It is not a conspiracy view of politics as much as a cynical view by politicians, corporations and the wealthy to take advantage of the situation. The very wealthy will pay more for what is available. Look at the money made by the pharmaceutical companies in their production of vaccines for swine flu. A bit off topic but it is an example.
I wholeheartedly agree that the b***ards cannot be trusted - not even a little bit. It seems to me that very possibly significant action to mitigate climate change will not come until there is real anger amongst the general population. That's usually how these things pan out - when the whole house of cards might come tumbling down the powers that be start doing something.
But to turn rightful distrust of western (and other) governments due to their imperialist wars and many other valid reasons into a rejection of science is just not rational. And to suggest that the science is "cooked" (for which there is no evidence) affords those that some the deniers claim to despise far more more that they actually posses.
Furthermore it should be noted that the likes of Bush and his neocon mates were the most powerful deniers of them all. That, at least, should give pause for thought.
I haven't seen anybody talk about it, but it's very possible that in 10, 15 or 20 years you will see a generation gap and inter generational anger such as never been seen before. Pretty much along the lines of "The science was quite clear, the warnings were quite clear and you did essentially nothing".
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