The REAL global warming

Global warming may be arguable. Global pollution is a fact. We do not have to be scientists to realise that we are killing ourselves. All the basic elements for life on Earth are becoming seriously polluted. Science is on top of it. Yeah! By giving us more pills to live longer when, in fact, there are too many of us here, already. Human population growth is the problem. If we can't solve that---and I can't see how we can-- then Planet Earth is on a slippery slope.

Cheer up! It's a slow process. We have to face it, though.
The UK propaganda machine is running a climate headline every day now. This one is a beauty,
Does anyone but DCraig buy this nonsense? Probably.

You know what's causing it don't you? Swimming in the seas/oceans with non bi degradeable sun tan lotion least how that's how it'll be blamed on individual choice and not mega corporations....fear not, Al Gore enterprises 2012 (major shareaholders Cheney, Bush, Blair, Murdoch, Gates and Buffet) will find the solution, Hawaiian Tropic Bio..."Wash away your guilt after exchanging your air-travel carbon credits on Carbon Trade Bay..."

How about banning the further creation of those disgusting and utter pointless "Behemoth of the Seas" mega cruisers, that dump their waste in the sea to wash up on small Maldives islands...? Nope can't have that can we...

How about placing a proper ban on excessive trawler fishing given 75% of what's caught becomes waste...? Nope....oh well...🙄
Concord the biggest farter of co2 of all time....

Biggest Airbus another biggest farter of al time...

Oil liners that stay outside the harbours waiting for weeks for instaructions from 'Oil Traders' when to deliver Oil when the price is right and until then farting huge chunks of co2 in air....

And then telling small people, well you must change the light bulbs you know as you are wasting a lot of energy..!!

What a crap 'Global Warming' summit...!
Concord the biggest farter of co2 of all time....

Biggest Airbus another biggest farter of al time...

Oil liners that stay outside the harbours waiting for weeks for instructions from 'Oil Traders' when to deliver Oil when the price is right and until then farting huge chunks of co2 in air....

And then telling small people, well you must change the light bulbs you know as you are wasting a lot of energy..!!

What a crap 'Global Warming' summit...!

This is how it becomes/has become the new religion, little folk believing they have the power to literally change the axis of the planet....pathetic...

Days into the Copenhagen summit and a thousand protestors bludgeoned/arrested by the supposedly quite Danish Police, well actually its not the police its the usual drafted in Euro gestapo army leftovers, put in police uniform for a couple of weeks on double pay...
Not making the headlines thouugh is it these disruptive protesters? They're just described as opportunistic anarchists, when in reality they're already protesting against the lack of agreement 'cos they know it's all bull5hit...
The editorial in Nature deals with this rather well:

You are totally unbelievable DCraig - you spit venom at others who post links, but when it's your turn, it's OK! Not only that - you quote the Stable Climate Denier Bible, "Nature".

"If there are benefits to the e-mail theft, one is to highlight yet again the harassment that denialists inflict on some climate-change researchers, often in the form of endless, time-consuming demands for information under the US and UK Freedom of Information Acts. Governments and institutions need to provide tangible assistance for researchers facing such a burden."

Again - anyone who asks for information is "harassing researchers, consuming time, demanding information under the FOI Act" according to DCraig.

Ehm, I thought it was in the public interest to actually publish and make available for peer review the results of research. If the researchers subjected themselves to per review, and to the public interest, there would NEVER be a requirement under the FOI to ask for information - it would already be put in the journals and peer-reviewed papers.

IT IS NOT, because the science is NOT settled, and yes, the actions of P Jones and co, to email each other urging the destruction of data, is illegal, criminal and conspiratorial - regardless of the spin DCraig or the other apologists put on it.

What DCraig is quoting is a feeble attempt by supporting journalists at DAMAGE CONTROL!

We will see soon enough, when the inquiry gets its teeth into Phil Jones and Co.

Until then, DCraig, I would make my words very humble indeed, because you will have an awful lot of egg on your face when the truth is revealed.

In other words, the researches were trying to do their real jobs - research into a damned important subject. Which is what they get paid for. It is very easy to understand why they might get frustrated with wasting huge amounts of time responding to what was frequently little more than harassment.

Ehm, (again) in case you are unaware, these research bodies have very large and very active PR units - how else do you think the spin about GW and AGW to boot, got "out there" into the alarmist groups and radicals? The researchers themselves are NOT bothered by legitimate questioning and requests for data, unless they are choosing, as in the case of the UEA, to distort, deceive and destroy data that flies in the face of the AGW hypothesis

btw - how many times has DCraig used words like denialists; awash with junk science; conspiracy theories; anti-science; lowest common denominator populism; ignorance of science; blamed the Australian Aborigines for the Aussie deserts: "extensive use of fire by Australian Aborigines may have speeded up the drying of the Australian continent"; complete nonsense.

