Global Warming: The Smoking Gun Email

Also, you have no proof.
So, we've now established that your standard of proof is, well, exactly nothing.
Have a nice life.

I don't believe you don't own a gun, but I have no proof. 😆

And, as you close the door behind you as you leave the thread, would you mind sharing what YOUR standard of proof is?

I'll bet London to a brick that it would include the Internet.
In fact I would bet, that as an American, you would believe ANYTHING you see on the TV or that you read on the Internet, as being true, because the Internet said so.

I did a (you guessed it) Internet search, and I'll let you guess(again) whether "stupid" was one of the search terms.

Unsurprisingly, the next gen of the superior people identified Australia on the map, as their arch enemy, North Korea!

What's in the water over there?
