interested in his
calls but I do find his analysis interesting, thats all. I may be wrong but I thought
that was what this forum was about about sharing idea's?