Get a grip mate!

I could fill an entire page with DCraig's derogatory quotes against the opposing team, but really what I am waiting for is an apology.

DCraig stated that there are no scientists from any reputable scientific body who disbelieve ... yada yada. Then you will have no trouble answering post #30 by Maiden22.

Truly amazing to come across such a well put position from a denier. I'm sure that if you forward it to one of the national scientific bodies that affirm man made global climate change, you will be able to persuade at least one of them to change their position and join the ranks of those scientific bodies that dispute AGW. You see, the latter list is currently empty, the last hold out being the American Association of Petroleum Geologists which retracted it's former position in 2007.

Now, what was that you were saying about rationality?

You are a scammer DCraig - You have yourself on one side, and respected posters like Black Swan, Maiden22, Saint, Splitlink, Zupcon, montmorencyt2w, and others on the opposing side. Yet they didn't start out opposing you.

They just wanted to discuss the pro's and con's "rationally" to use your expression, but you resorted to the usual tactics:

a) Rhetoric
b) Failure to answer the question
c) Change the subject
d) Use of the "red Herring" or "Straw Man" was your term
e) Use of tactics you accuse your detractors of using (copy/paste)
f) Generalisation - "the science is true" "there is no conspiracy" "no respected scientist disbelieves AGW" "deniers are like religious fundamentalists"
g) Belittlement of the opposing player
h) The worming technique - when all else fails, wriggle like a worm until the audience becomes bored and loses interest.

You have let down the AGW apologists, in that you have not used the "Rules of Scientific Debate" correctly.

In fact by discrediting yourself, you have actually lessened respect for those who do actually think AGW might be a factor in the weather aberrations we see from time to time in various cycles.

What we really do need is to attack pollution, and clean up the planet - that wouldn't do any harm, and it certainly would be a lot cheaper, and cost NO jobs. Go and clean out a few creeks and rivers ... that might be a good thing.

The video says it all.

But maybe the conspiracist theory is correct - we shall see!

it was really pathetic to view the view a SKY news report on India last week. The "WHITE" dominated western countries are concerned that India's development will result in faster global warming, and that the car ownerships in India is a threat!

In India 90% of population DO NOT OWN cars

In WEST 90% of population probably own a car > and in many households there are 3+ cars
Even if India and China DOUBLE their emissions, they will still be LOWER than emissions released by US and West for last 50 years....!!

This is just a ploy to RESTRAIN the growth of Chinese and Indians as they will dominate and control the Global Economy in next few decades..!

China is scheduled to be Second larget and India will be at number 4, higher than UK at no 8 in next 10 years...!
Ehm, I thought it was in the public interest to actually publish and make available for peer review the results of research. If the researchers subjected themselves to per review, and to the public interest, there would NEVER be a requirement under the FOI to ask for information - it would already be put in the journals and peer-reviewed papers.

The results of their research is published, has been peer reviewed and is available for any other review. That is their job as scientists - to publish scientific research. Their work is published, and no amount ranting will remove that fact.

As you should well know as it has been said often enough, the raw temperature data was not owned by the CRU, but by the various national meteorological services who operate under charters created by their individual governments. This a FACT. It is their intellectual property for which their governments basically want to be paid for.

Nobody has in the slightest way demonstrated falsification of results. The whole business has the smell of a modern witch hunt spurred on by their mindless conspiracy theories.

And BTW Nature is a highly respected scientific publication, but let that not stop you or your ilk in what is basically a frontal assault on science. For it is not just the CRU that has participated in the drafting of the IPCC reports, it is scientists from all around the world. NASA in the US and the CSIRO in Australia come to mind, but there are many others. And using datasets compiled independently of the CRU. Guess what? They all have come to basically the same conclusion.

You and the creationists should get together - you would make a great team. Within the blink of an eye we would have time travel - back to the middle ages.
c) Change the subject
Is this sufficiently on topic for your sensitivities. Yes I'm afraid it's yet more stuff from those horrible conspiratorial scientists. (And no the temperature data is not from CRU - it's GISS from NASA)



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The results of their research is published, has been peer reviewed and is available for any other review. That is their job as scientists - to publish scientific research. Their work is published, and no amount ranting will remove that fact.

As you should well know as it has been said often enough [BY WHOM ... YOU DCRAIG?], the raw temperature data was not owned by the CRU, but by the various national meteorological services who operate under charters created by their individual governments. This a FACT. It is their intellectual property for which their governments basically want to be paid for.

Nobody has in the slightest way demonstrated falsification of results.

DCraig - This is not my conjecture - I am only reporting on what I see.
Unlike you, I am not blinkered by blindly following the hood-winking data-manipulators.

