The Great Global Warming Swindle

The headline is crap, and The Register should be ashamed for publishing this stuff. (Perhaps the BOFH has been let loose). In fact the headline is 100% untrue.

For anybody interested in more than soundbites here is the lowdown on the papers by Monckton who is the one doing all the whinging about his terrible treatment by the APS:


Indeed. And if the Wikipedia entry on Monckton is to believed, he has admitted lying in public in order to gain publicity for his other ventures, which diminishes his credibility somewhat. Christopher Monckton, 3rd Viscount Monckton of Brenchley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It seems that the literature supporting the anthropogenic climate change hypothesis generally comes from peer-reviewed scientific journals, i.e. "proper science", yet the literature opposing it generally comes from unqualified sources (a.k.a. nut-job Web sites and conspiriloon blogs). I wonder if denial of climate science correlates with religious belief?