Now please tell us all ... If the data is already published, why did Phil Jones email his co-conspirators asking them to delete their emails? This is not my conjecture - this is from an email written by Phil Jones himself! Wriggle all you like. Put whatever spin on that you like. But THAT is a FACT.

It is taken so seriously, that there is to be an independent inquiry, and PJ has been stood down. Obviously the management of UEA is unable to treat this as lightly as you do. I am not making this up ... I am simply reporting what is appearing in the mainstream press. Even your beloved Bible - "Nature" - should have reported this.

IF the data is owned by various bodies as you claim, apparently their ownership of it was not established by PJ, because he denied a FOI order to produce it. Why didn't the order ask for that data elsewhere? because it was NOT available elsewhere - the inquiry under FOI was looking for the data to back up PJ's claims. PJ's response ... "Destroy it!"

And BTW Nature is a highly respected scientific publication, but let that not stop you or your ilk in what is basically a frontal assault on science. For it is not just the CRU that has participated in the drafting of the IPCC reports, it is scientists from all around the world. NASA in the US and the CSIRO in Australia come to mind, but there are many others. And using datasets compiled independently of the CRU. Guess what? They all have come to basically the same conclusion.

You and the creationists should get together - you would make a great team. Within the blink of an eye we would have time travel - back to the middle ages.

Insults continue eh!

Where is the "frontal attack on science?" I don't see that. Isee some questions that have not been answered, but the inquirer is denigrated, and insulted, slandered with derogatory names. Now that is not defending the science with facts - that is attacking the questioner.

You are now lying.

I know from my own reading that "everyone" does NOT agree with the IPCC position. As for the "datasets compiled independently of the CRU" - that "basically the same conclusion" is NOT the same conclusion. Prominent scientists are now saying that the science is NOT settled, as per DCraig - they are on record as saying the "science" is raising more troublesome questions than it is answering; that the subject is more complex than can be dealt with in a draft policy statement.

I am certain if you had 5 grams of scientific training, as I had in my first career as an organic chemist, you would not accept the hypothesis as fact, as you are doing. You would allow the facts to prove the hypothesis, not get the facts to curve-fit the hypothesis.

Your credibility is zot and squat with me DCraig.

I am still waiting for your answer to post #30.
Re: The REAL global warming - other facts

Getting off the defensive for a little while ...

I recently wrote to a scientist/climatologist, about other things that might be responsible for changes in data measurement.

SUBJECT:Two questions on non-human causes for temperature changes

QUESTIONS: 1) Has any work been done on the heating/cooling effect of water
vapour in the atmosphere. I would like this question answered in the
context of:
a) As the temperature of the water rises, more evaporation occurs,
b) As the atmospheric temperature rises, more water vapour is held in
the atmosphere.

The idea behind this question is that water vapour dissolved in the
atmosphere will vary according to prevailing temperature. If so, then
there may exist a greater/lesser reflective/absorbant effect on solar
radiated heat/energy.

2) I was always of the belief that Global Warming preceded CO2 rises,
not the other way around. Given the very small component of CO2 in the
atmosphere produced by human activity, it must be more difficult to
maintain the opposite view. To what extent must global temperature
rise, in order to be able to measure a rise in atmospheric CO2?

Here is his Answer:

1) This involves clouds which form and dissipate as the air cools and warms. It is admitted to be a huge hole in the capability of models and in my opinion it involves consideration of the speed of the entire hydrological cycle at any given moment.

It is the variable speed of the hydrological cycle which, in my opinion, seems to guarantee sufficient negative feedbacks to prevent significant warming from more GHGs.

The speed of the hydrological cycle is dictated by the need for surface air temperatures to match sea surface temperatures since basic physics prevents air temperatures from warming sea surfaces significantly due to the immediate increase in the evaporation rate which is always a net cooling effect.

The same process seems to keep global humidity stable. A faster hydrological cycle seems to stop the system from being destabilised when the humidity tries to increase following a natural warming of ocean surfaces as during a powerful El Nino effect. I suspect that the need for surface air temperatures to match sea surface temperatures always causes a negative cooling effect (faster hydrological cycle) to set against any warming and so reduces the ability of the air to hold more water vapour.

When the sea surfaces cool down then the hydrological cycle also slows down.

We see the outcome in a latitudinal shift of all the air circulation systems. I think one can tell whether the Earth is in net cooling or net warming mode from that latitudinal shift. On that basis I judge that we have had a net cooling mode since 2000 and continuing but it takes some time for it to become apparent in the temperature record because of oceanic variability (ENSO mainly) and natural climate variability from year to year.

2) AGW theory supposes that we are in a unique period of history when our little bit of extra CO2 has somehow reversed the natural order of things and put CO2 in control for the first time ever.

I do not see how that could be so. If it were possible there are times in the past when it should have happened naturally from other causes such as lengthy spells of volcanic eruptions throwing vast amounts of CO2 into the air.

That is something that AGW theory simply assumes and which has never been demonstrated.

Measuring CO2 is now a fine art but the cause of CO2 changes remains speculative until we can reliably separate the effect of human emissions from changes in the speed of the carbon cycle from a multitude of other influences. The largest natural factor is the rate of CO2 absorption by ocean surfaces. Warmer water absorbs CO2 more slowly so one would expect to see a slowdown of the carbon cycle and a build up in the air until the sea surfaces cool down again.

There is debate about the residence time of CO2 in the air and the time lag for changes in ocean absorption rates to take effect. In the ice core record it looks like a lag of 800 to 1000 years so in theory the current CO2 rise could be due to the Mediaeval Warm Period but I wouldn't state that as certain.

Interestingly the Mauna Loa record shows a clear seasonal effect which shows that a regional temperature rise gives a CO2 effect within the year. The question though is whether the long term upward trend is due to human activity or natural carbon cycle variability.


That is from a scientist.

I do not print his name because I am certain he would not wish to become embroiled in DCraig's campaign against common sense, and denigration of all who just happen to think about a slightly different scenario, and use their own brain.

Further, I did not seek his permission to publish the answer, though the question was my own.
Ingot54;1005638' [B said:
If the data is already published, why did Phil Jones email his co-conspirators asking them to delete their emails?[/B]

Nobody deleted their emails. Maybe he had a fight with his wife. How the hell would I know? You clearly have prejudged all this with the constant use of terms like "co-conspirators". You want to show a conspiracy then show falsification of data or results. You cannot.

It is taken so seriously, that there is to be an independent inquiry, and PJ has been stood down.

He stood down voluntarily.

IF the data is owned by various bodies as you claim, apparently their ownership of it was not established by PJ, because he denied a FOI order to produce it. Why didn't the order ask for that data elsewhere? because it was NOT available elsewhere - the inquiry under FOI was looking for the data to back up PJ's claims. PJ's response ... "Destroy it!"

Rubbish. There is no reference to destroying data.

Here is an excerpt from a press release from UEA. It makes perfectly clear that some of the data is owned by NMSs and the rest (95%) has been available for years and frivolous FOI orders were never required to obtain it.

Over 95% of the CRU climate data set concerning land surface temperatures has been accessible to climate researchers, sceptics and the public for several years the University of East Anglia has confirmed.

“It is well known within the scientific community and particularly those who are sceptical of climate change that over 95% of the raw station data has been accessible through the Global Historical Climatology Network for several years. We are quite clearly not hiding information which seems to be the speculation on some blogs and by some media commentators,” commented the University’s Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Research Enterprise and Engagement Professor Trevor Davies.

The University will make all the data accessible as soon as they are released from a range of non-publication agreements. Publication will be carried out in collaboration with the Met Office Hadley Centre.

The procedure for releasing these data, which are mainly owned by National Meteorological Services (NMSs) around the globe, is by direct contact between the permanent representatives of NMSs (in the UK the Met Office).

“We are grateful for the necessary support of the Met Office in requesting the permissions for releasing the information but understand that responses may take several months and that some countries may refuse permission due to the economic value of the data,” continued Professor Davies.

The remaining data, to be published when permissions are given, generally cover areas of the world where there are fewer data collection stations.

“CRU’s full data will be published in the interests of research transparency when we have the necessary agreements. It is worth reiterating that our conclusions correlate well to those of other scientists based on the separate data sets held by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS),” concluded Professor Davies.

What I want to know is where is the conspiracy? On the other hand, the witch hunt is very easy to spot.

I am certain if you had 5 grams of scientific training, as I had in my first career as an organic chemist

Yes, and I have a BSc in Physics (UQ) so what?
Re: The REAL global warming - other facts

Getting off the defensive for a little while ...

I recently wrote to a scientist/climatologist, about other things that might be responsible for changes in data measurement.

SUBJECT:Two questions on non-human causes for temperature changes

QUESTIONS: 1) Has any work been done on the heating/cooling effect of water
vapour in the atmosphere. I would like this question answered in the
context of:
a) As the temperature of the water rises, more evaporation occurs,
b) As the atmospheric temperature rises, more water vapour is held in
the atmosphere.

The idea behind this question is that water vapour dissolved in the
atmosphere will vary according to prevailing temperature. If so, then
there may exist a greater/lesser reflective/absorbant effect on solar
radiated heat/energy.

2) I was always of the belief that Global Warming preceded CO2 rises,
not the other way around. Given the very small component of CO2 in the
atmosphere produced by human activity, it must be more difficult to
maintain the opposite view. To what extent must global temperature
rise, in order to be able to measure a rise in atmospheric CO2?

Here is his Answer:

1) This involves clouds which form and dissipate as the air cools and warms. It is admitted to be a huge hole in the capability of models and in my opinion it involves consideration of the speed of the entire hydrological cycle at any given moment.

It is the variable speed of the hydrological cycle which, in my opinion, seems to guarantee sufficient negative feedbacks to prevent significant warming from more GHGs.

The speed of the hydrological cycle is dictated by the need for surface air temperatures to match sea surface temperatures since basic physics prevents air temperatures from warming sea surfaces significantly due to the immediate increase in the evaporation rate which is always a net cooling effect.

The same process seems to keep global humidity stable. A faster hydrological cycle seems to stop the system from being destabilised when the humidity tries to increase following a natural warming of ocean surfaces as during a powerful El Nino effect. I suspect that the need for surface air temperatures to match sea surface temperatures always causes a negative cooling effect (faster hydrological cycle) to set against any warming and so reduces the ability of the air to hold more water vapour.

When the sea surfaces cool down then the hydrological cycle also slows down.

We see the outcome in a latitudinal shift of all the air circulation systems. I think one can tell whether the Earth is in net cooling or net warming mode from that latitudinal shift. On that basis I judge that we have had a net cooling mode since 2000 and continuing but it takes some time for it to become apparent in the temperature record because of oceanic variability (ENSO mainly) and natural climate variability from year to year.

2) AGW theory supposes that we are in a unique period of history when our little bit of extra CO2 has somehow reversed the natural order of things and put CO2 in control for the first time ever.

I do not see how that could be so. If it were possible there are times in the past when it should have happened naturally from other causes such as lengthy spells of volcanic eruptions throwing vast amounts of CO2 into the air.

That is something that AGW theory simply assumes and which has never been demonstrated.

Measuring CO2 is now a fine art but the cause of CO2 changes remains speculative until we can reliably separate the effect of human emissions from changes in the speed of the carbon cycle from a multitude of other influences. The largest natural factor is the rate of CO2 absorption by ocean surfaces. Warmer water absorbs CO2 more slowly so one would expect to see a slowdown of the carbon cycle and a build up in the air until the sea surfaces cool down again.

There is debate about the residence time of CO2 in the air and the time lag for changes in ocean absorption rates to take effect. In the ice core record it looks like a lag of 800 to 1000 years so in theory the current CO2 rise could be due to the Mediaeval Warm Period but I wouldn't state that as certain.

Interestingly the Mauna Loa record shows a clear seasonal effect which shows that a regional temperature rise gives a CO2 effect within the year. The question though is whether the long term upward trend is due to human activity or natural carbon cycle variability.


That is from a scientist.

I do not print his name because I am certain he would not wish to become embroiled in DCraig's campaign against common sense, and denigration of all who just happen to think about a slightly different scenario, and use their own brain.

Further, I did not seek his permission to publish the answer, though the question was my own.

Surely you can do better than faceless "experts".

There's plenty wrong with all of the above (besides being utterly out of step with the vast majority of climate researches).

How about this for starters:

"the cause of CO2 changes remains speculative"

Is he not aware of this:

"Global CO2 emissions are derived from international energy statistics, tabulating coal, brown coal, peat, and crude oil production by nation and year. This means we can calculate how much CO2 we're emitting not only in recent years, using United Nations data, but also estimate fossil fuel CO2 emissions back to 1751 using historical energy statistics. What we've found is fossil fuel and cement emissions have continued to increase, climbing to the rate of 29 Gigatonnes of CO2 per year in 2008."

or this

"Further confirmation that rising CO2 levels are due to human activity come by analysing the types of CO2 found in the air. The carbon atom has several different isotopes (ie - different number of neutrons). Carbon 12 has 6 neutrons, carbon 13 has 7 neutrons. Plants have a lower C13/C12 ratio than in the atmosphere. If rising atmospheric CO2 comes fossil fuels, the C13/C12 should be falling. Indeed this is what is occuring (Ghosh 2003) and the trend correlates with the trend in global emissions."

These are illustrated in the following charts

1. : Total Global Carbon Emission Estimates, 1750 to 2006

2. Annual global CO2 emissions from fossil fuel burning and cement manufacture in GtC yr–1 (black), annual averages of the 13C/12C ratio measured in atmospheric CO2 at Mauna Loa from 1981 to 2002 (red).

And I do apologize for quoting a secondary source. But at least it is a source not a faceless email. And the primary sources are referenced therein.


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Nobody deleted their emails.
What rock have you been under DCraig?

That's what the whole CRU leaked email scandal is about.

Phil Jones allegedly stated:

"Just sent loads of station data to Scott. Make sure he documents everything better this time ! And don’t leave stuff lying around on ftp sites – you never know who is trawling them. The two MMs have been after the CRU station data for years. If they ever hear there is a Freedom of Information Act now in the UK, I think I’ll delete the file rather than send to anyone. Does your similar act in the US force you to respond to enquiries within 20 days? – our does ! The UK works on precedents, so the first request will test it.We also have a data protection act, which I will hide behind. Tom Wigley has sent me a worried email when he heard about it – thought people could ask him for his model code. He has retired officially from UEA so he can hide behind that. IPR should be relevant here, but I can see me getting into an argument with someone at UEA who’ll say we must adhere to it !

Jones admits he was warned by his own university against deleting data subjected to an FOI request from McIntyre – or anyone:

And then this alleged email:


Haven’t got a reply from the FOI person here at UEA. So I’m not entirely confident the numbers are correct. One way of checking would be to look on CA, but I’m not doing that. I did get an email from the FOI person here early yesterday to tell me I shouldn’t be deleting emails - unless this was ‘normal’ deleting to keep emails manageable! McIntyre hasn’t paid his £10, so nothing looks likely to happen re his Data Protection Act email.

Anyway requests have been of three types – observational data, paleo data and who made IPCC changes and why. Keith has got all the latter – and there have been at least 4. We made Susan aware of these – all came from David Holland. According to the FOI Commissioner’s Office, IPCC is an international organization, so is above any national FOI. Even if UEA holds anything about IPCC, we are not obliged to pass it on, unless it has anything to do with our core business – and it doesn’t! I’m sounding like Sir Humphrey here!



Can you delete any emails you may have had with Keith re AR4?

Keith will do likewise. He’s not in at the moment – minor family crisis.

Can you also email Gene and get him to do the same? I don’t have his new email address.

We will be getting Caspar to do likewise.

I see that CA claim they discovered the 1945 problem in the Nature paper!!



And: On the subject of being either a "good" scientist or a "good" hypothecist:

If anything, I would like to see the climate change happen, so the science could be proved right, regardless of the consequences. This isn’t being political, it is being selfish.

Cheers, Phil

Maybe Phil Jones is confusing “science” with “hypothesis”. maybe you are a disciple of the high priest Jones, DCraig!

He stood down voluntarily.

Of course ... like he had a choice. The Times reports that it is unlikely he will resume his position.

Rubbish. There is no reference to destroying data.

Please see above.

Here is an excerpt from a press release from UEA. It makes perfectly clear that some of the data is owned by NMSs and the rest (95%) has been available for years and frivolous FOI orders were never required to obtain it.

Over 95% of the CRU climate data set concerning land surface temperatures has been accessible to climate researchers, sceptics and the public for several years the University of East Anglia has confirmed.

“It is well known within the scientific community and particularly those who are sceptical of climate change that over 95% of the raw station data has been accessible through the Global Historical Climatology Network for several years. We are quite clearly not hiding information which seems to be the speculation on some blogs and by some media commentators,” commented the University’s Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Research Enterprise and Engagement Professor Trevor Davies.

The University will make all the data accessible as soon as they are released from a range of non-publication agreements. Publication will be carried out in collaboration with the Met Office Hadley Centre.

The procedure for releasing these data, which are mainly owned by National Meteorological Services (NMSs) around the globe, is by direct contact between the permanent representatives of NMSs (in the UK the Met Office).

“We are grateful for the necessary support of the Met Office in requesting the permissions for releasing the information but understand that responses may take several months and that some countries may refuse permission due to the economic value of the data,” continued Professor Davies.

The remaining data, to be published when permissions are given, generally cover areas of the world where there are fewer data collection stations.

“CRU’s full data will be published in the interests of research transparency when we have the necessary agreements. It is worth reiterating that our conclusions correlate well to those of other scientists based on the separate data sets held by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS),” concluded Professor Davies.

Never in dispute, though anything the CRU releases to the press must now be suspect, coming under the heading of "damage control".

What David Holland wanted to know was: What specific data did Jones and CRU rely on for their submission to the IPCC? Jones had allegedly curve-fitted the data, and this is why he (Jones) refused the FOI request - an illegal act, and he knew it. Bye Bye Phil.

What I want to know is where is the conspiracy? On the other hand, the witch hunt is very easy to spot.

The "conspiracy" is not the usual paranoid type, DCraig, unless you are playing silly now.

The conspiracy is that Phil Jones wanted to cover something up. He was the chief scientist in charge of the submission to the IPCC. That is not disputed. That is why he stood aside. He made an error of professional judgement, and is paying for that now.

Science is transparent. Phil Jones was (allegedly) opaque and obtuse, arrogant and condescending, contemptuous of lesser beings, and attempting to unfairly dominate the science with the hypothesis, instead of vice versa. Quite unprofessional, according to his peers.

Yes, and I have a BSc in Physics (UQ) so what?
Are you a complete tool, DCraig? Don't you have any respect for science. I find your utterance regarding your lack of respect for your basic degree incomprehensible, in a sense. If, as you say you have a B.Sc. then the "so what" should be obvious to you.

It isn't.

On one hand you love to quote your fav Google University transcripts to prove a point, and can quote chapter and verse what the pro-climatologists have put into print. On the other hand, you show complete misunderstanding of the process, and the struggle these climatologists have in interpreting the data, and the tenuous position they find themselves in now, regarding the veracity of the conclusions.

It is correct to be a doubter ... to be Devil's Advocate.

But when you are arguing with a mule, why, sir, the only thing he understands is the stick.

You, sir/madam, are a mule, in any/every sense of the word. You are carrying a load for people you do not know, and of the load itself, you appear to understand little.

Just listen to the statements from respected climatologists. They are NOWHERE near as convinced as you seem to be about this. If there is any consensus it would be this: "The jury is either hung, or it is still out."

What scientists are trying to tell us is that humans MAY be influencing climate - they are just not sure to what extent, what are the risks, how quickly this will occur if at all.

The politicians seize on the "science."
The economists seize on the "science."

Yet the scientists themselves have not taken the closed positions they are credited with.

That is my issue with you, DCraig.

Had you understood the perspective of a scientist/climatologist, you would not support the dogma fanatically. You would still be in the camp of those questioning, searching, enquiring. Your ego (and mine) would be invisible. Instead, we would be having a mature debate about what, if any influence humans are having on the climate, today and forward.

It seems less likely every day that AGW is real. The data do not stack up. But if the planet is indeed warming, then we have to look elsewhere. It is clear that the whole argument is based on the production by humans of CO2. But my studies have shown that CO2 is a MINOR greenhouse emission. Water in the atmosphere has an absolutely HUGE effect. Methane ... ditto. Sulphur ... ditto. And contrary to belief, Ozone has now been found to protect from any solar heating effect! Surprise! How many years did we hear about the Ozone layer and the end of the world as the sky falls on us?

We can't do anything about that now.

What can we do?

We CAN do something about poverty, and about rampant population increases.
And we CAN cut down on our use of fossil fuels - perhaps reconsider the nuclear card?
And we CAN clean up the planet.

Here's a quote I found that sums it up nicely:

There is no better way to destroy the environment than to have humans living in poverty. People in poverty care little for the environment. Arguments to the contrary are not sound. Taxing CO2 emissions will lead to lower economic growth and more poverty. Government's "green economy" is artificial, planned, and will fail in the way all government planned economies have always failed, and thereby increase poverty and harm the economy.

Instead of fearing CO2, spend your energies fearing the danger of poverty. Work to overcome poverty. Study how to do so first. Overcoming poverty requires creating wealth. So go create some wealth. Create the wealth. Don't steal it, transfer it, or borrow it from the future. Don't pollute when you create the wealth. But CO2 isn't pollution, but rather a beneficial product of the burning of fossil fuels.

Now, SULFUR is a whole different issue. It may be much more reasonable to try to limit sulfur emissions. At least sulfur controls are worth debating. CO2 controls are a foolish, misguided notion.

I like that!
Yet the scientists themselves have not taken the closed positions they are credited with.

Your claimed open mindedness is a subterfuge for doing nothing. I might also add that fools advancing any crackpot view about anything have a habit of whinging about "closed minded" people when their odd ball beliefs are not taken seriously.

If the IPCC assigns greater than 90% probability to their findings, that surely is a fair indication that there is a very high degree of confidence in AGW. If no national science academy contests that and most actively affirm AGW it shows how tiny the actual number of skeptical scientists is. The level of uncertainly in the existence of AGW is actually quite low despite all the noise and lies being put about.

Indeed "the science is not settled" - in fact no science is ever fully settled. Even such fundamental laws as the conservation of energy may eventually break down. Who knows? But what is quite certain is that science, in it's perpetually incomplete state serves us damned well. And what is equally certain is that an overwhelming majority of climate researches support the proposition of AGW.
Are you a complete tool, DCraig? Don't you have any respect for science. I find your utterance regarding your lack of respect for your basic degree incomprehensible, in a sense. If, as you say you have a B.Sc. then the "so what" should be obvious to you.

Ingot54, you really are a pompous ass, aren't you? Getting a BSc is not the most difficult thing in the world to do. Even I managed it with only a moderate degree of work. Even managed a Dip Comp Sci as well.
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Re: The REAL global warming - other facts

Surely you can do better than faceless "experts".

There's plenty wrong with all of the above (besides being utterly out of step with the vast majority of climate researches).

How about this for starters:

"the cause of CO2 changes remains speculative"

Is he not aware of this:

"Global CO2 emissions are derived from international energy statistics, tabulating coal, brown coal, peat, and crude oil production by nation and year. This means we can calculate how much CO2 we're emitting not only in recent years, using United Nations data, but also estimate fossil fuel CO2 emissions back to 1751 using historical energy statistics. What we've found is fossil fuel and cement emissions have continued to increase, climbing to the rate of 29 Gigatonnes of CO2 per year in 2008."

"Further confirmation that rising CO2 levels are due to human activity come by analysing the types of CO2 found in the air. The carbon atom has several different isotopes (ie - different number of neutrons). Carbon 12 has 6 neutrons, carbon 13 has 7 neutrons. Plants have a lower C13/C12 ratio than in the atmosphere. If rising atmospheric CO2 comes fossil fuels, the C13/C12 should be falling. Indeed this is what is occuring (Ghosh 2003) and the trend correlates with the trend in global emissions."

These are illustrated in the following charts

1. : Total Global Carbon Emission Estimates, 1750 to 2006

2. Annual global CO2 emissions from fossil fuel burning and cement manufacture in GtC yr–1 (black), annual averages of the 13C/12C ratio measured in atmospheric CO2 at Mauna Loa from 1981 to 2002 (red).

And I do apologize for quoting a secondary source. But at least it is a source not a faceless email. And the primary sources are referenced therein.

DCraig - I was correct - you are a mule, AND a tool! You have just insulted the opinion of a respected scientist/climatologist.

For starters, I stand by my protection of him - who was good enough to email me a reply. I won't bend to your stupid demands. My argument does not stand nor fall on your opinion, but on my own credibility and honesty. I will not betray anyone.

I will, however, forward the email in its entirety to the moderator of T2W if you accept that moderator as a referee.

In that case I expect an apology and for you to retract your insulting demand that I weaken my personal integrity, and drag a professional person into this now very grubby debate. I find your personal character somewhat lacking, and apart from forwarding the original email to a referee, I will not participate in any further exchanges with you. You are a pseudo-intellectual, and a very dangerous person to be carrying the torch for the Stable Climate Deniers. A very loose cannon indeed.

btw - CO2 is the VERY LEAST of the GG's. Is this news to you? You are so obsessed with CO2, that you must hold your breath occasionally to reduce your own emissions, no?

When the science comes down on that fact, which it increasingly is, and is grossly accepted now, on what will your argument stand? I am aware of the isotopes of carbon - did I mention I was an Organic Chemist earlier in life? I find that argument simplistic in the extreme - year 12 stuff!

The actual INCREASE in CO2 production due to the influence of human beings is miniscule in the scheme of things. We are talking a few ppm, which happens to pan out at 2% to 4%. That is about the cyclical fluctuation due to natural influences anyway. Yet in terms of mass, it seems to us who are unused to dealing in the numbers, to be almost overwhelming.

Why don't you, for comparison, equate the tonnage of CO2 with say, the tonnage of N2 in the atmosphere ... then it would be seen for the scam that it is. And while you are at it, how about publishing how CO2 levels are balanced through the use of natural sinks like photosynthesis, oceanic absorption, and the natural ecosystem of the carbon Cycle?

And for once in your posting, try to be balanced and honest/unbiased in presenting some truth - even if to do so were to cost you a few Brownie Points in your position on AGW.

The scientific community are more concerned about discovering the influence of this on climate, if any. That's what this whole issue is about.

Unfortunately zealots like yourself have hijacked the discussion hysterically, and with the help of shareholders in green projects, like Al Gore, as well as opportunistic politicians and economists, have converted hundreds of thousands of proselytes, who have very little scientific background nor understanding, to this same hysteria. Try to chill out, Ms or Mr DCraig. I leave you to your position.

Triste, et drole, n'est ce pas?
Re: The REAL global warming - other facts

DCraig - I was correct - you are a mule, AND a tool! You have just insulted the opinion of a respected scientist/climatologist.

For starters, I stand by my protection of him - who was good enough to email me a reply. I won't bend to your stupid demands. My argument does not stand nor fall on your opinion, but on my own credibility and honesty. I will not betray anyone.

Tantrums. How wonderfully heroic of you to defend a faceless expert.

I didn't demand anything at all. Not one single thing. I did contest his assertion that "the cause of CO2 changes remains speculative" which is clearly not the case.

You are full of it. You attempt to personalize the debate at every opportunity.
Even if India and China DOUBLE their emissions, they will still be LOWER than emissions released by US and West for last 50 years....!!

This is just a ploy to RESTRAIN the growth of Chinese and Indians as they will dominate and control the Global Economy in next few decades..!

China is scheduled to be Second larget and India will be at number 4, higher than UK at no 8 in next 10 years...!

and if/when that inevitable scenario happens can you imagine the devestating effect on our way of life in the supposed developed Western world? The simple move down to a 'global' equilibrium wage would require the developing nations average wage growing by 100%, 50 quid a week to 100 and ours dropping by 400%...😱